Adam Cole is a tiny guy
Adam Cole is a tiny guy
>5'8 barely
>167 lbs
>real name Austin
he should just end himself
>Cool 2nd name
>Not even close to 6' 0"
He must be so disappointed in his parents.
Based manlet Cole
>lied about his height on Brennan's stream
>got praised by The Insiderz for being honest
What height did he say he was?
this means i could bill myself at 6'5" lol
can i do this on tinder?
for you
tfw barely taller
Are you dumb? Or you're just a smark...
>Tfw you could get away with billing yourself at 6'6"
I'm gonna draw so many bingo Hall dimes, boys!
Adding four inches is too much. Add two maybe three
Imagine having a cool last name that nobody calls you by, yet you have first name that doesn't fit you at all, I bet his parents love him so much
2019 and you still think that height is relevant? Im 46 years old and 5’4, height has not stopped me from hooking up with girls. Most of the time that i hang out in the mall i get a number or two
You mean middle name
Shut up you fucking mark
>46 years old
>Mall rat
You're actual scum.
manlet grumpy!
When will manlets learn? You don't need to reassure us all you're defo happy when we're discussing wrasslin not rl
Size queens are the cancer of this board, you know what you do with cancer...
This "size queen" meme is cute, but you need to realize that tall people are more favorably looked upon than manlets. It's just the way things go.
Manlet grumpy
when will they learn?
>Mall rat?
More like socially happy person. People like you is why our business is going to the poopoo. Oh he is not tall enough like my man crush from the 80s then he is not a good worker. Get the F out
>discussing height and size, a relevant taking point in wrestling
>will always pinpoint on this factor specifically and sound so angry all the time about it
When will you learn?
She wont reject me because i dont date ugly girls like her, also she looks like a fu****g prostitute. My face when i see an easy girl. No thank you
Eat shit, Short Round. Average height doesn't draw.
>socially happy person
I'm sure
The whole premise of this thread is to shit on Adam Cole because of his size. Which is retarded because he's over regardless, its just you size queens hating on him over your muh big men faggotry fantasy
Size matters in wrestling chump. We'd be talking about size if we were discussing jockeys or gymnasts, you angry fucking hobbit.
You aren't over unless you draw. No one draws. Also, you're obsessed with calling men homosexual. Yikes!
wikipedia must be changed
Repressed homosexual Manlet grumpy!
He's so boring in NXT
holy yuckola
What is up with people who lie about their heights? Come on people, I'm shoot 7ft tall, 295 lbs and I was raped in the summer of 92 but you never see me lying about my height.
>Repressed homosexual
>Fantasies about bigger men
He's unironically shorter than me.
manlet grumpy!
5'7 here, gonna bill myself as 6'1
>Repeat buzzword for the 10th time
>he's over
Living in the wrestling bubble
A lot of over confident lanklets ITT