Last thread reached the bump limit . Stardom finally updated their website and already uploaded two Oedo Tai matches, but as expected the backlog is pretty weak. The matches uploaded are Hazuki vs Iida which was a short but fun match, I see a good bit of potential in Iida. The other match is the 5 on 5 elimination match between Oedo Tai and STARS (which is sadly Jamie's last match on this tour). This match is currently the most viewed and favorited on the site. Coming up on Sunday we have Hana gaining new gaijins, and Kagetsu, Sumire, and Hazuki challenging for the artists of stardom belts. As always, keep the discussion related to Oedo Tai.
/Oedo/ Tai General
Other urls found in this thread:
Sumire is so hot
sharing this from the based user from the last thread, Sumire's new photoshoot
reminder to pay him $40 CAD
Far as I know none of them are new (?), feels like she's posted them before but with watermarks prior.
I miss them in the group too, but putting a majority of Stardom's top draws in the same group is a bad business plan. So, it makes sense to keep Hana, Tamu, and Kagetsu separated. In kayfabe, Hana hates the direction Kagetsu led Oedo Tai to and where she's going with them now, so her coming back doesn't seem likely. I hope at the draft that Hana gets to pick for her own team instead of getting stuck some group, but I could definitely see them putting her in Queen's Quest since they need a boost the most by far. As for Tamu, Kagetsu has consistently said her biggest regret is losing her, so it's possible that we draft her back, but I also don't see it happening. I think she'll stay in STARS, but I kinda hope she goes to JAN.
new to us at least
why did you take so long to make the new stardom thread OP?
JAN is for 4'8 golems, Tam is not that
I didn't make the current one, I wasn't on when it died. I've been busier than a dyke in a hardware shop lately, so I've only kept tabs on this general a once or twice a day. Sorry about that. Sorry that it led to the fag spamming the last thread too, not sure why he didn't just make a new /stardom/ instead.
The Ruaka is shoot 7 feet tall
I'm gonna miss Jamie
oh word, I hope life gets less hectic soon.
alright I'll post some webms from the Oedo Tai elimination main event that was posted today.
I miss them
Took 5 of them to contain An-sama!
This shit is lame, dude.
it's weird that we never see pics of her and mom together despite selling boar meat outside of the shows
maybe she's in a phase where mom is uncool
I figured I'd share the stuff from the last one first so they're all here
Hana is very calculated with what she decides to post. Remember a couple years ago when Kris, Tam, and Kagetsu were the only people she'd ever be seen taking a picture with. It's also possible that she wants to separate from momma to make her own name for herself.
thanks for sharing, Kyoko!
why didn't Daichi join?
I'm loving the tombstones from Miyagi, she's been awesome so far.
got distracted by Jamie's thighs as I find myself doing quite often
the absolute state of idol wrestling
I don't read moon runes, but I think Kagets just tweeted that Oedo Tai is running a workshop today. I wonder if /ourkid/ is there.
seek help, my friend. I'm happy that they are leading the workshop, Kagetsu is the best trainer they could ask for.
I don't even know who any of these bitches are. But jap women's wrestling is cringe.
oh alright, take care
Sumire's March schedule
I don't get this new site at all.
forty first for are brandi
Hazuki and Arisa beat the living shit out of each other and I've noticed that Hazuki has become much stiffer. I like it and i look forward to their future high speed match.
if you ever watched Stardom you'd know Brandi Rhodes is not in Oedo Tai as she wasn't drafted by them. I guess this is the only way you can get someone to pay attention to you.
Hashootki has been extra stiff as of late, I love every bit of it
Shut the fuck up faggot
based truthposter working ya into a ding-dong diddly shoot, jabroni
Jamie Hayter is not in Oedo Tai because she was never drafted by them
she need's to work on her ass
Neither was Andras
there is no foundations to build on
No, she joined the group on the first show this year. Kagetsu made it official after the match.
She was brought in by Kagetsu recently as well and was revealed as the newest member of Oedo Tai. Do you need a history lesson on every member? It'd be easier if you just watched some stardom for once.
retard probably thinks Kelly Klein is in Oedo Tai because he saw on cagematch that she tagged with some members last year.
seethe more false fans
Brandi was introduced into Oedo Tai by Kagetsu and Hana, handpicked. She is / was an official member of the Oedo Tai, whether you like it or not.
You know who aren't members? Yurie and Hana, so stop posting them here.
Exposed. Now he'll claim this was all an elaborate false flag.
and if you watched Stardom you'd know she had a couple matches with them during one week then left. Congrats on wasting 40 minutes digging through tweets to prove yourself wrong, loser.
yes, it took me 40 minutes to find the first result from searching "brandi rhodes oedo tai" you raging mongoloid
oh alright, I'll let you have that so you don't lose everything tonight.
agua's theme song
Maybe it takes a slowpoke like you 40 minutes to find a tweet.
