How the fuck did this guy get inducted after all the shit he said?

*Calls Dusty a fat piece of shit
*Mentions Curt Hennigs overdose*
*Thinks Benoit should go in*

Based or Cringe that he got inducted?

Attached: 955828E9-16DC-4905-8B58-1D7DB5B98B34.jpg (640x480, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

not everybody is as thin skinned as you, faggot

they're running out of people to induct

fucking road dog's going in this year

Based as fuck ya soiboi

>*Thinks Benoit should go in*

That's based af

Based Ultimate Filter squashing this Honkey Tonk Simp

Based honky with the redpill on Benoit

for some reason I thought they already inducted this guy years ago

Based as fuck

They should have gone the way of tna and did one a year. But the WWE HOF has always been a show to sell tickets too. They're running out of people and fast

>*Thinks Benoit should go in*

Honky Tonk Man is based. Cry more faggot.

Attached: 1546215852500.jpg (960x540, 106K)
Bret ethered

Christian will never get into the Hall of Fame...NEVER!!


It's bullshit

>that woken Matt hair

>doesn't know the filter


>fucking road dog's going in this year
Is this supposed to be an issue? He was literally dimes.

Hes cool to hate online but he's still based

If hes so dimes then why did 2017-18 Smackdown suck so much

Based hopefully he calls out Ric flare and his 3 moves

>Heel acts heelish

OP why are you such a roodypoo mark?

they're running out of shitters to put in. I'd say they want to wait a couple of more years before putting in AE shitters.

he's a 6th rate Honky Tonk Man

He has remained relevant by doing shoot interviews.
>oh Vince you know I don't mean that shit it's just a work to sell more videos.

Fuck no. Honky is based as fuck. Greatest IC champ of all time. Should've been in long ago.

>Thinks Benoit should go in

I don't see what is wrong with this, OJ is still in the NFL HOF

Just play some montage for him instead of doing speeches

they didn't vote him in after, he was already in

hi Road Boomer don't you have a show to fuck up right now?

he'll change his tune and kiss everybody's ass
happens to the best of em

It’s a slow year I guess