Ronda bailing

>Turns up for a year
>Buries nearly the entire female roster and the TV ratings, 400k regularly turn off when she's in the main event
>Puts over ONE wrestler, presumably Becky Lynch
>Fucks off after her Mania pay day


Reminder that
>She was never full time
>She took an unceremonious month off from Raw before Summerslam
>She has only worked 20-25 house shows in the last year
>She was complaining the schedule is too much for her
>She's getting paid more than all the other women put together
>She moved the needle in the wrong direction
>The fans turned on her as soon as they got a shiny new toy in Becky, she was never over to begin with

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Ugly looking tranny should fuck off.

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I do not care about ratings or attendance, that means shit to me. I am a viewer.
So Ronda has been success for me.
Her matches are fun. She made the whole division into soemthing interesting to watch.
Also the best main roster match of 2018 was her against Charlotte at SS. Only Daniel Bryan vs. Brock on the same show was on that level, rest of the year was shit.

Based user not watching for the ratings


Try to get clicks over at reddit, lad.

Fuck this bitch. Never drew a dime, hated and ugly.

Doesn't matter now. With based Prichard in charge, the divas will be back on the preshow after Mania.

Just more idiots listening to Meltzer and thinking he's right
2017 December: Ronda yeah uh she's just working WM only, it's a one off match with uh yeah Rock I think

Jan 2018: She's entering at number 1 in the RR and winning it
Day of the RR: The plan's changed and right now she's uh, she's number 30 and winning it that's why RR is on last (when the women's RR started and no Rondetty showed)

Then it was: she's uh, there's a change see there was her meant to win and go onto WM to challenge for the title but plans changed and it's back to the tag match with Rock
No it's not Kurt but they have that uh Olympics ya know? in common so that's why they're working together

No Rock yeah uh that was the plan but um I think C-cena?

No like I said the original plan changed but I was right in that she's teaming with Kurt

And then every fucking month after when she's wrestling on a PPV: she uh you know she wants a family because she's female yknow and like uh they want babies so the plan is she drops the title

repeat the above for the past 9 months

This is literally criminal... 0:20
If she's gonna leave not answering that, it makes Ronda look like a total punk.

>Her matches are fun. She made the whole division into soemthing interesting to watch.
Imagine thinking this

Ronda's matches are boring garbage

Ronda was a pleasant surprise to me, at least wrestling wise. She can hold her own really well in the ring, at least when wrestling someone that is not complete shit.

I still have issue with her promos though, but that's definitely something that can be worked on. I wouldn't mind her sticking around for a little while longer. There's still some interesting stories left to be told.

Women can now main event Wrestlemania because of Ronda. She's already done more for the division than anyone else ever has and ever will. If she wants to take a break, that's fine.

the ABSOFUCKINGLUTE state of marks

>The fans turned on her as soon as they got a shiny new toy in Becky, she was never over to begin with

Attached: Bexcels.jpg (720x960, 67K)

>needs to rehearse matches fully
>gets beat up for 80% of the match
>spams judo throws
>has maybe 5 other moves
>s-s-she can hold her own really well
no she can't she got exposed in the match vs Mickie James that night after Survivor Series.

The STATE of E-Drones

Did anyone expect anything less? She is literally a mark.

Ronda Rousey is not a professional wrestler. She was a professional wrestling fan. You can't make an athletic fan into a worker. You can use them in limited, one-off roles. Consider
>Dennis Rodman, Karl Malone, and Jay Leno in WCW
>Raw guest hosts like Hugh Jackman
>Lawrence Taylor vs Bam Bam
All of these worked because it was a short-run, one-off type deal.

Consider when it didn't work
>trying to make Wayne Munn the world champion (spoiler: Zbyzsko shot on him, and the Stetcher Brothers ran off with the original world championship from the gold dust trio)
>Bill Goldberg's rocket on his ass in WCW, which led to screwjob booking in WCW a lackluster run in WWE, and the clusterfuck that was his match against Brock at WMXX
>arguably, Brock Lesnar's first run, as he didn't want to job to Goldberg on his last appearance at WMXX

Ronda is not a worker, she's a fan who WWE was working by saying, "Hey, we know UFC booked you to be their top face by setting you up against jobgirls, then they exposed you by giving you legit competition and you couldn't hang. So how about you come to WWE, we let you beat everyone, inflate your ego, and then you will never have to do business and put someone else over?"

Never let a mark stick around in your company. Make your money, then get rid of them before they become cancer. Also, maybe just stop letting in marks to your product all together, because this generation of workers are all half-marks to begin with.

Go in to detail bud. What was so entertaining about Ronda's...well I was going to call it a run but really it was more of a light jog with not a single believable match made for her.

It's funny how when popular MMA fighters turn to pro-wrestling they either don't draw at all or become anti-draws yet when popular pro-wrestlers turn to MMA they become huge draws.

You can use mental gymnastics all you want but the truth of the situation is: Ronda made people care about women's MMA
If she didn't do that, WWE wouldn't be interested in her. Because she's an outside star who's the biggest draw in the company, this means that she's responsible for carrying the entire company on her shoulders.

