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this is my favorite Yea Forums meme

>Working is what we call manipulation. This is the same tactic used by the president,Fox News,actors,musicians to manipulate your emotions

You see here ...that feeling of you wanting to jump on stage and beat me up...in the pro wrestling world that's called heat. A tactic that the media steal from the pro wrestling handbook.

>He's insulted our town! Let's get him. O wate, we're not retarded marks who fall for that cheap shit wrestling does.

Women should not have the right to choose who to mate and breed with. This decision should be made for them by rational men of intelligence. If women continue to have rights, they will only hinder the advancement of the human race by breeding with degenerate niggers and creating stupid degenerate offspring. This will cause humanity to become even more depraved with every generation. Women have more power in human society than they deserve, all because of sex. There is no creature more evil and depraved than the human woman. How could an inferior, ugly black boy be able to get a white girl and not me? I am beautiful, and I am white myself. I am descended from British Aristocracy. He is descended from slaves. I deserve it more. This just proves how ridiculous the female gender is. They would give themselves to this filthy scum, but they reject ME? The injustice! But seriously folks, those are the words of one Elliott Rogers. In the professional wrestling business, we call playing roles "having a gimmick", and the news media plays a gimmick in every story they cover, whether you realize it or not.

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This meme, the dusty Rhodes that's hard times forced meme all have potential

It's what you get for being country music fans. Look, you came to Vegas to gamble. You got a chance to play an old fashioned game of human roulette, you fucks. You say there's no motive? I'll give you a motive, it's you. Your excesses, your naive culture of identity and vapid consumerism. This is what you get for letting yourself become the weak goyim zombies while the Jewpigs run your country. You want to throw me off the stage? Gotcha! This is just an old school wrestling tactic called a "work" and everyday the news media is making you a victim of its messaging and spin.

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I actually like Titus o neils
Honestly, titus seems like he gets picked on in wwe. He seems like a good lad

this is the best meme in a long time

Every homosexual is going to hell. Let me repeat that for the queers in attendance who have cocks in their ears: if you are gay, your immortal soul is going to burn in hell for eternity. You don't get to be with The Father. You don't get eternal life. You get to be Satan's bitch. And there's no redemption. There's no love for you. You don't just send yourself to hell, but guess what, your parents get to go to hell with you. Because they're bad parents. Life has consequences, faggots, and it goes far beyond HIV and suicide. You know what percent of child molesters are homosexuals? 75%. And yet homosexuals make up less than 5% of the general population. We can reduce child rape by 75%, just by killing every faggot right now, and it will only cost us a tiny 5% of the population. Raise your hand if you're a faggot in this room right now. Raise your hand if you know a faggot. Those with your hands raised, I want you to kill yourselves when you go home. Wow, I'm glad this part is over. I told Arthur I would do this. You see folks, this is what we in the business call "working an angle", and by working an angle, just like in the wrestling business, the media is manipulating what you think and feel.

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>The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.

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See thats what we call in the wrestling business worked, I just worked you into a grammar nazi seething mess.

i hope this thread has 100+ posts when i wake up

good night Yea Forums

Anyone have the McDonalds one?

mmm mhmmm Oh my Shannon, it's getting posted again.

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>Confusion has struck the pro wrestling industry with news of a letter given to United States Navy officers in the Arabian Sea. The letter purports itself to have been written by pro wrestling businessman Eric Bischoff, who was last seen leaving an interview for the podcast 83 Weeks.

>The Navy reported in its official sailors' journal on a major ransom expedition to recover 5 American hostages from Somali pirates. The hostages were mandated by the pirates upon release with delivering the message. It reads as follows:

>"Alright! I'm glad this part is over, I really, really am. Now, I've gotta be honest. I've been doing this for a long time. I told Captain Wajaale earlier, when I told him what I wanted to do, I wanted to give him a heads up so he wouldn't send me to the gangplank and toss me overboard. Not that that hasn't happened before either, but I didn't really - I wanted to give him a heads up. And I told him I was gonna accept the ransom. And I said 'you know...' he, he said 'are you comfortable doing it?' I said 'well I'm really comfortable making people hate me. I've just never done it in an environment where the black bandanas are a shoot before."

>"So here we are. Now I do want to ask a question, though: out of all of you on this ship, is there anybody here - and be honest - is there anybody here that wanted to see me taken to the gangplank and get tossed overboard? A few of you! Damn! I've still got it! Hahaha. It's kind of like a ratings war, or liquidating your contracts, once they've figured it out it's hard to lose it."

