Watch Asian children wrestle

Watch Asian children wrestle

Attached: World_Wonder_Ring_Stardom.png (168x139, 10K)

I don't have cable.

I do, Hanan is my favorite.

I skip most of their matches in favour of the adults - the actually good wrestlers. Although Starlight Kid and Azumi are actually pretty good desu. Azumi at 16 is more technically solid than most of WWE's women's division.

Attached: 1547934348245.jpg (1200x800, 96K)

>Starlight Kid
>pretty good

What draws me is seeing Sumire hump the faces of teenage girls

She used to be too sloppy even as far back as just last year, but she's had some good matches so far this year, against Utami, Hazuki and Hana. She's not perfect, but she's still 17 and in school. Pretty noticeable improvement recently.

While her technique isn't impressive, I think she has a great understanding of the other aspects of performance.
I get more out of her matches than I do from Ice Ribbon's mini high-flyers who are far more technically skilled.

is this the thread?

Based on the OP, I don't think so.

Attached: Bobbi Tyler, Hana Kimura & Sadie Gibbs vs. Mayu Iwatani, Starlight Kid & Tam Nakano.mp4-.web (1280x720, 1.48M)

Where's Kiddo?

this is now the thread

Attached: DwJ7IZCUYAALQbF.jpg (1536x2048, 752K)

I wish I had started watching it while Kris Wolf was in it

Attached: wolf67.jpg (685x1369, 286K)

why? she sucks

this desu. she's a jobber

Well Tam is a grandma, so it balances out.

the point of Kris Wolf isn't to be in awe of her incredible ring skills, which she never had and never will have.

I guess so, unless someone starts a proper /Stardom/ thread.

Gonna start a petition to have this child exploitation ring closed down!

She's deceptive athletic and executes her moves well for the most part.

The /stardom/ OP is refusing to make a new thread because people keep posting Hana in that thread instead of /oedo/ even though Hana isn't even a member of Oedo Tai anymore.

Hana can be in both though. She's no longer in Oedo Tai, and was starting her own faction until the one girl left to could be in /Stardom/. But as an alum, could be included in the /Oedo/ thread. There's someone shitting up the /Oedo/ thread posting a bunch of Brandi Rhodes photos, so I'm not sure if it's /Stardom/ OP retaliating or some other botard doing it.