How come he gets zero reaction from the fans?

How come he gets zero reaction from the fans?

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poor mic skills.

Because the crowd wants manlets that do flippy shit

he's in wwe

Everybody gets zero reaction these days.

He only needs one reaction guys

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because there are no fans

Maybe they're intimidated by him like when animals freeze up around predators

Because he’s a dumb roid monkey who sounds like a 12 year old.

cause wwmeme crowds are dead

>everyone wants to see BASED Bobbo vs Bork
>Bobbo goes over roman clean at ppv
>next night on RAM roman goes over and undoes the result of the ppv and we get Roman vs Bork anyways
>fans now realize there's no point in cheering for Bobbo since he'll never do anything of importance in any feud
>Lio Rush

It's hard for tarps to cheer or boo.

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Psychologists should study WWE. It's amazing how they can subconsciously cause millions of people not to give a shit about a guy they liked 2 weeks ago.

Because he is a “N word” sorry i cant type or say the “word”

Big men don't draw.

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Because he's a boring, no talent, bald retard

Because they are respectful towards Bobbo

Remember when Bobbo was IC champion?
It happened for two weeks.

I don't even remember how he got it.

N Word

Charisma vacuum, no personality.

He's a vanilla midget who happens to be really big at the same time.

terrible booking
remember his first feud?

Bad mic skills and jobbing to manlets =/= no reaction

Looking back, do you think that was because of the cancer?

Booking Roman Reigns the way they did really fucked up everything.. And it was already fucked up with him there

I haven't watched WWE in a while much less this shitter's return but lemme go out on a limb here and suggest they brought him back and immediately slammed him into directionless matches with no immediate explanation of his character or direction thereby completely squandering his return hype leaving him to drift listlessly since

he looks like he has down syndrome and doesn't even have the bestial sex appeal of your common athlape

Yes, they gave him a godawful Sami Zayn feud and nobody cared after that.

pure babyface into a monster heel and still cant draw a single dime

No steady push
No opportunites to show personality

Bobbo vs Lesnar should be the WM main event. A younger Vince would've known that.

This was his one of the first videos they ran for him
He had no chance with this start.

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I thought at first it was a cute one-off video to present him as a face with a lovable family. I honestly found him endearing at that point.
I had no idea it was to kickstart his feud with Zayn.

Because he's boring

Half of the arena are too busy biting their lips when he comes out and the other half are seething cucks.

Lashleys the purest example of a pro wrestler needing charisma/mic skills to get over.

this. it killed Bobby dead. he hasn't recuperated since.

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>charisma/mic skills
he has these though. why wwe is insistent on using lio rush as his mouth piece is beyond me. if they'd let guys improvise with some direction instead of reciting lines like it's a play, bobbo would get over no problem.

spot on

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i think this is true of a lot of wrestlers in wwe and proof that road dogg's whole "wins and losses don't matter" philosophy is bullshit. why am i going to invest any time money or energy in a wrestler i know isn't going to amount to shit? if i know that their whole role is solely to make SHEBD shitters look good, why do i care about anything they do?

0 charisma

He's always had ZERO CHARISMA.

>inb4 he was loved in TNA

Yeah, I'd be over too if my entire roster consisted of Gunner, Desmond Wolfe, and Chris Saban. Oh, don't forget Matt Morgan - he really put butts in the seats!

Tarps dont react

Pretty sure it was the sisters segments

lmfao holy shit, people really defending bobbo by saying it's the booking that brings him down, not his inability to produce any sort of charm or charisma

he should have just stayed released by WWE, no one gives a fuck about him then and they dont now

Bork doesn't have charisma either, but he's booked to beat everyone and has a good manager.

brock doesn't speak, as corny as it is to type this he lets his actions speak for him instead. he just fucking has "it", and the booking played no part in getting him over when he first came to wwe

>he lets his actions speak for him instead
Do you really not see how this is all booking?

What fans?

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third post best post


His sisters stole all his heat

wrestling fans want to escape from the black athlete worship of other sports, not be hammered over the head with it.
plus bobby has tryhard charisma and doesn't match up to his size and presence in the ring

The most based part of the Ruthless Aggression Era, the absolute peak, was when Cena squashed this shitter at GAB 07.

People wanted him to face Brock and they won't give us the match so no one cares any more

They don't let the big guys do enough power moves to look good. Also his debut was very lackluster and the program with Zayn coupled with the loss to Roman killed any chance at momentum and fans rooting for him.

booked like a retard instead of in big money matches with Brock, Cena and Goldberg. It's too late now

he beat Rollins who won it from Dean ... right?

he had his chance vs. Cena in 2007 and he blew it. He doesn't have charisma or likability.

>They don't let the big guys do enough power moves to look good.

That won't make Leakeemeia look strong

That was post-RA

>he blew it

fucking HOW, e-Drone?

>fucking HOW, e-Drone?
he didn't fucking draw a reaction. nobody likes this guy. he makes braun strowman look like a megastar.

Lashley was solidly over @ GAB 07.

>he makes Braun Strowman look like a megastar

Another guy who was monstrously over until WWE booking happened?

Who do (You) like anonnetty?

This. Then he lost it when his hype man was pinned. Kek!

He got a huge pop 1st couple of appearances....then Vince ruined it with bad booking

who the fuck is that nigger

>losing a title without getting beaten makes the champion look bad


100% correct damn, good job.
They also brought him back as a face for some dumb reason. I dont remember if they were short of faces but when you have guy built like Bobby he should not be a face.

