He didn't even had cancer, did he?
He didn't even had cancer, did he?
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it had to be done. the only way to get him over. operation cwal has been accomplished.
I haven't ever seen someone with cancer not lose weight
I’ll take anabolic steroids for a thousand, Alex
He is the cancer...
There's literal patches of white hair on his head.
He had cancer, but he's also filthy rich and WWE probably helped him further to get the best treatment available
someone here found some sports article from 2015 saying he had an "unspecified illness" using his real name. so he did but vince would no doubt use it as a backdrop to get him over this way
Yeah Vince's connection to Trump paid off.
>getting over cancer in 4 months
Don't give a fuck. Since he left ratings have tanked.
He looks pretty slim to be fair.
>what is believing in God
Faithless fools! With the power of faith anything is possible.
Nope, carnies gonna carny
They gave him the cure that's being kept hidden from the general public.
>WWE is selling new Roman t-shirts featuring cancer ribbon
>there is no mention of the money from the shirts going to cancer research/awareness
You can figure out what's happening here...
>Prize employee of boss who is besties with president
>didn't lose any weight or muscle mass at all
>getting cleared to do intense physical activity so soon after
>and of course is in full remission right in time for Wrestlemania
Way too many coincidences imo.
I don't want to believe that Vince is even scummy enough to use a cancer angle to get his precious Roman over..... but this shit looks fishy as fuck.
Bret Hart beat prostate cancer fast
Honestly, I don't think so.
It is a fucking shameful work.
>Make a big cancer angle
>Bring him back with him announcing a miraculous recovery
>People can't call out or investigate whether it was a shoot or not without being called insensitive
he used to wear a girdle, he lost a ton of weight
He's noticeably smaller
9/11 all over again
Can’t wait til Benoit returns
Nah he did lose some weight, but no he's not the scrawny sort that most people expect of cancer victims.
Roman was getting pudgy before he left.
Hes more trim because hes in actual shape. When you have cancer you don't just lose some belly fat. Muscle mass is usually the first thing to go.
A thread for people who believe post-kayfabe wrestling so whole-heartedly that they believe cancer is a work.
Fucking nerds.
Wow really, at least Connor's Cure/Susan G. Komen shit goes to some kind of charitable cause.
I actually had cancer and went through chemotherapy and gained weight. Not sure why but I have first hand evidence that you don’t always lose weight from it.
My cousin had cancer and he lost weight incredibly fast
I think considering his physical fitness and overall health he probably fought the cancer better.
Also well enough to film scenes for an action movie and scenes for a TV show too. It was a fucking work the entire time.
It's a new day! Yes it is!
he's going through the pain just to help WWE
Thats anecdotal evidence though.
Honestly kudos to WWE for coming up with a surefire way to get Roman over as a face. He 100% didnt have cancer and instead went to film that shit racing movie with the Rock. But this board and people who watch WWE ate it up.
Exactly what this user said.
Did you get it from Yea Forums or Yea Forums?
I mean, they’re truly intended to prevent muscle wasting. given his profession, he’d have no problem getting them perscribed.
Joe would have been HoF CFLer if he didn't have leukemia.
at least? Yeah, like 2%
The shield will be reunited one last time before dean leaves
Vince used his Trump connections to get the cure. I shoot believe this.
Oh sweaty
Hello, reddit. How are you today?
The end of the 10s is so fucking magical. Every single big company in the world is making a complete and utter fool of themselves. Faking cancer is just about the worst thing WWE has ever fucking done. Worse than Katie Vick.
Why the fuck is Elias teaming up with Lashley? Or heel again, for that matter?
This. My grandfater died of cancer. He was a pretty big guy but he wasted away and turned into a twig. Roman clearly kept working out and eating high-calorie, protein-dense meals.
Steroids aren't magic. You still need to lift and eat.
They randomly turned him heel and turned Ambrose face so they could reform the Shield and go over duh heels. ABSOLUTELY BASED
>brainlets don't realize that Roman had access to billionaire-only cancer cure
he looks pale here. he's obviously sick.
Is everyone here fucking retarded?
Remission is the first stage of treatment for Leukemia can be as short as a few months, and can be treated with drugs alone. 90% of people go into remission after their first treatments.
Roman is now in induction therapy, which can again be treated with drugs, and lasts longer.
Then he'll be treated therapeutically for years.
It could still be refractory and come back at any time, and maybe even kill him. Especially as a returning cancer.
Yeah, sure. And he was able to continue lifting while doing this no problem. Sounds legit.
Steroids are literally magic. You can sit on the couch and not exercise and still gain muscle mass.
Yeah, if you've never trained in your life. If you have decent muscle mass you will have to train to make gains.
t. roider
The smark damage control over Roman proving the existence of the Christian God has been hilarious.
Impossible for a lazy atheist like you with no motivation maybe.
Except I lift 6 days a week, geek.
And yet you weigh 120lbs. Fuck off noodle-arms.
Steroids don't do shit if you don't lift. They basically up recovery and protein synthesis from damage done during training.
Take bench for example. Most people recommend session a week so you don't overtrain and can recover. Maybe twice. With steroids, you recover faster and better, so can return to bench faster and better, increasing gains.
That's it. No magic, just sending the body's recovery sunday building mechanisms into overdrive at the cost of bitch-tits, tiny balls, and potential organ damage.
>What is muscle memory
>For the past five years I've had to deal with cancer. And that cancer... was Seth Rollins.
Vince is a scumbag who will stoop to anything, even having Ramen Rens fake cancer in hopes he gets over. In two weeks he will start getting booed again because at the end of the day he’s still a massive ball of cringe.
>spends 4 months beating cancer by working on a movie
What is mental gymnastics
>And yet you weigh 120lbs.
If you add anothrt 90lbs you'll be right.
Something that doesn't work like that.
Yes, he shoot had Leukemia in the past.
But no, i dont think his leukemia returned, allowed him to shoot a movie, and then the leukemia went back into remission in 5 months, just in time for wrestlemania, with the only visible change being that Roman no longer wears the chest protector.
Unless that chest protector was the actual leukemia, then no, this was all work.
Because with prostate cancer, assuming it hadnt spread, you just go in and remove the prostate, and problem solved. What Roman had was a whole different ballgame.
I would not say that I am 100% sure it´s not a work but it is absolutely possible he "beat" cancer in 4 months. All cancers are different and it´s most often the treatment that makes you ill, vomit, loose your air etc (depends of the treatment). He´s a young healthy and super rich guy who can afford the best treatments and support care, so if his cancer was treated early and was not super agressive he could be in remission and still in shape now. It is recommended to train even when you have cancer, it´s just that often you feel like shit and you are too weak because of the treatment.
>blowing through your cancer goodwill in 2 hours
I'm actually impressed
The original leukemia was real. And this one wasn't "fake" as it were, but rather something benign that came up in a normal check-up and as such gave him treatment to be on the safe side. Wouldn't of been great for him, yet he'd only be expected to of be out of life on the road for a couple of months.
It's not like the doctors wouldn't of known where he is now was the likely outcome.
It was a real issue, however the work was getting people to think he'd be gone for a year or two or even to heaven. WWE was well aware the giant sympathy pop Roman got when the announced the cancer wouldn't of nearly been as good if he came out and said "Don't worry y'all, I'm told I'll probably be back in time for Wrestlemania. Beliee dat!"