The young white talent in the USA is embarrassing probably getting as bad as the brits

The young white talent in the USA is embarrassing probably getting as bad as the brits

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So the power of indie

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*is based in your path*

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Based in the way a 6th grader is based around a bunch of 4th graders.

Imagine still watching ROH like a cuck in 2019

Lmao what/who is the Nigger on the left?

That's Beavis.

What the fuck

I got no idea what the fuck I'm looking at but I'm glad I don't watch ROH

I'm so pissed right now, I wasted so much money doing those "tryout camps" a few years ago and got nothing but ring crew duty when they came to my area, but shitheads like this get a match?

BRB, gonna stock pile some arms then plan another trip to the ROH school.

imagine buying a stupid big screen to be like WWMEME

yea nigga fukk wypipo, lez go fly pyrmaidz n africa

Better this than "guy with black trunks who is really good at wrestling"

It not even a black vs white thing it is a high school Rick Rude looks more intimidating than most white wrestlers nowadays you guys where aces everywhere back in the day nowadays just want to be gay or Japanese.

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Hawk in highschool looked more DIMES than these jabronis nowadays

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This Goku guy is exactly why Young Lions don't get to have gimmick until they're ready.

what the fuck is this real? Is this actually some young boys out of the ROH dojo or some shit?

Oh my god. Do his tights say 9000? Is he a literal DBZ meme wrestler? Cringe.

Here I hate giving ROH YouTube my views

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i agree nigga fukk deez pussy azz whyte boiz, wen niggaz get bakkta africa nigga gon fly pyrmaidz ta WAKAAAANDA

ROH homegrown guys have always been that bad desu. Bobby Dempsey is the Michaels of ROH dojo, to put it into perspective

holy fucking shit. can we petition the FBI to black blag delirious please`?

sure just tell them youre with antifa and hes a nazi

If these kids can do it, there's no reason why I couldn't.

>muh white people

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>that trigger discipline
Rude is the GOAT

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Who is to blame for this?

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yeah why do you all insist on living near whites, working with whites, going to white schools, wearing white clothes, just let us segregate but no, white flight is always followed by non whites chasing and destroying creating this horrible never ending cycle where we are worse off than we were 50 years ago and will never go back to the moon

Imagine having to sell for a 100lbs twink.

>gets headbutted by a miniature white Goku rip off
>slaps thigh

So who actually stands out on that gift?

CAWdy clone or the one with an actual look

Read a document called Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars. It’s very dense but the gist of it is that World War 3 wasn’t waged with tanks and guns it was a war on the American family. Turn the men into women and the women into men, that way it’s much easier to control the society.

It's so slow and overly choreographed Jesus this is a low bar.

Headbutt looked garbage

Look at these DIMES

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needs more diversity

>Undercover Nerd Lesnar

Every fucking time

"he is a wrestler"
Crowd laughs

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It's crazy how little Miz, Taker and Vinces faces have changed from when they were younger. All the others save Brock and Rock look so different now.

this is exhibit #1 in how racist and sexist white men are, it should be 50% women and 50% brown people fucking white patriarchy has ruined the world

"i am a atheist... I don't bellllllllieve in god"

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Cena looks 40 years old.

Here you bitch

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Complete dogshit. Who trained those kids?

>’BRB, gonna stock pile some arms then plan another trip to the ROH school.’
>white peoples solution to everything

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Maryse definitely got cucked.

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Why does no one have muscles

>Blatant damaged goods

Because they think that's beneath them. They want to show the world that being a scrawny midget is the ultimate male form.

Seeing young Macho Man will never not get me.

Oh sorry, here how about this?

>Yo dawg, Ima gets mes a glock from my homie, D-Roc, and go drive by that muthafucka with 3 of my boyz an' we gonna hold our shit sideways and blast on those fools, hitting 5 innocent bystanders and none of our targets in the process. WE WAZ KANGZ!!!

Is that a better plan, Jamal?

legit 10 what the fuck


That's the white Yoshi Hashi.

Blacks Should Have to Pay Reparations to Jews for Enslaving Them When They Was Kangs in Egypt

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What's the point of gay dancing?

Are you having a stroke? The real solution here is to not be an entitled baby and threaten to shoot random people just because someone else got something you wanted.

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That is true progressivism: every grievance group is paid by whitey, but all of those payments make their way back to the most oppressed people of all: wealthy Jews.

So Slim J is just a 2019 Jack Evans?

Why is phil on here?

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Young Shawn looks like a bazillion of DIMES.

White people in general are embarrassing

Nash. HBK, and JBL look like faggot kids.

Every class needs a nerd to bully.

HBK looks like giga Chad i bet he ran through every cheerleader on the squad

where you get these?

Nash and HBK look like Chads. JBL looks like a serial killer.

JBL looking like James Potter, based.

Evans actually has talent more like Jessie form jessie and festus

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Mr. Perfect is literally Chris Pratt, though.

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