Is he the biggest argument against monogamy? There's no reason he shouldn't impregnate multiple women at the same time yo finally have a son. Instead he's falling for the monogamy meme and he's getting girl after girl after girl after girl.
Is he the biggest argument against monogamy...
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It doesn't really matter. Notions of monogamy and polygamy are irrelevant to incels of /asp
The dude is legitimately a homosexual that is forced to hide it.
based rational user
it’s alright bro just come out already
Projection is also strong on Yea Forums.....
I'm really curious if roids have anything to do with your chances of making a son, or if it's always random regardless
Triple H and Rock have nothing but daughters.
Polycucks should kill themselves
If you have sex daily you're more likely to have a boy than if you only have it a few times a week. The male sperm are faster but the female sperm lives longer
this. it's scientifically proven that the more sexually virile you are, the more likely you have boys.
The less stressed out the mother is, it marginally lowers the chance of the baby being a female.
Reigns only have daughters as well iirc
It's entirely social
Shane is a true Alpha
>Pat Patterson
>Summer 1996
That is all I can say.....
Literally random. Enjoy not having kids.
Childbirth without marriage is actually traditional. Many Muslim rulers have not been a child of wives despite their polygamy, but of domestic concubines.
Let Big Daddy Based explain things
He doesn't have a son because one could never live up to his legacy.
>things daughterettys tell themselves
Why does he have to hide it? He works in an industry that is brainwashing people to think it's normal and acceptable and lives in a country that promoted it to victim class and being brave and righteous
it would hurt his box office numbers as an action star
His first wife is so ugly and manly looking. She’s his manager now too. It’s fucking weird. I think he could be gay.