>"But had I continued, and, and gone further in trying to make you all hate me, until the point where somebody actually did come in from the deck and drag me to the hostage area and maybe spend the last night of all 6 of our lives in a Somali pirate gang's jail... if I would have done that, then the very next U.S. cruiser that would've come out to these coordinates would have more than likely blown this ship to smithereens."


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>"And that means I would have done my job. Because if Captain Wajaale would have called me up 4 or 5 months ago when he did and said 'look Eric, we've got this thing called Aden Stalk, it's a lot of fun, it's a great opportunity, you know, some really smart people, you'll hear ideas, you'll gain experience, but I don't wanna do it the way we normally do it; see, what I wanna do Eric, is I want to format my AdenXCaptorville show or event to be like a professional wrestling event. I don't want America's military to think, I want America's military to feel.'. Hmmm! That would've been right up my alley. Because that's what I do. Or at least that's what I've done for the last thirty years."

>Sources close to Eric Bischoff are bewildered as to his motive in joining a Somali pirate gang. Some speculate he is also a hostage who is being forced to use his negotiation skills on their behalf, and that the letter is really a call for help.

>Conrad Thompson, the co-host of 83 Weeks, said "his last words to me were, 'if you say roll tide one more freaking time, I'm going down to the port right now and boarding the first ship that'll take me to go see what the Hell a roll tide is'. Roll tide."


Never seen the McDonald's one. The holocaust TEDX thread was the best one ever until the s󠀀oy󠀀boys had pedomod delete it

Meltzer has a special live WON regarding Eric Bischoff vs The US Navy. He’s a wreck bros, he’s shaking and boiling because he realizes that Conrad is accomplice as well and that could bring down AEW as a whole.

Meltzer is having a meltdown, announcing war on other dirtsheets

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Is Conrad Thompson a suspect in the ongoing investigation involving Eric Bischoff and the letter he sent to the US Navy?

Could cause complications for AEW if that’s the case

>So..., per Meltzer, 11/3/05...
>Fuck him. Fuck Dave Meltzer.
>You finished?
>So per Meltzer, around this time, on the Yea Forums board, the Yea Forums board that was going on in 4Channel at the time, a new meme was being pushed. Meltzer kinda freestyles that the Eric Bischoff Ted Talk meme had splintered into something about warships and Somali pirates, he gives it one-star.... Bruce, what was the rap backstage on this meme? Were the boys in on it, did it have Vince's backing, chat me up.
>Oh God.... This is the US Navy letter, right? God... I remember Dusty coming up to me when it happened, "Brooce Prichar, if you weeeellll, gon' get thees meme about the Navy over funky like ah munkeh if you weel...." But yeah, I never got it. To me.... god, it was the drizzling shits it really was.
>And if your finances are the drizzling shits, why not take out seven or eight new loans at an extortionate interest rate with ConradLoanSharks.com?

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This "meme" is dumb and low effort

good bait have one (you)

Bischoff Tedtalks and Conradposting show that Yea Forums ain't dead, baby.

“You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffers very greatly, many of them, by living among us, while ours suffers from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated.” - Abraham Lincoln

“And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.” - Abraham Lincoln

“I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races.” - Abraham Lincoln

"I'm glad that part is over, I really, really am! We in the wrestling business call it 'cheap heat'. Whether you love blacks, hate blacks, it don't matter. What matters is that they're passionate about it. That's what being a wrestler is all about. The media, when they're discussing James K. Polk, and his mission to build a border with Mexico, they learned this secret tactic from us wrestlers a looooong time ago. Every day I wake up and I go 'don't get mad, don't get mad'. Because they want you to get mad." - Abraham Lincoln

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holy fucking dimes

Explain this meme bros



>Kevin Nash got raped and I don't have to prove shit to you because when I bring the evidence you deny it. When you ask Nash he denies it. It's an almost Pavlovian response. I thought people at these conferences were smart. But when he came to WCW in 92 as the long legged tranny he is.. Well the rest is history.

I like this meme, but I don't understand it

Base scaruffi poster

fucking lmao fucking lol

that dusty "meme" has been a running joke for DECADES zoomer.



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> no you fucking idiot it’s “you are”
>are you seething?
>Yes? See I still got it!

I'm turned on but also repulsed.