I just searched "ブランディ" under @wwr_stardom.
She was recognized as a member of the group the entire tour, regardless of how short it was.
Keep on exposing yourself as a fraudulent Oedo Tai fan who knows nothing about the group they post about 24/7.
I know you haven't watched all of Kagetsu's defenses, either.
anyway here's an actual member of the group
I'm not reading that book, faggot. I'm done discussing stardom with someone who doesn't watch stardom and only follows through twitter. I'd tell you to kill yourself, but I know you're too much of a coward to go through with it.
Name your top five Brandi bouts
don't engage him, he's just gonna read off another cagematch list
i wonder if we'll get more oedo vs stars matches for them to go at it and build the title match or hazuki/arisa asking for it straight away
>Coming from the person who's twice been exposed for citing shit from cagematch and missing the fine details
pedokun falsely accusing us of stuff is one of the bingo slots right?
who has been Oedo Tai the longest Kagestu or Sumire?
yeah lol
Kagetsu, she's been in the group the longest out of all of them
how many pictures of Bito's baby do you have saved fella?
Kagetsu is not in Oedo Tai as she wasn't drafted by them
^still boiling
none without Bito or other adult members of Stardom/Oedo Tai. I see I struck a nerve though, guilty looking post.
There's only two that I thought were good and Brandi's involvement in them had little to do with why I enjoyed them.
5/5 is a unique match because Brandi is injured so it effectively becomes a handicap match with Hana and Hazuki carrying the dead weight so to speak.
Oedo Tai (Brandi Rhodes, Hana Kimura, Hazuki, Kagetsu & Sumire Natsu) vs. Queen's Quest (AZM, Bea Priestley, Io Shirai, Konami & Momo Watanabe) (Stardom, 5/3/17)
STARS (Jungle Kyona, Natsuko Tora & Shiki Shibusawa) vs. Oedo Tai (Brandi Rhodes, Hana Kimura & Hazuki) (Stardom, 5/5/17)
I think it would be cool if Hazuki used her bicycle kick as a finisher. It always looks very impactful. Like from the Iida match, I could've definitely bought this ending the match.
would be based imo, it's a vicious looking move and it's a hell of a lot more believable than the jumping sit on opponent finisher.
She's only been using Bomb's Away as a signature move of late. La magistral is her main finisher.
I know and that may be worse, that's why I like the idea of the impact finisher. Adds more intensity to every match knowing she could reverse almost anything into that bicycle kick
She used a brainbuster against Azumi. Maybe she wants to use that as a new finisher? What happened to the SSP?
Rossy probably put an end to it, or she cut her losses and decided it's not worth
That's kinda what I was thinking too.
Brainbuster is also a based finisher.
Agua flexing his mastery of katakana
Soon he will be able to flirt with Mei like a pajeet
he also uses that weird chan thing they say, whats that all about?? He's gonna fuck so many joshis!
Daichi has got to be asexual to resist Nao during this spot
he is much stronger willed than I will ever be
Would Bito's kid be better off nursing from Hazuki instead of his mom? The delivery system is newer and has a larger storage capacity.
yeah and I could take over on Yoko's milkers so she doesn't get lonely
>her tuck is showing
Jesus Christ, Yea Forums was right. All female wrestlers have dicks.
not all, but some do
Hana looked great there. I guess my 'issue' with nu-Hana was never the dreads, it was the new colorful makeup/contacts combo with it.
you'll get used to it. Without the dreads and with the goofy leg warmers taped in place I have no problems with her look now.
I like her without the arm mesh and skirt. Why can't she do this every time?
Is it heel work?
I like the silver and black better as well, but I think she just likes the variety. Like how sometimes she wore the hoodie jumpsuit as opposed to the longer dress looking top with the mesh sections and the black pants (which were both great looks)
Avant-garde Hana separates the wheat from the chaff.
as does those who save full sized versions of images compared to those who don't
I lied, these little silver gloves bother me sometimes. She should take them off after the introductions.
Natsu is based af
>Tamu's favorite celebs are a comedy duo
my heart
damn Hana's is a comedian too, I know how to pick em
>Hazuki's sports history is schoolyard fighting
Hometown: Iwakura, Aichi
Eh? I swear she's been talking highly of Osaka in promos
She relocated to Osaka some time in 2017. She wasn't born there.
webm related
Who is that? They have negative ass
Time for another belt.
Sumire deserves it
The Paige inspirations are obvious since she had her hair styled like her and uses her finisher.
She looks very happy
how did you take a picture of my dream???
Kagetsu is a girly girl
I need Sumire on my softball team.
best joshi softball player by a long shot, is there anything she can't do???
no days off for the top group
Mandheling isn't a joshi
what if Yurie pulled out a bronco buster on Hana while the lights were out for someone's entrance
wow you really are here 24/7, what a sad life.
