Asuka doesn't workou-

>Asuka doesn't workou-

Attached: D0Mo3-FUYAA-yk_.jpg (1108x1478, 231K)

>video of Asuka working out

get your fucking potato hands off my gf

She's just there cus its pizza night

She's not even sweating or anything, of course she doesnt lmao

based Sheamus eating pepperoni out of Asuka's bumhole

>working out
>those flabby arms

She's only there to get REDDED.

She agreed to it when they were all stuck in the snow. He Tweeted that he asked her to be a part of his Workout with an Irish Simp show on YouTube.

So that's all she's doing.

Yes I bet they had quite the intense workout together.

I imagine she does really light bodyweight stuff and make some 5 pound dumbell things.

aaaaaRRRRGHH LADS he's got 'er

Attached: thesushibar asuka & sheamus.jpg (1125x1254, 202K)

probably do some yoga stretches and a brisk jog on the treadmill

you can tell she doesn't by looking at her gut and flabby arms

She used to be kind of fit but stopped caring after 2010

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Sheamus finally has a guest who'll get gassed before he does. Probably why he wanted her.

Just imagine how ding-dong diddly good the sex would be the Kana in her prime

Then why is he sweaty but she isnt?

Sheamus can't keep getting a way with this. Ortiz better watch out if Rhea gets a whiff of him.

Kek I can't wait to see Fatsuka embarrass herself by getting blown up during the most basic exercise


>empress of spades
>fucking casper
Pick one

I'd like her to workout my dick if ya ding-dong diddly smell what I'm cookin.

I eagerly await smelling the video

Attached: asuka locked beck.jpg (1200x801, 611K)