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everything on the red side is better than the blue side.

>that i am watching mania.

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give me the ding-dong diddly GREEN LIGHT


>asuka retains
Blue me doc

I'll take yellow.

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I would live for the meltdowns the blue pill would create. I'll take it via rectal administration.

Red pill for sure, Fuck Charlotte and Brock. I love Kofi but I hate the other two that much more.

Based. Asuka is never on Smackdown as champ so less womens wrestling shit is good.

everything on the blue side is better

I'll take blue

Ding-Dong Diddlygimmie the redpill.

I hate Seth but I'll take one for the team and pick red.

Both are shit

Blue for the seethe even tho

I want the blackpill sir

Have 2 and 4 switch sides and I’m redpilled baby

>charlotte/ronda will be the better match, not emotionally invested enough to care that becky isnt in it
>seth sucks and hasn't had a good match since 2014 anyway
>my boy kofi gets his moment
>asuka doesnt choke at mania

easiest blue pill I've ever taken

that defeats the point you utter Bexcel s󠀀oy󠀀boy retard

what do you mean, do people actually want a seth title reign.

Red for sure

blue is for chads
red if youre a simpoli

Anyone picking red is a cuck. Rollins winning the title would kill the business.

it's genuinely depressing bro

i skip most smackdowns and raws, catch maybe six paperviews a year, but i've never skipped a mania

in all likelihood im gonna skip this one because i just don't fucking care. i'm not even morbidly curious like i was for the royal rumble

wwe is in a truly shit state and i think im ready to move on from wrestling in general after twenty fucking years

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blue for sure,Charlotte is the draw over becketty, kofi winning an undercard title like the wwe championship is whatever, helps give the blacks more incentive to stop sitting on their lazy ass to maybe work, brock is the most credible champion they have he should hold it till he hands it to vince cuz he is tired of this BS, asuka fat or not puts on better tv and ppv matches where champs actually matter

>Seth as the top guy
>Mandy beats Asuka
That's getting a Yikes from me, I'm taking the right choice.

>Brock retains, Asuka retains
what kinda jabroni would pick a choice other than that

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can i get uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh one bluepill please

Red pill
>Becketty vs Ronda so Becketty wins and the push continues concurrent with dwindling attendance/viewership so I can meme about her being an anti-draw
>Fuck niggers
>Jasethy for same reasons as Becketty
>Based Mandy goes over the fatty

>red pill/blue pill meme
>from movie directed by two trans directors

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The Matrix was a complete ripoff of some weeb shit I can't remember the name of, but I'm sure google can help you.

Ghost in the Shell

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I take the pill with zero womeme matches

blue pill is objectively better in every single way

>redpill and based

>bluepill and cringe
your entire list user

I eat both and see what happens

Blue. Kofi has been my favorite since I was a kid.

switch the brock one and i'll take the redpill

Red, it shouldn't even be an option for blue

literally blue pill just so brock doesn't lose the belt to jasethy

Choose the Green Pill, Yea Forums

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For me, It's the blue pill fampai

I'll take blue because I'm an Asuka fan and I don't think Mandy should get the title from her at mania.

>my boy kofi
zoomers OUT


I don't think Brock vs Seth should be on Sunday Night Heat but the rest of it is fine because nobody watches Heat anyway

What? This is a Wrestlemania card? Oh dear

>these are e-drones' options

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I'll take the blue pill for Kofi and Asuka. Brock retaining keeps the door open for Brock vs Bobbo

Just the fact that you put women first shows the state of pro wrestling today.

the mark in me wants the red but the longtime wrestlefag in me wants the bkue just to see the company crash and burn just so i can finally be free from this hell

There's nothing good about Seff getting the strap