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Just shows they had no real plan for him and switched it to balor probably with no plan previous to that

You’re mums lover lol

Bringing him back as babyface wasn't the worst idea, but everything they did since besides going over Reigns cleanly was.

the guy is a fucking mute. he wont be a black brock lesnar and has zero charisma.

He has no charisma and isn't entertaining

Have you seen the WWE audience as of late?

There is none.

L A S H L E Y!

>Who do (You) like anonnetty?
Brock, Cena, Roman, Goldberg, HHH, Carder, etc. ya know guys who can get over and deliver big matches

This Lashley run is nothing short of a disaster start to finish

>Debut in a random match against Elias
>He's a fucking babyface
>He doesn't do the dominator in that match but instead a vertical suplex
>Have him cut horrible promos about his family and his sister
>Put him in a god awful feud with Sami Zayn
>Have Roman Reigns beat him repeatedly
>Squander the Bobby Lashley Brock Lesnar match
>Strap him with Lio Rush who has go away heat
>Have him turn heel by attacking another heel
>Change his gimmick to be a bodybuilder when he's not a bodybuilder and he's clearly uncomfortable with it
>Put him, Drew, and Corbin together, 3 dudes with negative charisma, in a feud with Braun to kill Braun's heat

This all happened in less than a year. How the fuck did they fuck this sure fire top heel in less than a year?

Also Rock, HBK when they're in town

He black and people still hate us especally when we look like that!



Because he's literally an inferior copy of Brock Lesnar, it's even more noticeable now because the real Brock Lesnar is also currently working for WWE
>Doesn't have Brock's charisma, yes Brock has charisma.
>Not as good as Brock in the ring
>Has the personality of a cardboard box and his manager is nowhere near as good as Paul Heyman

Blacks don't draw in wrestling. Rock got away with it because most people thought he was a swarthy Italian

Headbands look silly on bald people.

Well, pal, the reality is that while he may be a good hand and a genetic freak, quite frankly, he's a bulbasaur, and bulbasaurs don't draw.

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He beat Roman on a PPV then, the next fucking night, lost clean to Roman for a title shot. From that exact moment, it was clear that Bobbo is just another guy and you aren't supposed to care about him.

Lashley is better in-ring than current Lesnar

no charisma, no character

WWE is a white territory

I unironically think that the WWE are working in stadiums that are too big for them. Stadiums worked in the Attitude Era when crowds are crazy and passionate. Nowadays the crowd reaction, however small it may be, gets lost in such a big stadium.

no joke, My interest in WWE was dwindling down. But this segment was what broke the camels back. Havent watched any WWE show since that fucking segment

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Bobby should come to Japan and become Black Tiger X or something

He's in WWE
He got beat by people smaller than him, so his credibility got shot early
His dogshit fued with Sami Zayn
He lost against Roman during Roman's 50th attempt to beat Brock Lesnar

Brock exudes enormous physical charisma and menace.

>tiger the black murders ibushi tiger mask
>tana becomes tiger mask to fight lashley in a 5 star match only the ace can carry

WWE killed his allure.

He should have been a silent assassin, doing squash matches.


Wwe writers r stoopid

hard to get a reaction out of tarps

The nigger has the body and the skills and the strength to be top nigger but he has the personality of a paper cup. 6/10 nigger. Would purchase at auction if I had some blow away cash.

Reminds me of Benoit. Not the family killing part suicide gimmick, but how one talent could be elite at a most vital part of the job and absolute trash at another vital part.
Benoit was a great Wrestler but had zero charisma and the camera just hated him. Lashley is a great monster and a mountain of a man in peek condition, but he had zero charisma and the camera just hates him.
Well, at least Lashley will get into the Hall of Fame though. Benoit, meanwhile, continues to burn in hell, and is probably doing shit promos to this day.
What I'm saying is Lashley > Benoit

I keep waiting for them to do crowd shots that are ripped from 2k18/19.

Twitter cucks didn't campaign and rally around him to make him a main event star like they do with Kofi. A month ago no one gave a fuck about Kofi, but because he was part of a scripted 30 minute match and pinned Bryan he was suddenly the top guy.

His theme song isn't cool enough

He needs to dance around more and make himslef look like a fucking retard like the New Day niggers so beta whites can cheer for them.

it's like if Hogan was in a fire and lost his hair and charisma

He's not a slap thigh manlet

All of this

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Brock only has two moves though.

le roman boogey man XD

It has nothing to do with his 3 moves and zero mic skills im sure

fucking this

no one is blaming Roman here you dyslexic mung. what's being said is that when Bobbo wins a match and wins the title shot vs Brock and the result is Immediately undone the following night on free tv, it sends the message to the audience that Bobbo is worthless and any result in his matches doesn't mean anything anyways. therefore, there's no reason to cheer for him. the booking is shit, not Roman.

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What's his favorite pose again?

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Benoit cuts shit promos in hell.

Don't forget the ass posing thing. Wtf?

100% Renee's idea.

>it sends the message to the audience that Bobbo is worthless and any result in his matches doesn't mean anything anyways. therefore, there's no reason to cheer for him. the booking is shit, not Roman.

the wrestling audience is that smart? why can't the wwe just make a good compelling storyline for bobbooboboo vs bork

zero character

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he doesn't look like he's the same Lashley from 13 years ago...