Why does Vince have such a hard-on for this dude? Am I missing something?
Why does Vince have such a hard-on for this dude? Am I missing something?
It probably goes back to how he conducted himself backstage when he first came up
He doesn’t but he’s running out of options.
he reminds vince of a younger mick foley and he loves mick foley
The whole McMahon-Owens thing is just a way to get Kofi more over lads. It's called a work.
he liked him more before he decided to get his impulsivity and bad decision making advertised permanently on his skin.
Vince knows that he doesn't have any fucking star material in the new guys alongside The Shield, Strowman, AJ Styles and maybe Bálor. AJ is the only one of them in SmackDown! and he has been champion and contender for the belt during 2 years. Owens in some way is the next on the list because he has good in ring performance and make good promos, but is not more than a decent uppercard. Vince knows that but well, less is nothing and the guy will be loyal during at least 5 more years
I'm enjoying this anti tattoo poster. It's a strange gimmick but refreshing
He's a Jew
He likes that he can talk. He probably also reminds him of all the big guys from the 80s he used to collect.
Owens is a fat midget though.
Yet he's still more successful than you in every way.
So.... why arent you there?
hes up to brauns shoulders, fat maybe but hes not a midget
Good question. Vince gimme the ding-dong diddly greenlight cus I'm ding-dong diddly ready to ding-dong diddly go
Imagine typing all this out.
I don't know or care, but Vince's suit is pretty good here. Back in the day all his suits were comically oversized.
based and dong pilled, ourguy
In fairness that was in fashion at some point. Definitely in the 90's. I recently found an old suit of mine that I got in the late 90's in the attic. I was literally swimming in it.
Braun is 5'10, Corbin and McIntyre are taller than him
who is the tallest wrestler on the roster
My dick
5'10? Bullshit
no shit genius
me might make an interesting heel
Get some sleep Paul.
How much meth did you smoke to make that post?
He doesn't. Otherwise Owens would be fighting Bryan at Mania by himself
Vince loves a 5 foot dork that he can toss around even in his old age
Didn't Owens try to kill Vince the last time they were in the same arena?
>fat maybe
all this cope
Braun, Rowan and Corbin are both 2.03m
In NXT there's Dan Matha 2.04 and Babatunde 2.06
HOWEVER, there's also this one PC signee.......
Jordan Omogbehin pic related.
kek look at this willing slave
Yeah but that happened over 3 months ago, pal!
Yeah, everyone's clothes were baggy then, but Vince really took it to extremes.
Why does every return and debut have to be announced personally by a McMahon these days? Kills the wrestler's momentum right off the bat.
Probably because he's not a mark
Nobody will ever pay a dime to see a nigger though
Thanks Captain Obvious
Thanks for the NXT scoops JJ "Child Observer" Williams
imagine being a ding-dong diddly slapdick simp OH WAIT ya don't have to (because ya are one hehe)
KO is the one of the only entertaining things they've had in years.
Yea Forums users are decidedly against tattoos because of they're autistic and think they're some big deal
In fairness, Kaitlyn's tattoos did ruin her
JYD was dimes though
I think it was more that Vince himself was comically oversized. The dude was/is fucking jacked
Vince never liked Foley.
Defensive simp
Because Vince is carny as fuck and Kevin Owens is a major kiss ass
Vince considers Kevin Owens as part of the family. Because Kevin named his son Owen, after Owen Hart to "honor him" when he never even fucking knew him.
So basically naming his first son after a Vince McMahon creation put him right in the good graces.
>willing to take big bumps
>decent on the mic
owens is foley 2.0, he'll never get pushed as a legitimate star but he'll have a decent career being fed to main eventers and upper mid carders because he can can make anyone look good
This. Also Vince is a old ass that values consistency and reliability. Owens will never be the top guy in his eyes but he's reliable and has a good attitude. Owens made the decision to have knees surgery ahead of time instead of working while hurt and eventually broke down, so he wouldn't fuck up their booking plan ahead of Mania. This is vince way of rewarding that loyalty (putting company first)
>great physic
>unique aura/charisma
>fantastic worker (when he feels like it)
>great promo (when he feels like it)
>legitimate athlete in both collegiate wrestling and ufc
Even thkugh his appeal is obvious I seriously doubt he is worth what he is paid. Most of what is left of the audience is paying to watch WWE, not a specific wrestler