Who's the draw?
Who's the draw?
Big Dimes Danny
Frank and Mac
POWER GAP 10000000
Anyone who says anything other than Big Dimes Devito is a fucking liar.
Reddi: The Show
Big time trash man
it's been 10 fucking years since this show was good
>le yelling and screaming = comedy show
Charlie and Frank and it’s not even close
The 5 star man himself, Dennis Reynolds of course.
Danny and Charlie
all of them desu
5 star only to Meltz.
He was exposed in Group Dates as a fraud
season 7 came out in 2011
Dennis drew the ratings. Last season showed that episodes without him performed poorly.
dennis is the glue that holds it all together. he's the flair
charlie, mac, and frank get the bigger laughs, but would fail on their own.
dee is almost replaceable
I only ever watched the Dennis episodes
Dr. Toboggan and his Magnum Dong.
Thank you based Golden God for drawing the house!
>people hating on a cripple bird
It's more of a tag-team thing in my opinion.
Dee & Dennis' shared scenes are the funniest and most intriguing in my opinion.
Danny was an early draw and added huge star power to the lineup. Mac had a good peak with his obese gimmick, and was the best at the time. Charlie has the most mainstream appeal and is probably the biggest draw, especially at the show's height.
However as the last season has shown, Dennis is an integral glue that holds the entire product together, and without it everyone else flounders. Thus, I would argue that Dennis is the absolute Michaels, but Danny and Charlie are consistent mainstream draws as well.