Based Bad Guy, still feasting on the rats

Based Bad Guy, still feasting on the rats.

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The desperation is sad

Is it a gimmick, though?

Based high test Hall can do literally anything and not come out as cringe

>can do literally anything and not come out

Its not like we haven't already begged him to.

Criss Angel? what a fag

Randy the Ram IRL.


maybe you'll be late 50s and lonely someday too if ya have sex

Scott tries to bang every slut who acknowledges him on Twitter.

Are ring rats still a thing? Like a new crop and not just the worn out ones from the 80s?

Maybe I won't be a drunk fool during adulthood and actually settle down with someone.

I'm in 20s and lonely. I dont think its gonna get any better in next 30 years.

Scott Hall will always be /ourguy/, it was written in the stars when he coldbloodedly wrestled the gun out of that nigger's hands and blew his brains out.

Scott would have been the GOAT without the mental baggage from killing a guy.

>do women still lust after dominant 6'6 alpha chads?

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If only he was there for his fellow Outsider 9 years later.

Where are the 6'6 alpha chads in wrestling now though?

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in corporate

flippy dishwasher midgets do all the legwork these days amd get none of the notoriety and none of the pussy

>in coporate
Youre not 6'6 Paul

Johnny Ace is

He's 6'4


It was a joke

Literally dropped by a ring rat. The state of this fool.

to be fair, Angel could just be his spic drug dealer, a cab driver or even his landscaper
