Did Vampiro draw DIMES?

Did Vampiro draw DIMES?

Attached: vampiro0001.jpg (1031x1344, 463K)

Who cares. Konnan was a bigger draw in the 90s.

ruby riott looks great

Only pesos. Not the same.


Actually yeah.

This but he drew quite a lot of pesos. Then he got old.

I thought Vampiro was a wrestler, was he really actually a gay adult film star?

Yes, you have no clue how over he was. Girls went crazy for him, most spanish gossip magazines had posters of him also celebrities wanted to be seen with him. Was he a good wrestler? Nope but he had the it factor.

Beat me to it.

Attached: ruby.jpg (225x225, 12K)

He worked for Millie Vanilli. They had him fuck all their gay male fans while they fucked all the white females


Vampiro is weird as a draw. He was undoubtedly a big deal and a big draw - one of the biggest draws of the 90s - but he got popular because he became a sex symbol and because he dated a lot of day time TV and Mexican movie actresses. Whereas Konnan was huge because of he was the AAA badass, Vampiro was the CMLL hearthrob

Attached: c38458976bd45a580d7dd5438900550c--wrestling.jpg (236x188, 10K)

Attached: Vintage-1993-CMLL-Vampiro-Canadiense-Wrestling-Buddy-In.jpg (300x400, 39K)

legit thought that was 2019 jericho

He did draw pesos, but he got worked and butthurt for life by Konnan m stealing a role from him in a soap opera(in reality Vampiro couldn't speak Spanish, so the director went for Konnan instead).

i wanted to make that joke

vampiro speaks spanish now, cant imagine living down there but he does it lol

Mother fucker that was mine

Only when they played his music

But two posts above said he's gay.

infinite pussy dimes