Who else stopped watching WWE because of the fanbase?

Who else stopped watching WWE because of the fanbase?

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Me, but now you've stopped watching I'm going to start again.

I'm sure most people stopped watching because of the product

Pretty much.


ive stopped but im gonna watch again after aew takes off since faggots like pic related are gonna swarm to that


Does it count if I won't start watching AEW because of their fanbase?

that's an impressive 9/10 on the terrible tattoo scale

This is a tranny, isnt it

>"The bouts are stylized rituals. They are public expressions of pain and a fervent longing for revenge. The lurid and detailed sagas behind each bout, rather than the wrestling matches themselves, are what drive crowds to a frenzy. These ritualized battles give those packed in the arenas a temporary, heady release from mundane lives. The burden of real problems is transformed into fodder for a high-energy pantomime. And the most potent story tonight, the most potent story across North America, is one of financial ruin, desperation, and enslavement of a frightened and abused working class to a heartless, tyrannical, corporate employer. For most, it is only in the illusion of the ring that they are able to rise above their small stations in life and engage in a heroic battle to fight back."

Attached: Chris-Hedges_2069_GUEST-768x432.jpg (768x432, 36K)

>grandma what's that on your arm
>oh it's a tattoo I got when I was young
>what does it mean
>it was a gimmick for a female wrestler
>grandma what's wrestling

>grandma what's wrestling
Surely you mean
>grandma what's female

Me, it's such a turn off because they're so nerdy and ruin good shit for lame shit

This is why you don't chase the aspie dollar

>Thinking this...thing...will live long enough to be a mother let along a grandma.

KEK, good one, user.

The fans are cringe
The product is hot garbage
The company is a ruthless, souless monopoly.

That's why I stopped. Heck, I don't rarely watch prowrestling in general any more.

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I stopped after WWE went full on PG (around the time Batista left in 2010)

full pg was 2008, but i know what you mean

Immediately regretted rt'ing this, dont want this lunatic to find my timeline

>I love you of crazy #TheMan
>anchored on my skins for ever
holy fucking cringe

This young French boy doesn't know any better.

looks like the bear jew from inglorious bastards

I stopped watching AEW before it even started because of the fanbase.


Attached: Becky tat.png (623x651, 432K)

That's a girl?

Even I'm unsure

Attached: clownsrus-1.jpg (700x420, 60K)

A guy that wants to be a female got a tattoo of a female that claims shes a man.

Existence became an episode of South Park at some point in the last decade.

>they had the adult male demographic in the palm of their hand during the Attitude Era
How did they blow it so badly?

lots of factors that could take a book to list but one cause, jews

they realized it was fake and gay and moved on.

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>identifies as a girl
>has a tattoo that says she's the man
