Does anyone actually like "workrate"? If so, what do you get out of it? Do you really like watching people do lots of silly looking pretend maneuvers, or do you just like it because internet smart marks like it?
Does anyone actually like "workrate"? If so, what do you get out of it...
Some maneuvers are very aesthetically pleasing than others. I can give or take the speed at which it occurs, but if the offense is uninspired or generic as fucked I'm not getting into that match.
I don't know what "workrate" means. It means different things for different people.
For me it means that they can make me emotional attached to people doing those pretend maneuvers by doing those pretend maneuvers.
It's silly looking pretend manuevers regardless.
You're right it's a really nebulous term, but workrate is the opposite of that, I think. It's just outright athletic ability without regard for involvement.
Meltzer-style rasslin' fans like to armchair quarterback everything in wrestling because they think they're really 'in the know' and can dissect it on a level that 'casual' fans cannot. So they watch these workrate matches with a bunch of moves and tryhard psychology and they analyze it like they're the fuckin Roger Ebert of wrestling. It's very cringe and very pathetic.
These people consume 10-15 hours of wrestling a week because they have no life.
I like story telling and selling. I'd rather watch Jerry Lawler and Randy Savage punch each other for 15 minutes than some flippy manlets trying to have an "epic".
at least Meltzer makes money off it, these cringe geeks do it for free. Wrestling fills a void in their empty lives, so they're scared to drop it for something else. They would be lost without it. They stay miserable with their obsessive need to autistically critique wrestling. Of all things, PRO WRESTLING. lmfao. Sorry state of affairs with these drones.
Boomer here, back in my day “workrate” was in reference to guys like Benoit and Eddy. Athletic, dynamic performers with a wide repertoire.
No one applied it to shitters that run about no-selling shit to get to the next thing. [passive aggressive sip]
Actually, no, you must be really underage if you think Benoit and Eddie are boomer. Not to mention new to Yea Forums, but it's a low blow to bring that up to people saying boomer and sip who clueless follow other new users like sheep. They don't know any better.
It usually does not matter much at all. Unless you are totally green and look like a complete novice, it hardly matters.
There are such things like poor workers who have a tendency to execute the moves poorly and injure other people, but aside from that, I never understood what this term meant.
Eddie Guerrero was raped in the summer of 89
The thing is if you use it as derogative I understand why people dislike it. But those matches that have those "workrate" are universally disliked. Because they make no sense.
The matches that are praised use "workrate" to make you care about people in the match. And that is what workrate should mean.
You are made to care about performers and they tell you story with their moves, instead with words. It is physical theater after all. Same as mimes tell story with their bodies and facial expression, wrestlers do the same.
Workrate should mean that they are good in the physical aspect of the performance.
Eddie and Benoit were active throughout the 90's in their more "workrate" phase.
That's 19-29 years ago, user. The boomer meme is 30.
>but aside from that, I never understood what this term meant.
Because it doesn't mean anything. And person saying it can use it to describe whatever they choose to.
>The boomer meme is 30.
There is no fucking meme because it already means something. Tombstoning English is not a meme, but like I said I can't blame all new users for not knowing what a meme is, just the vicious ones.
Have sex boomer
Would you rather see fake grappling and slams? Wrestling is an art form and by today's standards a lot of early wrestling , especially attitude era, looks really unsophisticated
I mean dude, there's a LOT of wrestling. Nothing wrong with watching it. I dont get why having a hobby equals no life, its quite the opposite. Some people listen to music, others watch television, some watch wrestling.
Get over yourself
I would rather see a match with a purpose behind it that can immerse me in it and make me forget it's fake. Watching a random guy do a triple backflip from the top rope into the open arms of his opponent doesn't do that for me.
t. Boomer
What is workrate? Is that a word something people outside wrestling have coined to classify people they like in the ring?
All that matters to me is if I can get invested in wrestling. Whether it be a match, promo, character, storyline, whatever.
I mostly watch PPV so I don't really follow the stories. Most promo these days aren't worth listening to anyway. So I watch it to see good matches. That can mean a bunch of different things.
Who's paying you to say these lies?
I like watching technical wrestlers like Regal, Dean Malenko and to some degree Kurt Angle. I don’t know if you call that “work rate” just cause they do lots of spots?
Back in the aughts of the mid 2000s, and also when I was younger yeah I liked it. But it's also because of guys like Bryan and Joe and Nigel and Homicide knowing how to structure a match. Now everyone takes a ddt, stands up for no reason just to take another fake looking move followed by finisher spam
I'd equate workrate with the ability to not get winded easily and not botch very often. Many wrestlers can't do the latter.
What is your definition of "work rate" exactly? Like I'm a huge fan of technical, gritty wrestling that features lots of holds, submissions, and neat takedowns or throws; so would you consider that work rate? A lot of you seem to think work rate is anything that goes beyond basic, generic brawling, which is silly.
Cool looking stuff looks cool. I'm not sure where the disconnect is, here.