Have you ever been accused of being WolfCHAD?

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who the fuck is nivɘ Hƨɒn?

Wearing a Kevin Nash shirt is code in the gay cruising community

Of course not, I'm straight and not a nigger

I don't understand just leave the man alone. He's just doing his thing.

No but every time I post on /pol/ I immediately get anons replying and calling me a shill.

cringe, wasted dubs


Double Janetty

He's antagonistic

Where the heck can I get a Kurt Hawkings hat

Chads Don't spend their Christmasses tweeting Dave Meltzer about house show attendances from the 90s, nor do they worship rabid SJW's.

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>knows all about the gay cruising community

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faggot detected

Closet faggot detected

Who gives a shit about some cunt stuck in 1999? If you haven't been accused of being Carter you should fuck off from this board

manlet s󠀀oy󠀀boys SEETHING at based WolfGOD

based user Deaddie Cuckuerro 1989'ing the filter

nash trying to get back on the good side of the HollyJew elite.

He is a worker and this him working..

I love Trump and hate Liberals with a passion, like want right wing death squads. But if I was working in that industry I would make post like this too. Get my Money and then go Mel Gibson on these kikes

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Hi Carter! Sad to see ya not over anymore little guy?

bumpy wumpy manlets grumpy


No ones ever accused me of taking it up the ass in my life. My answer is no OP