/bex/ - Becky Lynch General

Birthday party edition

Becky's best match: dailymotion.com/video/x2qwjo3

Becky getting stretched: youtube.com/watch?v=Dd_MXBdqmgA

Working out: youtube.com/watch?v=ktrX3XALG_Y


Twitter: twitter.com/BeckyLynchWWE
Instagram: instagram.com/beckylynchwwe/

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


I love Bex

Cx in the chat

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I wanna hug Becky :)

Is there a picture in existence where Becky is showing more skin than this one?

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soon but with colors reversed

Yeah, she did that ring rat photoshoot in her underwear back when she was on drugs.

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Do you think Becky likes creampies?


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Why does she never show tummy?

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I bet she sat on that pink bottle at some point

Best tummy

I'm willing to find out for you


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She's too busy showing pits

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Based Bex knowing what the people truly want

Who was coming at her?

unfortunately I think that was the Bliss feud which means Bex probably jobbed after that


How times have changed

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Based Bex working Yea Forums into endless shoots

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Wat dat mouff do?

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the absolute state of whoever made this

top kek

That isn't even well done

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Eric Bischoff admitted if he was making a new promotion he'd have Becky as the cornerstone top talent that he'd build it around. Take that for what you will.

based and bexpilled


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Attached: becky dimes.gif (360x202, 1.58M)

this is now extra fitting since the Oscars are a shitshow this year

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You tried/10


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Did anyone actually watch Marine 6?

it's the cheapest movie I've ever seen. Bex gives the best performance in the movie for what little that's worth

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It's not the worst marine movie but it's still a marine movie.

Its shit, but Becky did ok

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I'd like to take her for a ride on my Space Needle

I don't quite follow


So is tonight the night where they include her to WM? Or will she need a qualification match at fastlane?

well they're apparently no longer advertising her vs. Charles at Fastlane, but I doubt we'll have confirmation she's back in WM tonight.

I think the angle to getting her back in starts tonight

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Based tongueposter

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So she’s going to keep rocking the Kill Bill look?

I hope not

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I doubt it

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Dunno, I like how she has her hair now. Maybe she can have a ponytail too.

Attached: becky P.png (1363x739, 1.43M)

>ponytail bex
My dick would like that

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smug pitslut

*kicks 70 year old Ric Flair's arse*

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Becky chants during Ronda's match

>Becky not beating up Ric


are you implying she's done tonight?

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I hope not

>Ronda wants Becky reinstated
lel, this is dumb

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Who the fuck is writing this shit?


I think that was the worst Ronda has ever been on the mic and that itself is remarkable

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not even the Big Dog can save Yea Forums from Bexamania

Attached: finlay BTFO lana.gif (540x281, 2.94M)

Vince is going to hand Charles the title during Ric's bday celebration tonight

>THIS is Charles record breaking 8th championship
simply ebin

She doesn't get her big moment by actually winning a match and will lose at Wrestlemania. Charles actually BTFO if they go that direction

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>careful with the hands, I need them to hold up the title

Attached: arrested4.gif (268x272, 2.95M)

Attached: cuffs.gif (268x272, 2.84M)

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>Becky in handcuffs
I never knew how much I wanted this

I don't see her main eventing now


real draw Batista confirmed main event

Attached: Becky antidraw.jpg (640x850, 298K)

>boomers without titles main eventing

The women still will.

>Undertaker did it two years ago
>male feminist incel thinks womens titles are important

This. Vince has seen the ratings or Becky-centric shows and they are utter garbo

this desu, there's a better chance of the universal title shit main eventing than those two

If triple h vs sting with DX and the NWO showing up didn't main event mania, why would triple h vs batista?

Yea Forums remains desperate to keep women out the main event, but can't stomach rooting for a match with Rollins to main event

oh yeah and I will say, they are slowly but surely killing the momentum of this, even though Becky still gets good pops

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Ding-Dong Diddlybe onions tbqh senpai

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Oh they handcuffed her for real now. Must have seen all the people online ripping on her for pretending to be handcuffed last time.

This. There's just too many better options to go on last. And the momentum died the moment Nia knocked Becky out.

I want to nibble on those thighs

>And the momentum died the moment Nia knocked Becky out.
You gave yourself away shitposter, nobody actually believes this

I believe it seething Beckbeard. The record low ratings with her being the focus and ratings jump with her off the show is more than enough proof

Attached: Bexcels.jpg (720x960, 67K)

>actually trying to argue this didn't help her in the long run with muh ratings
If someone as stupid as you thinks that the women aren't going to main event, I probably have nothing to worry about

Attached: blood.gif (268x180, 1.88M)

>Nia gives her one slap
>I cant wrestle now....

We're suppose to give some belief to the illusion that Becky can put Ronda in an armbar without struggle or resistance - MMA FORMER CHAMPION RONDA ROUSEY, but giving Nia 2 punches from behind and taking one slap in response becomes a broken mess that cant wrestle. We're suppose to believe she's able to beat her?