Which she'll prove again at WM. It doesn't matter if charlie or beck is in the match or both of them. Because Ronda is actually willing to do something 99% of wrestlers refuse to do: rehearse and plan matches, she's able to pull of matches that are easily the best of the PPV/RAW.

Like it or not, she's the key player in WWE now because she's the best.


Rondetty Lousy ripped of WWE carnies for millions while failing to be a draw there. Theylost a lotta dimes investing in her. I think it's great that she was failed experiment there.

Attached: rubber rousey.jpg (946x640, 65K)

Nice projection cuck, but this is PWI not WO ya mark.

She was said to have signed a "multi year deal". I guess that multi year deal includes the contract she signed in late 2017 kek.

HHH/Steph did not get that Ronda was a fluke in MMA. Ronda was the first of her kind and comparatively better-looking than most female MMA fighters. Now that UFC has much better women fighters, nobody cares. Women in general do not draw in athletics and nobody cares if a wrestler has a "legit" athletic background if they are not entertaining.

HHH/Steph are apparently looking at Serena Williams now though.


Wish Haitch and Stef would play with the toys they have 2bh. It would be worthwhile in the long run to build new stars instead of throwing 10m+ at new signings.

Yep, everyone, including herself and HHH/Steph confirmed it

But Meltzer is still "she's leaving ASAP" so people listen to that scumbag sexist

>Her matches are fun.
*wins by armbar for the 30th consecutive match in your path*

Those are multiple years. She was training by October 2017 remember.

What did steve mean by this?

Attached: steve.png (701x221, 39K)

You can have a multi-year deal and leave or take time off. Plus wouldn't surprise me if Ronda had her agent/lawyer work several kinds of outs.
No one has actually seen the contract so it could have been a 1 year full deal and then the additional year(s) are Lesnar-like where she works
>Yep, everyone, including herself and HHH/Steph confirmed it
This doesn't really mean anything. She could have a 1 year deal and they decided it would be best for her to say it's a multi-year deal. It was also basically contradicted by Flair saying it was a 1 year deal, you can say "he doesn't know shit" but Haitch or Charles could have given him that info. Then not even a couple of weeks after Ronda said in some interview she had a timeline for wrestling and wanting to start her family but she was enjoying it and was thinking about extending it. Why if she committed already to multi-years was she talking about extending it not even 6 months in?

>Women can now main event Wrestlemania because of Ronda

No, women can main event Mania now because buyrates are irrelevant due to the Network and people are less likely to cancel a $10 a month subscription service than not buy a $60 show if it has a shitty main event.

Vince can put whatever he wants on last, because it won't affect business either way whereas it previously would have when they needed to actively sell PPVs. They get guaranteed money from the Network, and people will show up regardless because the WM name is the draw, not individual stars.

More and more fans are leaving before the ME in a lot of shows unless women are on last.
Ronda is the cause of women being so popular

Based Ronda working WWE

Based mark working Yea Forumsies into a fury

The only women they don't leave events for are Charlotte and Asuka.

You do a good Meltzer parody.

Meltzer said basically none of that. You're mixing up like 5 different sources there and attributing them to Meltzer.

Keep in mind, Vince also changes his mind about 10 times a day, so it's conceivable that Meltzer was getting a tip or two from a few ideas he had.

And obviously, they could've wanted The Rock and had to shift things over to Angle when they couldn't get him.

I'm not saying Meltzer is all-knowing or anything, just that Vince isn't either and unreliability in WWE news goes all the way to the top. Even WWE employees don't know what's going to happen on any given day.

Thanks, it comes from listening to his radio show for free

Which one?
If you bothered to pay attention to his radio show you'd see I'm right.

Except for being slightly overboard with "for the past 9 months", he took a break two months before Evolution and kept saying she'll keep it to Evolution, drop it then leave

kek. imagine shilling for the women so hard that you completely make shit up.

Source every statement.

Most people knew the Rock wasn't going.
Vince WANTED the Rock. Wanted. But had Kurt as a backup ever since she admitted to training with him back in November.

Meltzer kept saying that the plan is right now Rock/Ronda for WM.

It was only when someone mentioned the lack of Cena definitely having a match he switched to saying "it's a name they're thinking of teaming her with".

I do believe a lot of it is down to Vince being Vince but listen to the idiot's show - he actually says things and believes them as though he's there.

He's done the "I know what vince said behind closed doors multiple times" thing.

Not to mention the whole "Brock did threaten Vince after the PPV" garbage after a few other sites claimed it and it turned out that... it wasn't real at all.

He just acts like a politician does, say things like he believes them and uses others to do the work and hope they're right

WOR from November 2017 to January 2019

You have fucking terrible taste

they've made asuka work the house main events and SD dark main event for like the past half year, she's been against becky, charlotte, becky&charlotte, even sonya maybe others
she's one of the only people who keeps the crowds
nobody cares about ronda who isn't even there

>HHH/Steph are apparently looking at Serena Williams now
That would be the straw that broke the camels back for me. WWE had a pretty, athletic, female talent with drawing power and main stream crossover appeal. But the brass seem content with cooling her off when she gets too hot.