Tfw when you realize R-Truth is 47 YEARS OLD

tfw when you realize R-Truth is 47 YEARS OLD

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Every male WWE wrestler nowadays is old af because they spend like a decade in bingo hall and shopping center rings before they even get a whiff of fame. Manletster Black is 33 and so is Ciampa, Ricochet is 30, Finn Balor is 37, Kevin Owens is 34, Johnny Gargano is 31.

black don't crack

Didn't realize all of this "young upstart talent" from NXT were actually all men in their early to mid-late thirties

Black is 6'. How does he qualify as a manlet?

he's dutch. 6ft is manlet for dutch standards

He’s 5'10"

And his wife looks older than he is. No way he's not giving Carmella the flagpole of 'murrica.

you typed this out and did the captcha to post this blatant lie

Black's don't crack, they just sell and take it.

>Calling Elias a manlet

that's nice someone believes him

>beats two talented mexicans from taking over the us belt

old/fat white women are the holy grail of black men tastes though.

>being worked by billed height


Velveteen Dream is only 23.

what did you expect? 20 year olds?

Reminder Batista was in his 30s when he debuted and turned 50 this year

Reminder that DDP made his debut at 34-35 and was better than any of the janetties of nxt... specially when it comes charisma and mic work

tfw Velveteen is a legit maineventer and has a 30 year career ahead of him.

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Seriously? Damn I just expect everyone to be over 30 by the time they make it to NXT

Yep steroids + working out because you're rarely on tv or house shows = looking good

Look at Vinnie Mack for example

lel WWE is dead

wrestling is dead

Why are you not going there to help them?
You surely are tall and hot /fit/ guy who is exactly 24. You will get called up within a month of you signing to WWE and will be given immediate push.

I asked Lance Storm about this one time and he said age is the last thing anyone cares about in a worked sport.

The only problem with age is if your age is taking away your looks. Pro-wrestling is cosmetic business. If your character is hot guy with big dick and abs (Finn Balor) than you need to be able to have those abs. If you are getting older and you loose abs, you need to move to something else.
For example Arn Anderson was able to look like "your angry da" for two decades.

tfw you realize Tyler Bate is 21 YEARS OLD

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what's that? his height in centimeters?

tfw 27 and he looks more manly than me

too bad hes a ding-dong diddly dwarf