What am i missing here?

It's clearly meant to be a play on the Rock'n' Sock connection, but i don't see the parallel other than them being a tag team.

Rock'n' Sock connection is a name because it was Foley's Socko and the Rock. The reason they went with that name is it's a pun, to "rock'em and sock'em" means to beat someone up, even before the tag team.

Is there some connection to bosses and hugs I'm not getting here? I've hugged one or 2 bosses in my past, but i had a long reputation with the company and it was trying times, i don't think that's a normal thing at all.

What on earth is the pun for "boss'n'hug connection"? Hug isn't even a noun.

Attached: 1of3fllgxch11[1].jpg (1242x1232, 192K)

There isn't any pun or play on words. It just similar to the thing you remember.

It's because they can't come up with anything original so they just pander to nostalgia

A hardcore legend with not much in the tank left to give, trying to befriend and help a younger talent that wants nothing to do with it because he's already at the top and thinks he's too good?

Is Bailey supposed to be the Foley?

Attached: Rock_n_Sock_Connection[1].jpg (325x250, 12K)

is ember supposed to be their pet or something?

There is no pun, just a shitty nostalgia attempt to trick you into thinking they are a legit team in time for the tag belts.
Sad thing is I remember seeing someone here giving them an unironically better name but I dont remember what it was. Wasnt one of those asp standard ones like Fap n Brap either. It was a seriously good one.

They're untalented, unathletic retards who think they're clever.
>tee hee boss n hug like rock n sock
They put no effort or thought into it

Clearly, but I'm scratching my head trying to find even a single parallel. Rock and Foley weren't kayfabe friends to begin with, Rock bullied Mick who merely wanted to help, it played out that way for at least 5 years on screen.
It even spanned 2 Foley character changes going from a psychopath to an redneck typed intelectual.

Nope. It's just named the same as the thing you remember.

Boss and Hug is just what their gimmicks are. Sasha calls herself a boss and Bayley hugs people. They added the Connection because it's a generic term other teams have used. It was either that or Boss and Hug Express....which is actually a better name. They should have gone with that.

intellectual* what a goofy word to typo on, sorry i'm a tremendous faggot.

post better names for this tag team
ill start

But that's what's bugging me. The Rock'n'Sock Connection was a carefully crafted story that played out over a decade, we had already seen their rivalry include one of the most intense matches ever recorded, in front of Mick's kids live of all things.

If they just wanted a gimmick we remember why not do a throw back to Too Cool or they could do the Rockers. Get Corny to do a run as a manager for them as the Boss'n' Hug Express. Literally anything but the Rock'N'Sock connection would have been better.

Attached: the-rock-vs-mankind-i-quit-match-part--1482683573-800[1].jpg (580x388, 27K)

They could do a run as the Right To Censor with Stevie Richards managing them.

They run a crusade making all the Women's Wrestlers wrestle in bulky long pants.

Attached: Right_To_Censor[1].jpg (470x500, 29K)

>hug isn’t even a noun like sock!!!!
>can not comprehend the difference between ‘a hug’ and ‘to hug’
are you shoot autistic? it’s okay user you can tell me

Right, that comparison was me reaching into the furthest reaches of possible answers to find even a single thing this tag has in common with the Rock'n'Sock connection.

>at least 5 years on screen
>played out over a decade
>foley wrestled full time from 96-00
>rock was full time from 96-04
>rivalry lasted from deadly game 98-wrestlemania 15 in 99
>rock’n’sock connection formed after wrestlemania 15 and lasted until Foley’s retirement in 2000

There you go OP, this answer's your question. The current writers are just as clueless as you are about what happened in the Attitude Era other than older fans liked it, and because they're trying to get these talentless hos over they're stealing old gimmicks and force feeding the idea to the fans that these women are the same as wrestlers that actually drew dimes. See also: Becky Lynch

This is what i thought the play was on

Attached: 713VPIOVmPL._SX385_.jpg (385x488, 27K)

Big fat asses on both. I can see the parallel.

Why didn't they called it the Nig n' Spic connection?

How dare you question the wisdom of WWE's amazing writers! You shut your dirty whore mouth right now!