I don't know about anyone but to me this is pretty BASED
Sexy Star hopefully to CMLL
I don't know about anyone but to me this is pretty BASED
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Based for exposing an impact shitter as a fake tough girl.
damn CMLL wants all the mid 2000's AAA people, how long until the get latin lover
We don't need this careless shitter.
She's AAA trash & can Stay AAA trash.
She is legit tough, ive seen her boxing fights and she has a real good jab, also her muay thai is good. The rosemary goof tried to shoot on her and ended up screaming and tapping like a little bitch. Please let go sexy please it hurts
Latin lover? Is that a legit name?
Yeh he was literally in Royal Rumble 97
>being blacklisted from AEW a year before it was announced
>CMLL wants all the mid 2000's AAA people
Don't they HAVE all the mid 2000s AAA people? The only ones I can think of that they don't have are Fuerza Aerea, La Parka, and Faby
Yeah, his gimmick was doing a sexy dance too
Unsafe and super uggo to boot.
Yeah and he's in an Oscar nominated movie, better movie career than Big Daddy Bitch.
She was in the crowd yesterday too. Ive seen a little of her. She wont improve the roster that much from what ive seen.
>my locker rooms
Whats his heat with her?
She shoot broke Rosemarys arm. She had her in an armbar and then matches ended. She didnt let go and just broke it iirc.
Everyone was flaming her.
rosemsry ? the big titties ?
kek, keep seething retards, she's getting over and richer while you're still crying over a simpact bitch that doesn't even knows you exist
Yeah the demon titty chick from Impact
>four way match between Rosemary, Sexy Star, Ayako Hamada and Lady Shani
>Sexy Star and Lady Shani start shooting on each other for no fucking reason
>Rosemary and Hamada trying to keep things professional and keep the match under control
>Rosemary taps to Sexy Star at the finish
>Sexy Star shoot breaks Rosemary's arm after the bell because she's pissed at Lady Shani
tl;dr broke Rosemary's arm for no goddamn reason.
Always loved Sexy Star in Lucha Underground.
Simpactees SEETHING