Whats this move ding-dong diddly call?
Whats this move ding-dong diddly call?
Other urls found in this thread:
niggers being themselves
"The reason for white flight"
hopefully the white dude learned
Seething you are.
It's called "The White Boy's Comeuppance"
Cant blame the brothas, I cant look at a white anymore without seeing some Magafag white supremacist trash
you must undetstand yheb why we dont want anything to do with you savages, you are unpredictable and prone to violent chimp-outs, who would voluntarily associate with you
Shut it boot licker
He saw 6-8 of them standing around and walked right into them.
>no one is born racist
>Eventually niggers just nig too much
>Kinda hard not to hate niggers when they unprovoke punch a dude.
Why do whites pretend it only blacks that receive racism, I have seen whites do fucked up shit to many other nonwhites. Whites are just tribalistic savages threatened by everyone
>no one is born racist
even more than that, we are taught how irrational and evil it is to be racist so all of us are conditioned to be anti-racist, at some point you have to just accept the reality of the world or else end up like this guy in the op or worse.
Pretty much, never hated whites till I slowly started to see their true nature.
exactly that is why we need to segregate as soon as possible
Vince strap now
the nigger
Then go back to wakanda nigger, I'm sure you'll be better there with other niggers
He stole a bike.
A little bitch sucker punch
Never ever walk through a pack of blacks.
Fight the real enemy
Nope, whites need to be permanently removed from existence. They cannot be trusted as we have seen how much damage you people have done to the Earth
exactly cross the street
>once White people are extinct the Earth will be healed
hopefully we can get to it while we are both alive to fight in the civil war
The only reason there are nice places on earth is because of white people.
Lol fuck off with this lame troll shit. You're only on the computer being allowed to shit post because white people created it. But its losers like you misuse it.
Worked. Do better.
based niggaz
fuck wh*tes
worked into shoot hatred? who's ribbing who?
Worked inna replying to obvious ding-dong diddly bait ya simp
funny troll, inciting racial hatred when it already is a smoldering tinderbox
>Nigger hate thread everyday
>Nigger this nigger that in every single thread
>Hurt whiteys feelings once
>Omg why are you stoking racial tensions
You faggots race-baiting are the same ones who will be whining about how racist White people are.
It's almost like the different races were never meant to live with each other.