ITT: Wrestlers so bad they're good

ITT: Wrestlers so bad they're good.

I think if a gun was put to my head I would pick Honma. He has a look. The yellow contrasted with the magenta tells you that he is wrestling royalty and to drive it further home his blond hair and orange skin visually signal to you that he is keeping Hulkamania alive. Just like Hulk Hogan he is quite skilled at making his partners and opponents look good. Next time he's on the card actually watch the match and study him. His stiff, wooden movements, his half point of articulation in every joint, his powder-puff strikes, his off-timing - everyone stands to benefit when in the ring with Honma because they will end up looking fast, strong, tough, and sharp no matter who they are.

I think the choice is clear: Honma is my guy.

Attached: Tomoaki_Honma_2015.jpg (220x264, 20K)

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Actually consume the bleach under your cabinets retard

You must have had high hopes thinking you would redpoll everyone on Honma. Try again tomorrow with Ishii, troll.

Have you watched him pre-2018?

>No one actually refutes a single point made in the OP

Dumb nu japanlet.

Is that the Ultimate Rorwior.

You didn’t actually have any points. You just threw out a bunch of random insults that are not based on reality. You may as well have just said that Santa hates him so he sucks as a wrestler.

>absolute nonresponse

I didn’t make this thread and desu I’ve never seen honma wrestle, although I use him as a jobber who can maybe sometimes win a match on my 2k19 fantasy book

For me, it's Alicia.

Attached: 141_SD_07192016cm_1389--a49bedbe853f4cd7c1e0a6c4a9f16b67.jpg (1200x1200, 151K)


OP here. Got any links or recommendations? Genuinely willing to have my mind changed.

Ishii is based though.

Thank you. Will watch later today.

Alright I watched them so now I am curious about what happened? He works much better in those matches than he does now. I take it something happened as indicated by .

He broke his fucking neck

I want to do things to Alicia that haven't even been invented yet.

This guy.

Attached: ezgif-2-1c9dcda6b7b6.jpg (409x416, 45K)

Jay-dough killed him. It's a miracle he can move at all.