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Dying the hair is actually a pretty good strategy for twins that don't want to be mistaken by the other
wtf I thought their last name was bella
Did they have a scat fetish then?
So Nikki always had the Inokism chin.and thousand cock stare, good to know.
Brie was, is, and will always be the prettier twin. Let's use rock crystals to get Bernie into office, Brie.
based Brie
Tony Atlas made that up because they wouldn't fuck him.
Gross. Nikki has been the Michaels from the start
The Bella twins are actually beaners? Yikes
Riley said they had it too. Take that for what you will
What gave it away, dipstick?
Nikki always the hbk
hi jew
Riley who?
Is this from high school? They still look 40
Do you work for NASA?
Alex, I guess? He might've said or or it might've bern a fake post here working that user into a shiteating shoot
i disagree, and bries veganism has only widened the divide.
Somebody give me a quick rundown on the Bellas and Johnny Ace.
Nicole always the Janetty.
eh... so that's their real last names and not Bella huh?. Interesting.
No wonder John didn't want kids with her
wikipedia is your friend
This is funny because Randall married a beaner with 3 beaner sons
Even back then nikki had to he fake.
They have the same exact smile its fucking eerie
Hi goy
something happened with them and laurinaitis in a hot tub. and now he's their stepfather
>Let's use rock crystals to get Bernie into office, Brie.
Fuck, I howled with laughter
Based big brain user dropping hard facts on us brainlets
I wanna cummy on their tummy
Check out the big brains on bret
Nikki looked amazing. I would have loved to have her in high school. Would have put 3 or 4 kids in her and kept her out of wrestling/fame whoring.
scat fetish
It's like they're twins or something. Pretty unsettling indeed.
Her real first name is Stephanie.
Some people go by their middle names you shut-in retard
Shieeet you a prophet muh nigga
Garcia is Portuguese, you dumb white niggers
There are literally half Mexican you shitskin dipshit
>half Mexican
Mexican is a nationality, not a race or ethnicity. You absolute fucking retard.....
Who does this?
So is Portuguese you fucking dumbass
based and redpilled shitskins
santo basado
Anyone who thought there shoot last name was bella is a simp
You have this gringo's full support, bean bros.
Nikki has the scat fetish. Brie is just a weird hippy.
Based Ace hit the mother daughter combo with the added twin bonus.
Pretty sure that gets you straight into Elysium.
You got worked into a kayfabe, brother.
Ive never found either of these two attractive. Just dont get it.
High school Gruntilda the beaner drawing no dimes
It's okay chief women just aren't for you.
You know, most people don't know the difference between Nikki and brie Bella, but I do. Now here's a little trick to help you remember:
Fake tits and chin, it's Nikki has-been
Mom milk and grin, it's Brie better twin