Who are you gonna pick?

Who are you gonna pick?

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Sobble Reigns for me.

you honestly got a chuckle outta me OP

good job

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>>Mutha fuckah
>>Made me laugh and lose

Kek based
Grookey is the obvious Michaels as he will almost certainly have the coolest looking evolution, which is the only metric that matters in Pokémon, not IV stats or that shit lol

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The models look so awful. Like fan art that actually puts time into putting some texture on their fur and scales actually greatly improve their look. But they feel like concept art when they're the main draw of the game.

The Chimp is clearly Ambrose right?
The Bunny is Reigns
The insecure lizard is Seth?!

Seth is Bunny Lizard is Roman

Gonna have to wait for their evolutions to be revealed, but right now it's definitely Sobble.

Based watermelon head Ambrose


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they look almost the same, what the fuck is Game Freak doing?

Based Big Chameleon Reigns

are you faggots making up random names or are you actual autists that play pokie mans

>Based Underdog storyline
Who the fuck even wants a shitty fire bunny. Grookey chads rise up

>le pretend to be retarded meme


Scorbunny tag is just people shitting on yet another fire/fighting starter.


the chimp is a fucking dumb Anime nerd jobber cosplaying as Cell.

Bunny is furbait.


>trending in japan
about the same as trending in afghanistan
the games sell more in the us alone than in all asian countries combined

>tfw 27
>tfw unironically was going to kill myself
>tfw bought ultramoon last week because I'm gonna die
>tfw haven't even played it yet