What did Bayley say?

What did Bayley say?

>when Corbin had hair

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Jesus, is Corbin wearing a toupee?

He looks like fuckin Lance Catamaran

Is that Carmella on the far left? She looks like Mickey James here

And Big Ass in the back looking all JUST and such

What is this from?

man whos that guy on the far right
he looks like dimes

Big ass jerking himself off in the back

wwe.com photos from nxt arrival 5 years ago

That's Arn Anderson ya simp

Su nombre es Juan Cena

Some shitter who wears jorts to the ring

Why didn't Becketty came out?

The fucking state of Angelo Dawkins (behind Carmella with the cap), he's gonna stay in NXT forever isn't he ?

Can you spot lexi?

I see a rat in Charlotte's hair but that's about it

Carmella & Bliss only chicks interested in what's being said

why are they all so fucking ugly

Is the blonde behind Carmella Liv? She was ding-dong diddly young when she joined if so.

I think it's Lana.

Before botcha started to tan to be black

She said it

>bayley: I'm just saying guys, isn't it weird Jews have been kicked out of over 100 countries and supposedly they did nothing to warrant such actions?

Poor Cass

mandy rose

>Big Cass having a stroke at the back

The “JUST” always radiates off Cass and these were his good days

This was 2014. She didn't do Tough Enough until 2015

no she doesn't boomer

Is this a panel about killing pro wrestling?

>I’m gonna say it

Fuck I read it in her voice and everything

Is that Tanga Loa at the back?

Bayley and Sasha are so fucking ugly.
Bayley literally looks like a foot.

Based as fuck, literally /ourguy/

>Bayley said
"What this Camera right here"

ironically Carmella looks the most similar to herself now

Dana Brooke??

Corbin looks like that dude in HS that never showered and only used AXE

it looks like they're mimicking maryse

Actually based

>that Cass
Why is it so easy to pick on him?

"Look at the size of Batista's dick!"

What did he say, Yea Forums?

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>corbin had hair
>camacho had pocket change
>cass had a future
>graves was faithful

all in the past tho

god damn Bayley is ugly af

And I told him that nothing happened in 1992.