Bros my parents are leaving for vacation so I’m going to have the house to myself :)

Bros my parents are leaving for vacation so I’m going to have the house to myself :)

Who wants to come over and ding-dong diddly watch Raw? I have beer and pizza!

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Are you a grill?



I’ll pass.

I'll pass.

me too but I'm in Indiana everyone's welcome

I’ll bring the rohypnol

What the fuck is Canaian pizza even like? It probably has apples and mayonnaise or some shit on it.

No thanks, I'll pass.

Sorry bro in Maryland right now.

who goes on vacay in Febuerry

Canadian pizza is like American pizza ya simp

It’s very cold here so they’re going somewhere warm

Pizza fine, but why bother drinking beer if it's just two guys sitting in watching wrasslin. I'd safe beer for leaving the house.

I'll pass.

I remember there being some Torontobros in some other thread a while back. Maybe they'll see this. Good luck user. Sounds comfy

>Canadian pizza is like American pizza ya simp
No way. You'll probably order a large pepperoni and it will show up with cottage cheese and thousand island dressing all over it. You foreigners and your weird food, you won't fool me.

me :)

Cringe. Someone call the cops on this pedo simp.


This website is 18+. I don’t know what you’re talking about. I just want to hang out with my Yea Forums bros

I'll pass.

A Canadian invented pineapple pizza.

>he is able to watch RAW sober
You are a stronger man than I am

>Not a Newfie that’s into sodomy

Hard pass


>didn't even give your address

Ok user, I'll come over but only because the Big Dog is supposed to be on tonight

you got any cute cousins? haha

Gayest post in the history of Yea Forums

>TFW Wagefagging in the morning
Raise a drink in honor of me anons, it's the only morning I have to ding-dong diddly work this week too.

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What ya do?


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im muslim and im always watch raw sober

Attached: 1522599268166.png (420x420, 11K)

Work at a Gas Station (I'M NOT THAT FGT POOFBOMBZ!"


FUCK cucknada

ITT Americucks worked by a BASED Leaf

thats gonna be a negative
