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She's right

Next time I'm on a date with her I'll order it well done and then I'll still smash and post pics for asp bros

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I don't really like steak that much. tho i eat a fuck ton of Crumbed steak

I'm not autistic about how people like their food so I don't care

She's actually 100% right. If someone orders a steak well done, they are subhuman

Well done is okay if you put ketchup on it

>She's actually 100% right. If someone orders a steak well done, they are subhuman
It's true but why do you care?

I hate these kinda people so much. Why the fuck do people care so much how someone enjoys food? I like my steak medium but I don't freak out if someone wants it well done. They are the one eating it not me fuck this shit makes me reeeeeeeeeee

I'm so poor I don't even know the difference haha

I would eat her well done pussy.

who gives a shit you dumb bitch

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>orders steak well done with ketchup
FUCKING DROPPED, I'd still eat my free meal before calling Chad later that night though.

Ya seething so hard you replied to the wrong dude KEK

"stop liking what I don't like" people are my least favorite type of people

Based and steakpilled


Medium or medium rare?

Based chad
Based Peyton
normies are faggots mate

one spot of pink and that shit is going back to the kitchen


Medium master race

It's not a cheeseburger you low class faggot

Get a cheeseburger then ya fuckin simp.

Medium rare is master race

If I want my steak well done and that's an issue then you're a fucking cunt mate.
I will have it cremated just to fucking spite you even if I hate it.

this but unironically. except even whenI was wealthy and eating steak 4+ times a week I couldn't tell the difference.

Implying I'd pay for a roasties meal

Rare or med rare anything else you are a kike who hates flavor

she's right, medium rare or nothing

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>steak shaming in the current year
I really hope WWE drops her

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That slut is right. Real men eat steak raw.


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Cringe. Ordering your steak well done is what cuckservitives do

Nothing sets off the fIavor of a steak like some ketchup.

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>democracy dies in darkness
>DRUMPF ate steak with ketchup reeeeeeeeeeee
We are fucked as a civilization.


No we good

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Stupid thot expects to be taken to steak dinners every night.

Smart, she knows only black men order their steak well done

I'll give you a break on overcooking a steak if you're older than 60. Any younger than that I'm gonna goof on you for not getting medium rare.

Unironically based. I just had Texas Roadhouse’s Wild West Wednesday deal with some friends, and one guy got his steak well done and was eating it with sauce. Needless to say, I do not associate with that person anymore

People that eat meat but are scared of blood are complete brainlets

>president of america
>only gets a 54 dollar steak

>cooking your meat
Whole lot of estrogen on this board.

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I guess she likes her meat a little bloody.

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>that shit is going back to the kitchen

And you're going back into the closet where you belong.

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Based Polish user.
Not that adventurous though, would need a lot of vodka to get that down.


>being so poor you can't afford to cook your food

3rd generation Polish-American, but thank you for your exceptional insight.

It's a European dish you dumb cunt

>eating any red meat

That's gonna get a YIKES from me. I'm a fishchad

Are you a Canadian who has been reduced to illegal fish poaching due to rising food prices?

Steak is fuckin gross. I ain't eating pieces of fat.

I know American wrestling fans are poor and stupid but are you so poor that you buy your steaks at the Dollar Tree or something?

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She would turn you down in your dreams.

>eating steak
its not even enough im always still hungry unless I order alot of potatoes or macaroni & cheese on the side and they better have breadsticks


Try not being 500lbs

why would want to be around or date a subhuman? Imagine what other stupid decisions they make.

The only issue is anyone wanting to date you, or trust any opinion you have since you've proven what a fucking fool you are and now you're also proving what a homo drama queen you are by blowing it out of proportion because you think how you like your food is a massive issue when it's actually no one wanting to be around idiots. We don't care if you're a clueless fucking idiot that doesn't know how good tasting meat is prepared. We just want to you segregated, quarantined, and neutered.

>even mcmahon likes his steak wraps with ketchup
What is with Billionaires and shit tastes in food

Its almost as if faggots like you say things to try and feel superior to others but you just look like a mong

Based Carlos poster.

It's almost as if the classiest restaurant you've ever been to was Olive Garden and you ordered chicken tendies and fries anyway

>brainlet proceeds to prove me right while pretending to be a dead girl

This. I only have well done. Can someone tell me why eating raw meat is the Chad move?

Faggots who eat ramen noodles and meal replacement drinks should be gassed alive

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>dead girl
Imagine being this autistic, want a timestamp? Well ya ain't getting one ya simp. Go eat some more McDonalds and cheetohs virgin.

The classiest shit weigh-ton has ever eaten was an angus meal she got with her usual 50 cheeseburger maccas run with some lebo cunts in a fully sick vn commo blasting some hardstylez.

Would you rather have a dry as shit and tough piece of meat, or a tender and juicy piece of meat? Because that's the biggest difference.

I'm not voting for him again

Projecting hard there m8

I don't care
>letting mentally ill trannys live in your head rent free

K, enjoy your cancer from eating cardboard and synthetic juice.

What are you even trying to accomplish with this shitpost you seething retard?

Not American mate.

>drinking out of paper containers can give you cancer

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Based Kayla working tastelets into a seethe

Well done is just as good if the cook is not a retard.

If someone can't even think rationally enough to not order a piece of leather, then how could you build a life with them?

I go out of my way to order my steak chared and drown it in ketchup just to fuck with people.

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You sound like a faggot