>what if
you just know it's happened
What does this look mean
god imagine her sitting on your face like that
You mean like this
new /stardom/
imagine the smell
would you?
stop shitting up the catalog with your literally who nip skanks
wrong thread
Like jasmine and berries.
without hesitation I would pat Nao on the head and ask of she's a good boy
this is the right answer, good work.
1-4 i play Yakuza
5-9 i watch more Stardom backlog
0 i have sex with Nao
which Yakuza would it have been?
foreshadowing for the draft?
0 because I never owned a Playstation
fun game, good choice
Kagetsu will draft her ex lover
post yfw you realize Kagetsu implemented the draft idea so she can draft new fuck buddies to travel with for a year
10/20 night show. Not skipping anything this time, as there's only 13 shows until I finish the year.
>H.A.N.A.N. vs. Moth
If Hanan ever turns heel, she has the cold killer expression for it. Kinda like Kyuri but not as soulless. Not much to say about the match.
>Kaori/Ruaka vs Kid/Natsumi
Ruaka is fit solidly into her role as a big huge bully and the people she faces make her offense look formidable. Match was sloppy (especially Natsumi/Ruaka bodyslam spot) but given their experience this is understandable.
>Konami/Tokyo Sports Puroresu Awards Rookie of the Year Utami Hayashishita vs Momo/Azumi
Slow start, but a good showing from Utami throughout - feels like the whole thing was put together for her sake. Everyone got their shit in including the obligatory spine kicks.
Hanan has boatloads of potential
>JAN vs Oedo
"I forgot to being a whistle" nice job retard. Once again JAN gets jannettied during their own entrance.. Kyona and Kagetsu are great adversaries, even in such a small venue that they had to empty seats in order to have a brawl. Have Natsuko and Hazuki ever had a singles match together?
>Bea/Chardonnay vs. ShiTam
Mostly watched this to see Tam kicks. Minor note, Chardonnay has a nice body.
>Party Pueblo vs Moyashi Madness
Even if Hana only has 5 moves she knows how to use them well. Being against sticcs and rookies keeps her looking tough and minimizes her weaknesses, though it was obvious the crowd still isn't into her. Saki had actual offense in this match but no chance against Mary who outweighs her fourfold.
holy fucking based
>"I forgot to being a whistle" nice job retard
I miss Kris
I like when Hana does this mix and match outfit
>mfw I broke him again
I've done my job, good night boys
*gets injured trying to practice in your path*
meanwhile based Sumire no shows every practice and hits dingers every at bat
the RN life has been rough on Yurie
always sad to see a good kid go down this path
Glad she's kept it to just one earring. I imagine people like SAKI or the UUG look absolutely gross with theirs removed
I vote for that webm as the next OP unless something bigger happens.
god I wish that were me
Natsuko and Hazuki haven't had a singles match, but Hazuki is the person she's had the second most matches with - first is Azumi.
How would you escape this pin?
I would not, I would have buried my tongue deep inside her.
I was hoping for an
with an appropriate reaction image, but that works too.
Based cameraman taking a bump.
>mfw Yurie finally reveals her pits
felt like the whole GP was put together for Utami's sake, not that I was complaining.
based Jamie
this has potential
>He's still samefagging and laughing at his own 'jokes'
because everyone is OP, right?
guilty looking post
that's how I want to die
We all do buddy, we all do.
Can't spell pin without P
left: soul
right: soulless
I'd sell my sould to sniff Hana
Bai Gawd!
Hana is so cute
This is a big ask but can you all contribute pics of every iteration of Oedo?
Jamie Hayter as a seal.
lol Martina is a ditz
>you and housewife Hana will never have a baby full grown Sumire
why even live?
A lack of lewd hazukis here
Sumire has taken a liking to her recent gaijin partners. Jamie and Moth jealousy angle when?
Jamie and Moth are going to team together in the UK
based Wolf
Wolfie does not look impressed.
based Jamie
Maybe it'll be the start of the angle of they were to pursue it?
sorry I just saw this, thanks man. I have a vacation coming up in a couple weeks so it's just gonna be a little crazy until then. Thanks in advanced to all of you for keeping both threads alive. I'm gonna watch some Oz Academy right now then maybe some more Stardom later if I have time.
would be interesting, Jamie knows a little Japanese so maybe she can use that to her advantage. However, I don't see anything breaking Sumire and Martina's bond.
>I don't see anything breaking Sumire and Martina's bond
Jamie buys Sumire top shelf booze.
I've read there's a Japanese whiskey shortage. So who gives Sumire the most will win her friendship.
Sumire and Martina seem to have a bond deeper than just booze now though, though that definitely is what brought them together to begin with.
