>His most ardent fans on twitter are turning against him >Saying Bruce is the savior of the product, and "Fuck Dave Meltzer" wasn't just a meme >Shitting on Dave for his handling over the Roman Reigns cancer announcement >Sean Ross Sapp and Mike Johnson are now considered the only trustworthy people for WWE scoops
If this keeps up, Vince Russo might have to start defending this guy instead of castrating him.
How can one man be so fucking ugly bros? He looks like a mutant.
David Hughes
Literally none of this happening. Stay mad, E Drone.
Daniel Young
Oliver Campbell
yes it is, meltzer's biggest bootlickers on twitter have turned on him. if his message board wasn't such a ghost town nowadays i'm pretty sure they will be too.
Mason Perry
>imagine sticking your erect penis in Dave Meltzer's mouth and busting all over his face
Henry Perez
>mfw smarks are forced to post during E-drone hours because WWE is the only thing that gets any wrestling board active
>imagine being so dumb you cannot predict a wrestling storyline but instead of just watching you pay $11.99 a month to hear an autist’s wrong opinions on it
Brayden Allen
What He said the Roman segment was the best thing ever and they handled it greatly, why would people turn on him for that???
Nolan Hall
>imagine being so dumb you actually watch WWE
Luis Scott
Folks on THE BOARD pick on his shit all the time. And his concern about how exploitive WWE is being with Roman's return turned out to be founded when they started selling his new shirt within minutes of his promo. You can be glad for the guy coming back from leukemia and still critique his employer for being carny.
Charles Moore
>apparently no one likes Meltzer on Yea Forums >Multiple threads say they never listen to that hack >I post WOR for free on here >regularly gets hundreds of downloads a week Really makes you think
David Jones
it's a work
Ryan Kelly
This. Anti-Meltzer marks are worse than E Drones. They claim to hate Meltzer, but they listen to everything he says and get autistic when he slightly contradicts himself.
Brandon Nelson
ya implying there are hundreds on this shit board?
>AEWdrones are all EDrones >AEWdrones support Meltzer
Are Meltzdrones EDrones?
Daniel Richardson
Most not all
Owen Fisher
>No counter argument
Samuel Green
I don't mind his newsletter but holy fucking god he needs to just leave the audio to bryan and the others. I'd rather listen to an Iconics asmr than Meltz try to recap a show.
Anthony Rogers
Bryan and Dave are kino together though
Cameron Rivera
Not at all.
You can feel Bryan die a thousand deaths while Melty does his "Uh...uhm....yeah....uh....so the show started with.....*paper shuffle*yeeeah...."
"Well why do-"
"T-T-T-THE SHOW STARTED........w-w-w-well y-you know"
It's fucking wretched. Polak and Wai are so much better for recaps
Grayson Reed
Jewish genetics.
Noah Sanchez
That’s what makes it so great though. Some of the funniest shit I ever hear is Dave completely no selling Bryan’s jokes.
Aaron Wood
>Yea Forums is one person
Dominic Wilson
If /pop/ could memed Trump into the white house, I'm pretty sure we can meme wolfchad into doing his own reviews of wrestling shows and take meltzereddit out of business
Christian Powell
What did meltz say about BBD?
Andrew Kelly
Average jew
Lucas Russell
Meltz is co-opted by Stephanie and HHH. He's gonna be going into overdrive on bashing anything Bruce Prichard does for the next few weeks, just like he used to shill against Shane McMahon.
Luke Bailey
Unsubscribe to Dave and follow rovert on Twitter for more info
Tyler Garcia
>Shitting on Dave for his handling over the Roman Reigns cancer announcement What did he say?
Adrian Gonzalez
learn to fucking twitter search, grandpa
Austin Myers
I've always thought that he looks like Shemp Howard.
He didn’t say anything offensive. All he said was Roman must have had ‘the best form of leukaemia’.
Leo Wood
I've never listened to or read Dave directly (apart from other people using his writings as a reference, if you want to count that), but I know that he was a race baiter as early as the 90s, and I also know that he was basically the center of the smark world prior to this decade. You know, the smarks. Which contained wrestling's portion of that small outlier of vocal nerds that loudly demanded political correctness everywhere and are currently scorching anything and everything resembling culture in the west and replacing it with little more than postmodern neo-Marxist propaganda, an ideology which even they themselves never adhere to in their own actions since it's so retarded and backwards in every possible way.
Why exactly should I sympathize with Dave? If the SJWs hate him, it sounds like just another case of the left eating their own.
Henry Green
Idk if its the HGH or just aging. He used to look aight in the 90s.
Chase Brown
Maybe, just maybe, you should stop seeing evil leftists and shti like that behind everything bad that happens. Being scared all your life that evil Jews will come and sacrifice your mother to their blood god or that evil leftists will come and cut your balls off and then feed it to their pet niggers isn't really healthy.
Call me back when WWE's woman's roster isn't holding hands in the ring, face and heel alike, breaking all character, to celebrate the sisterhood and their victory over the evil white male patriarchy, and when they don't have PPV's named after THE FUTURE IS FEMALE (Evolution).
Leftists always try this shit. They'll stand in front of a house where a man is being arrested for expressing the wrong political opinion in public under hate speech laws and tell you that free speech isn't under attack and you need to take off your tinfoil hate, you evil right wing conspiracy theory-loving bigot.
>Well, maybe he shouldn't have said things that offend leftists! Then he wouldn't have gotten arrested!
And there's the truth of it. You'll say and do anything to shame and violently coerce people out of expressing dissent in an effort to be the only grand narrative that's allowed in western culture. "Intellectual wing of politics" my ass. The distilled essence of intellectualism is exposing your ideas to a barrage of tests designed to destroy them. Political correctness is the very definition of an attack on intellectualism.