I was simply agreeing that her momentum was halted I said nothing about main eventing ya schizophrenic neckbeard dipshit

Attached: beckyincel.jpg (951x777, 298K)

>Must have seen all the people online ripping on her for pretending to be handcuffed last time
I'm sure they care what a handful of incels on Yea Forums complained about in regards to their most popular wrestler

only Yea Forums contrarians try to pretend that makes it unbelievable, everyone else saw it as being cool no matter how hard you try to spin it

that contrarian thinks he is triggering someone
Some waifuists. That is the reason he keeps repeating it. I hoped he would find new material. He did not.

Incels that like to see bloody women thought it was cool. Normal people saw the "next Stone Cold" get hit in the face and then not be able to wrestle the biggest match of her career like a total weak bitch. Now she is hurt again and the association with the McMahons is making the whole thing a cringey abortion (she is used to that though)

>Now she is hurt again
>being a mark

That is what the WWE is telling the audience. They are making the next Stone Cold out to be a pussy. You Bexcels should have never trusted WWE writing.

I miss the old Becky:(

She also tapped out at the Rumble to Asuka, her beating Ronda is the most unbelievable bullshit

She's still going to, you know :^)

It's being poorly handled but that's not what they're doing at all, it's your desperate interpretation of it because you hate her.

Yeah, the "OIM TUFF" Becky is kinda cringe, where as Damsel in Distress Becky is pure diamonds

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Asuka is one of the strongest booked women of all time though

Kek, maybe in NXT. Not anymore


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These two are going to get a run as tag champs somewhere down the line

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I'm down for that


What is she smelling?

We're going over one day you fuck. You'll all job to us in the end.

Black people

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I want a whiff of her potato farts



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a very serviceable dumper


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>Charles promo tonight
oh joy


Charles bored the shit out of her hometown crowd

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Nothing new there

Based Bex gonna be the next Captain Marvel

You wanted sex with bex

Attached: Bex.webm (650x650, 1.51M)

Still do. No need for past tense

She barely got any kind of reaction

where’s the sex with bex poster

Attached: 13.png (475x599, 758K)

Tbh, it totally escaped me it was her hometown crowd. The reaction went from meek to nothing.

based and cutepilled

He fucked off when everyone realised he wasnt a bexfag.

To be fair, you guys lost ~50% of your shitposters. This General used to max out every couple days, now it takes a whole week. Kinda pathetic considering Becky is main eventing Mania in a few weeks. Real fucking pathetic.

the shitposters just entered the acceptance stage

ya ding-dong diddly seethe any harder and you'll pass out lil guy



Would /bex/ buy it?

Attached: 4298380_4.jpg (630x630, 57K)


If I saw someone wearing this on the street I wouldn't be able to help myself from losing it and probably kick the fuck out of the cringe Incel. Truth.

>spammers gave up
based /bex/ going over those jabronis clean

Proof many of her "fans" supported her out of pure contrarionism. Becky was more over when she was being buried.

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I can help you with that, bitch

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>5 seething replies

HA! I still got it! Without fail.

It's hilarious how I can leave for weeks, come back, drop one little troll, and you all still rage the fuck out. Just proves, I'll always have a free room in your head until the day you kys.


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Looks like a ginger cardi b. Probably has taken the same 30 miles of nigger dick cardi has.

I will never understand why so many people here have such a fascination with black cock

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nice, looks great with covered

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it's easier to commiserate when somebody's being buried than it is to keep running conversations about "golly i'm so excited Bex is going to win the main event of WM" for two months in a row

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>Not a ball gag

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Attached: [revels in overness].gif (540x304, 2.99M)

absolutely based

She wore some weird shit back in the day

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Chunky Bex was interesting

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What are they looking at?

I would very much like to see her vagina

But that's be require you to get out of your mobility scooter first, mate.

cute af


What color is Becky's bush?

The carpets matches the drapes


So you're saying that she's wearing a wig and is actually bald?

She doesn't have a bush, though

Can someone help a brother out and post some thighs?


I just want to see it

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Peyton is so lucky

This makes it look like she has short hair and it is pretty hot desu

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Becky working Ronda into a shoot yet again

Attached: 1551387962239.png (1166x660, 105K)


Ronda very eager to show her black ancestry and willingness to chimp out.

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>real name
oh no no no no

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Ronda seething


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Attached: uso sniff.gif (250x250, 1010K)

based yet cringe


Attached: [muffled asp seething in the distance].jpg (1022x1024, 103K)

Yea Forums won't be happy about this



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What a Chad



Threesome with Naomi

Attached: 1_042.jpg (640x640, 60K)

They definitely have

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Attached: 1535557231238.jpg (996x742, 77K)

Fucking weird

Yumola, imagine licking that pit

Why would anyone like this cringey bitch? She's not even remotely good looking and sounds like a chain smoking truck driver.

Shit fantasy booking, but what are the chances that the WM triple threat is turning into a 2 on 1 handicap match? I.e when they are all in the ring, Charles turns around gives the tea sip gesture which Becky replies with one as well and the "heat" between Charles and Becky was just a ruse to play/distract Ronda?

zero but Becky and Charles momentarily working together on Ronda would be cool. I think they had a double dropkick spot back when they were in PCB, that could be a fun callback

Actually I can see it being an elimination triple threat. Becky and Ronda work together and get rid of Charles. That way we can get Ronda and Becky 1 on 1 for the second part of the match. Vince gets his golden girl in the main event and everyone can be sort of happy. Other than just doing the 1 vs 1, this is probably the best scenario

Becky fans look like THIS?

