That tattoo looks terrible

that tattoo looks terrible

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so does your face

>Fight Anyone
Looks like he lost the fight he had with obesity

Can’t even tell what it is.

Doesn't look finished dumb dumb


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Hi Kev

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KO is considered fit in burgerland

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I like it, always a fan of tattoos on wrestlers

How come this fat fuck didn't get released for getting new shitty tattoos

I just watched sd he's using the stunner? based

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I can't believe people actually used to call Steen an "indie god" lmao
never got the simp's love for him

kinda clashes with the Longhorn Steakhouse™ logo

why do fat people get tatoos?

A fat fuck doing flippy shit is always fun to watch ya simp

>fight everyone

More like "eat everything".


It doesnt even go with his cow tattoo

fat people dont care about their bodies so they have no problem with marking it up with shitty tattoos. thats why is always fatties and drug addicts that have them

t. fat simp

But this was much worse

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>tattoo bad

Lol his hair is worse.

He looks like an insecure highschool kid that has zero confidence so he makes up for it by acting like a wanna-be tough guy douchbag to give himself an inner excuse on why no one likes him and has no charisma.

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That is his character. Always has been.

Why does Vince like him so much? He seems so far removed from what Vince likes and yet he's constantly pushed.

He is Mick Foley. That's all you need to know. He can talk and that is more than a lot of the guys on the roster. And he will fall from tall places when asked to do so.

What a fucking fat dumb retard

Worthless white piece of Canadian fat shit fattass.

Wheres that 6ft 200lbs red haired zit that's always hanging off his fat ass.

I swear, Sami has been out longer with injuries than he has been in healthy (going back to NXT as well).

Too busy tweeting about Trump probably.

Everything looks terrible. Why did they have Vince bring back Braun Strowman's punching bag and act like he's a big deal?

What is it? A vulture? I think he also got a bear tatted

Newsflash: all tattoos look terrible

they really do, only trendy, insecure, attention whores with nothing interesting to say get them
t. ko fan

This is why u dont get one shitty tattoo. Because it looks stupid but u grow attached to it so u get full sleve tattoos, which also looks retarded

Girls get tats as marks for sexual history, same with piercings. Why do men get them?

I got a sleeve and a hot gf who’s ass my face is buried in on a nightly basis.
Chicks dig ink, incel

Eating some logs Buddy?

Now would be the worst time for TMZ to drop that Kevin Steen n-word video

Fuck tattoos. Look at yourself

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Why does this board hate tattoos so much? Is it because we have a lot of the boomer E-Drones?

why doesn't he just go to the gym and get jacked? He looks fucking horrible

No, because they think it taints their pure waifus.
And in revert, they are scared to get one, because it hurts and they think if they got one, they'd be laughed at because the tatoo would be idiotic.
It's same with other things on this board.
People here are permanently scared of something.

Found the trendy normalfags. Twitter is that way.

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Mate, I am more nerdy than you.
I just don't understand why people on here are such pussies.

That man has sex
You do not


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he was very entertaining to watch during his Ring of Honor days, he'd just act and behave like a dick and it was fun to watch. Now he's just another chicken shit heel / goofy character

he's going over Bryan at WM, marks

for watching indies autismo? I don't even watch WWE, so I don't care

What's Conrad Thompson doing in the Smack Zone?

Because most wrestling fans look like him, me included

they are an eye sore, just real faggoty attention whoring

>that tattoo looks terrible

All of them do.

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WWE believes in inclusion user

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name one person who became cooler after the got shit drawn all over themselves. or just one cool person period that is all tatted up.

Gosling was pretty cool w the tats

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Orton? Punk?

I wouldn't say that the tattoo itself is that bad - sure it's a squiggly mess for anyone who doesn't stare at it for ten minutes, but that's just usual.

The problem I have, is that is messes up the very clear, stylish lines of the bull tattoo. That was something that should have been left alone in its own space.

both attention whoring fags and not cool in anyway despite their gay tattoos

Maybe Owens should get the surgery Boogie had.

what's wrong with it? Looks fine to me, typical black/white bro tattoo.

tattoos are fuckin gay

>people come back looking for shredded than before
>KO just comes back with a new tattoo

the rock would have never gotten over if he was all tatted up then like he is now, because you cant ooze confidence when you are covered in advertisements for your own insecurities and bad life choices

You do realize those are fake, yes? Dumbass

What were they playing? Looks like Catan but I'm not sure.

so is literally everything else you don't like. Nothing else is new you shitter.

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>Fake and real tattoos look different

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if you are so confident and happy with your choice to be covered in ugly ass tattoos then you wouldnt get so ass blasted whenever someone points out how much of a faggot you look like

>an actor in a movie with fake tattoos is cool
>therefore real tattoos are cool

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We were discussing whether they look cool or not

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I don't like tats because I have nice, smooth skin and don't want to write over it, ya oily fuck

>name one person who became cooler after the got shit drawn all over themselves. or just one cool person period that is all tatted up.

Was your argument that Gosling was cooler with fake tattoos for that hour and a half during a goddamn hollywood film that spent millions of dollars to make him seem cool?

it’s becausr you’re paying money for someone to permanently draw on you. And if you’ve ever noticed, people with tattoos move in a way that maximizes the chances of you seeing the tattoo because they’re attention whores. Just look at a guy who had an inner forearm tattoo and he will constantly move his arm so that the tattoo is always in view. Their entire personality is based on their tattoos.

Sad, because they look the worst with them.

exactly instead of spending all that money on tattoos how about you just stop eating or shooting herion for a bit and get your shit together


Not all of them

>people with tattoos move in a way that maximizes the chances of you seeing the tattoo because they’re attention whores
yeah what disgusting fucking people, dirty fucking scumbag junkies

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Oh yeah man he's totally covered in them

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nah i'm 64 years old and i love the wwe, look at my cool tats young people love me

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looks better than that cringey rock bull ripoff thing

>best way to correct one mistake is to commit another mistake so big that it overshadows and people can barely see your past mistake
and this is how you end up completely covered in ugly fucking tattoos


>hey Kevin you should work on your look while your out
Let me eat and get a shitty tat!
What you mean you wanted me to work out?!

Why are you so passionate about this, this is the 2nd thread

Why are you so passionate about this, this is the 2nd thread

Not a Steen fan at all, but he was one of the few indie guys who actually focused on having a personality instead of FLIPZ and MEWVZ.

he good, part of it being that he didnt give a fuck, he would just be fat and wear a shirt and do his thing
when you get a bunch of tats it says the opposite from i don't give a fuck, in fact it says, i give all the fucks, look at me please, im unique, please notice me

Damn, tattoos really are for try-hard faggots aren't they?

tattoos are for queers lol

He always had the bull and the evil on his arm

They're trashy, Lacey Evans doesn't have any tattoos.


>Kevin Owens
he legit looks like a toilet with an upside down toilet brush sticking out of of a shit filled bowl

Exactly. No such thing as a good tattoo. That shit is cringey as fuck.

>Why do men get them?
It attracts stupid whores and they're attention whores who need something to talk about because they have zero intelligence or insight on anything actually interesting. This is there life.
>Hey, I like your ink. Yeah I got mine to remember that one time blah blah blah. Oh funny story. I was in the tattoo parlor and you'll never believe this...Oh this? Nah I got it for free because I knew the guy. He's a good friend. His work is amazing. You should check him out. Oh yeah? I'm going for a new one next week. I want it to cover all this and this. Maybe get this shit touched up. Blah blah blah.
What fucking losers.



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he probably asked Vince if it was ok first