Is Jamie being shit at Japanese just part of her gaijin gimmick then?
of course, bud. Which Oz show are you watching?
I think you tagged the wrong post, that's an instagram link to Kris Wolf observing Joey Ryan's crotch.
I don't know who your pic related is, OP. But I'd like for you to post her pits.
the Osaka show from a week and a half or so ago
gladly, it's Sumire Natsu btw
what's going on with Oz?
I have no idea, I haven't watched in a long time
we have a lack of lewd Hazuki's in general, sadly. You'd think she'd be showing off with the gifts she's been given.
show was alright. Yoneyama and Aja Kong teamed up in the main event, so that was fun at least.
Miyagi is replacing Kagetsu as leader isn't she
Yes... no... maybe
Yes, in an unexpected move Mayu drafts Kagetsu to STARS.
wtf Kagetsu is hot?
she's working me into a shoot, that's for sure
I never thought I'd wanna fuck Kagoatsu, but I'll be damned
She has to match Hazuki's fitness to keep her around and this is the result. I hope they can maintain it now that MidBreath shut down.
I've heard good gyms are rare and hard to find in Japan.
Is this a shoot or a meme?
I have a feeling Midbreath catered to their needs, and maybe let them work out away from creepy fans. And seeing that a lot of joshi went there, it may be the reason why they went there. So finding a place just as accommodating may be tough.
They also seemed to sponsor a lot of joshi. Is Kagetsu going to have to remove the logo from her gear?
more likely a shoot
time for her Starbucks endorsement
I'm gonna be in Japan for two months this summer, I hope the joshis join some cheap ass gym so I can join the same one
They'd rather post Hana and Yurie instead of actual Oedo members.
No way they're going to let some white piggu near their moneymakers.
stay boiling, shitter
What's Kagoatsu's workout routine? I need that
hey agua, why did you message me on twitter?
Is that a tranny?
So true it triggers.
I don't know much about agua, it could be though. I'm just confused as to why they messaged me.
yikes he really is delusional lmao
don't worry, despite you being the 49th IP in this thread he'll accuse all of us of being the OP
>Only about 10 Hazuki images in the entire thread (2 of which are webms reposted from /stardom/)
hey why did you message me on twitter?
I mean, he lets Oedo Tai get away with shit most of the time lol
working out 19 hours a day, spending one hour at starbucks then 4 hours of sleep
Nothing much but the Kakeru Sekiguchi stuff is awesome
hey agua, why did you message me on twitter???
did you message him back?
no I don't associate myself with people who have to inform their neighbors about their legal troubles
top kek, fair enough
you going to the show in NYC? I'm willing to settle any differences you think we have to hang out at the show man
Whose the girl in OP
Sumire Natsu
>agua going outside of his basement
so gullible
it was worth a try, if I could meet him in person maybe I could fix him
soon for both
You know, I always wondered what Jamie Hayter would look like if she were a seal.
this is a dog
I wanna fuck that dog
Nao's butt is the only thing that keeps me going
RN wassup
What death metal track are they listening to?
Who wore it better?
Everyone but Hazuki and Kagetsu looks good with the purple lipstick. Hazuki looks better with black lipstick and Kagetsu doesn't need any lipstick.
Not death metal, but the end of domination by pantera would fit really well
Based PM selling her neck issues.
For me, it's Sumire
They are actually listening to Denzel Curry
Anyone met any Oedos irl? Im curious what Hazuki's hair smells like.
lol kagetsu tweeted she looked like an okama
lmfao that's hilarious
This is such a stupid spot. Do it again
I'll let you know when I meet them in a few months, I imagine she smells like Kagetsu's breath
Though the current dark makeup motif for Hazuki is working damn well for her, I'd say it would be her because of her plump lips.
based Miyagi and Jamie rocking TA13OO on repeat
>death metal
They aren't edgy 8th graders.
I slept from 2 to 11 and then had a nap from 1 to 3 again. It never feels like enough to stay awake for a full Momo main event but if she's defending against Mayu I think I can do it.
How do I achieve Nao's eyebags?
Rub lemon slices over your eyes every morning
Even her mom doesn't have bags as prominent. It must be a secret makeup technique.
>Kagetsu not getting the pink belt
nao hasn't slept since 2004
her mom?
Hotter than Nao
absolute huh
It's like the ref does not even care.
>tfw want to make the new thread but am no good at synopses and keeping up with upcoming cards
Oh my buddha she's so cute
I typed it out already buddy, don't worry.
Damn 60 IPs, but I was told this thread was only one person?
heres the new one
imagine they were actually 60 different people
OK, this just warped reality.
Hana using her own reaction images. Based.
it's actually 61, but that autist will still spread his propaganda claiming it's just one lol
agua has jumped wolfcuck as the most cringe person in Yea Forums history