>isn't a mark for himself and doesn't need to talk much
>part timer but still main events when Ash can't get over a shitter Pokemon
>basically tells ash to fuck off because he knows he's just a manipulative narcissist that uses everyone
>has big feel matches
>took down freaking blastoise even though he's weak against him
>put over a shitter like Magmar into a 5 star match
>went over a legendary pokemon 'Articuno'
>was selling just as much merch as Pikachu in his rookie year as Charmander
Charizard is the Brock Lesnar of the WWE
What a stupid fucking post
based. great match psychology too. plays the part of a cocky heel but then sells his way into a massive babyface pop
is he on Raw or Smackdown
>>put over a shitter like Magmar into a 5 star match
This is actually impressive that he made a Goldust like character look strong like how Lesnar makes manlets look good
The red brand. Smackdown gets Blastoisetty.
He was a fag.
Ash literally saved Charmanders life when he was young. He also literally made ash lose matches because he was a mark for himself. Literally a Shawn micheals.
Based Big Charizard Working the Smarks
Ash was a good trainer for a while but he showed how shitty he was long before Charmander evolved. Charizard knew this and no sold Ashs shitty training.
>Ash literally saved Charmanders life when he was young.
Nice revisionist history there. It was Brock who saved Charmander and anyone who saw the episode knows this. Ash is just an arrogant selfish manipulator who cares about being iver with his smark badges and had to be around other stars all the time like pikachu to appear over. Remind you of anyone?
Why are u lying?
I watched the episode hundreds of times and had the vhs.
They all saved charmander
He still saved his life. He just became a cunt after charmander
Nigger, Ash literally admits that Brock should be the one having Charmander at the end of the episode because he was the one who took care of him
Brock already had Paul, I guess.
Charizard can’t cut a promo to save his life. Based Meowth is the best promo Pokémon has ever had
>is Charizard Red or Blue
what do you think
Doesn't matter if you're using wrestling insider terms, IT'S NOT WRESTLING RELATED. Get your faggot ass nigger Chinese cartoons off my sweaty oily men forum.
Best promo in the Pokemon world is Mewtwo ya simp
Ya seethe?
Too bad GFW is pushing diva shit now.
>has to cut edgy cynical pipe bomb promos to get over
Charizard is a mark for himself though.
Mew was just a flash in the pan and could never carry the business like big feel matches Charizard
> Charifag
Step aside boomers , superior fire starter coming through.
Oh great another literal who from developmental
Charizard drew the most dimes. If you owned this card you were king
stay butthurt
Stop marking for pokemanlets
fuck pokemon