Attached: post_file.png (563x750, 600K)

Attached: 1551445453920.webm (520x360, 1M)

Becky would definitely fuck her


Attached: post_file2.png (422x750, 278K)

For sure

bexspammer disappeared and stopped posting 18hrs a day since becky got pulled from wm because so the irish simp cant show his face around here without getting btfo because of this

>since becky got pulled from wm

you don't think that's going to stick do you

imagine being so worked by a becky lynch segment garnering buzz amongst fans some incel actually took the time to draw all of that. ironic when you really think about it

obviously not brotha. im just making a point bexspammer kept posting shit in the raw general then as soon as they pull becky he doesn't show his face again because he's that sensitive

If it wasn't for you waifufags endorsing the insufferable prick in the first place we'd never think of you any worse than you are you sad fucking cunt.

>If it wasn't for you waifufags endorsing the insufferable prick in the first place
most everyone in here think he's a false flagger

Attached: 48000 screaming Bexamaniacs.jpg (1200x668, 139K)

i couldnt give a shit. its a shame hes not here because he obviously pissed you off enough to seethe, ya seething fucking simp

he isn't. i legit thought it was carter shenanigans as per usual but ive copied him because it pisses people off like this loser

Bexspammer stopped when he was outed as not actually a bexfag, just someone pretending to piss people off. It had nothing to do with her booking

Cringe. You probably are bexspammer you fucking spastic.

>le bexspammer boogeyman
HOLY FUCKING RENT FREE. im not thebexspammer my dude, so dont get angry at me. sorry to hear youre literally obsessed with him though.

Attached: MbELZfrX.jpg (290x290, 23K)

Calm down. Have sex with bex will ya?

What proof is there that he's from Ireland? And is he actually falseflagging or is he genuinely a Bexchad working Yea Forums who's clearly anti becky?

shoot bexchad

bexspammer straight up announced he was going to piss off Yea Forums ever since becky won the royal rumble because like you say, Yea Forums cant stand becky lynch. some people think bexspammer was just pretending to be a beckyfan but someone screencapped his announcement blaming it on us when we didnt even ask him to do anything at all. i didnt respond to him myself since i dont care what Yea Forums thinks. but if he annoyed them to the point where he got banned for spamming something stupid like sex with bex then by all means let him work charles and ronda fans. hes sad af but more power to him.

people think hes irish because of the language and sayings he uses

I'm surprised people didn't pick up on this sooner

Attached: 671afaca7dde61a4d710f42ef438fed4dd8b0778_hq.jpg (736x736, 101K)

Bexspammer posts during the UK timezone and uses slang from Ireland and it's obvious despite how autistic he is he isn't someone in another country. You tell it's him because he uses the same images over and over.
When they kayfabed replaced Becky with Charlotte he disappeared from the RAW game thread he stayed up for. He is a Becky Lynch fan for real but we get heat for his shitposting.

>t. bexspammer

jump in front of a fucking train bexcel

Attached: 1549933281651.jpg (400x400, 23K)

Post pits

Ya seething?
Have some sex with bex

based the man working the obese Yea Forumsies into a seething shoot.

>gets worked by Becky so he has to go into the Becky general and immediately seethes over a buzzword
Beggin ya to have sex with bex simp

Attached: 1549843190231.gif (540x304, 3.66M)

You mad, chump? You seething lil guy? Calm down, have sex with bex.

Attached: tumblr_o58ivcePLz1vqks6wo1_500.gif (500x281, 1.11M)

obvious samefag bexcell cringe. your waifu thread couldn't draw a fly to shit just like you and your forced shit you cringelord faggots.

Worked have sex with bex

>forced shit
>worked into a scitzophrenic shoot thinking everyone's same fagging him
It obviously works you since you're still here because of your stockholm syndrome ya seething simp. LETS HAVE SEX WITH BEX

I just wanna cuddle on the couch with Bex

Bischoff also tanked WCW and TNA. Take THAT for what you will.

Based af

Attached: EducatedSpitefulBrahmanbull.gif (450x475, 3.78M)


ya fuming

Attached: the face that runs the place and john cena.gif (350x197, 2.72M)

Have sex with bex, ya worked incel.


Attached: becky oooooooooooh.gif (245x225, 1.42M)

Cute and sassy

Underrated team

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Charles BTFO

Tribute worthy

Becky's a fucking weirdo


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tremendous pit

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absolutely based

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Imagine not wanting to lick her pits

I can't

Love the black bra + see through shirt look

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what a slut

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Someone arrest that potato

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I wish she'd drink my cum like that


Attached: 092_SD_07242018hm_0763--02f6b3abf4c5d76c5c92de0fe2d2ccae.jpg (1200x675, 117K)

Sexy bitch


Does she loves BBC?

New thread