Does anyone have a snippet or a clip of dave meltzer saying that roman's leukemia was a work?

does anyone have a snippet or a clip of dave meltzer saying that roman's leukemia was a work?
i keep seeing online people blaming dave meltzer deliberately saying that its a work, to the point where people are asking for him to be imprisoned and even killed on twitter

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He's had to make his accusations from the U.S. Navy's office where he's assisting in the interrogation of Conrad Thompson over his membership in a Somali pirates gang, he can't post it on Twitter but it's known through released pages of Conrad's interviews with the Navy where he repeatedly goes off on a sudden blistering tangent over Roman's cancer being a hoax

But it is a work

I didn't think it was possible to create a meme worse than 'Nash was raped in 92' but the Bischoff/Conrad US Navy poster is giving ME cancer!

He didn't. How do people continually get worked by Yea Forums means?

I wouldn't trust anything Meltzer writes anymore. I wouldn't trust anything written on Yea Forums either.

Huh? What poster? What's with newfags always thinking everything is one person?

Because it is you stupid faggot

Hopefully it's leukemia, that cancer doesn't seem too bad.

Meltzer's said from day one that it's not a work, that its 100% real and him and Alvarez both have talked down people on the internet saying it's a work. I have no clue where all this "meltzer btfo" shit is coming from since he's always said the leukemia was real.

Only thing he said was that Roman might have one of the weaker strains of leukemia, atill 1/20 to live though. Judging by how fast he came back, old Meltz might be unironically right.

>Meltzer's said from day one that it's not a work
So that probably means it is a work. Dave 'Plans Change 'Magoo has been wrong about shit all the time. Jericho was his only source in WWE. The only people who know about the cancer being faked are Vince, Dunn, Roman, Steph, and Paul. None of them are going to tell Dave.

Stop posting BS, Meltzer never said that it's a work. I consistently claimed that the cancer is very real

But it is obviously very not. Nobody in history has recovered from cancer this fast. It's a scummy fucking carny scam from McMahon. Dave got worked.

>but it is obviously very not
>nobody in history

get your internet doctor jabroni ass out of here

Suck my dick, e-drone. Taking Ismalist blood money and now faking cancer. WWE is low class shit and so are you.

Why do I have to be a stupid faggot? Why can't I just be a faggot? Must you be so uninspired?


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No it's true. Nash was raped. It's damn true!

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There's no clip because he said nothing like that. He's just annoyed with how WWE marketed his illness with the shirt and using it to get heat for Dean and Baron.

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