Ding-dong diddly cum lads

ding-dong diddly cum lads

Attached: kelly kelly.webm (446x408, 457K)

Just waiting to be BLACKED

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source of vid?



white girls are my favourite now. fuck asians theyre literal shit tier compared to white girls holy fuck. theyre pussy GOOD man shit. fuck asians suck

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asians all look the same. so fucking ugly and retarded looking.

Seriously where's this meme of tight Asian pussy come from. White girls pussy is way tighter wetter and so much better. Shit feels so good. I almost feel nothing when fucking Asians except for one girl where she was squeezing the shit out of her pussy but white girls are naturally tight

>Seriously where's this meme of tight Asian pussy come from.
ugly, white, neckbeards that watch too much anime so they fetishize asian women. also normal guys aren't attracted to asians so neckbeards feel they're attainable and that's all they can get so of course they'll act like asians are the best.

>On a wrestling board on Yea Forums(nel)
>Acts like he's ever even seen a titty let alone had sex
Beggin ya

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we arent you

Both asian and white girls are ugly as fuck, my latina’s gf is all I need

>dumpy brown jungle beaner bitch

call me gay but I never found K2 hot. She looks like she's forever 14.

Seething white roastie


This board, /pol/ and Yea Forums just cant get rid of this meme. Meaning we are one of the 3 most autistic boards this shithole has

Kelly Kelly isn't white, she's a jew.

Holy fucking CRINGE

Yea Forums is literally where it's most common

Built for bbc

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Biggest slut in WWE's history

Hi vince

Blacked working this lil white guy into a seething mess

>Graduates highschool 19 and immediately given a stripper gimmick on national tv.

Because she was a big slut

Pretty sure (((Blank))) has gotten fucked by more men than the entire population of Yea Forums

>meme of one race as a whole being all tight and wet


This but unirronically

She has an ass like Noelle

That's hot though.

And there it is. The gayest thing I've ever read.

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