Joker Sting

I've never watched TNA but I came across this video and Sting's Joker gimmick was pretty based, the promo in Hogan's office was great
What are everyone's thoughts on this and are there any other cool TNA arcs I should try watching?

Attached: sting-in-red-suit.jpg (443x290, 16K)

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This and the Broken Matt stuff

Also Main Event Mafia purely for Scott Steiner and Angle still being a great wrestler

Honestly anything to do with Angle when he got there is kino

I forgot all about Joker Sting.
Sting going crazy was great stuff.
The good days of TNA

If what you meant to say was cool, why couldn't you just say that both times instead of based and then cool? Sheep.

Joker Sting was awesome. Great times when TNA was drawing close to 2 million viewers and in some cases were drawing 2 million


Go back

Main Event Mafia was FANTASTIC at the start. Seeds were planted beforehand but officially started October 2008. Was great till about May 2009 then kind of fell of. Disappointing ending.

Nash vs. Samoa Joe 11 month (Dec 2007 - Nov 2008) build was also amazing. Started with Joe shoot promo on Hall where Nash bicthed slapped him backstage. Then Nash became his mentor, getting his bigger money contracts etc. and manipulating Joe to think he needed Nash so Nash could stay on top. Great stuff.

Attached: mafia.jpg (400x276, 40K)

don't make me get the bat

Attached: 1519883307209.gif (481x309, 2.94M)