Why are they such gullible marks? Truly wewtists are the biggest retards in the Internet Wrestling Community.
Belives Roman's Cancer WASN'T a work
are they banning people who said it was a work? would not doubt it
Dunno. But yeah, sounds like something they'd do.
>permabans for necrobumping
good ol wew
Keep seething.
So do some of you here.
What’s funny is I went on there to check out their shitshow and most of the content on there plagiarized directly from Yea Forums. SAD!
its actually the other way around (sadly)
Lolol thats literally all I do here
>our enemies believe this so you guys definitely wouldn't believe this, right?
That's real cute
seek sunlight, sex
Go back
>Thinks Yea Forums has come up with any original content
omg kek!
Ya have to go back
Yea Forums eternally seething that /wooo/ is superior in every way
b-bb-bbb-b kevin nash was raped
Fuck ya talking about ya simp?
they right tho
aewfags are the only ones saying it because roman reigns (the actual draw) came back
strong thinker detected
>no catalog
Yeah no wonder they died
>too stupid to find the catalog
I'm sure all 4 people on that site are retarded but it goes without saying.