Best tits in all of wrestling, prove me wrong
Best tits in all of wrestling, prove me wrong
Mmmm, wanna put a brown baby in this titmonster mamacita
>Dana White wasn't around in the attitude era where she would be forced into bra and panties matches every week
kill me
>Dana white in a bikini
You gay dude
Don't you want to see my panties, user?
>dana white
literal mma fag everyone
I prefer real
>Dana White
>Dana White
Built for BBC.
What diva needs to get some big implants?
She's a shindie clown fucking slut. Literal trash.
Yes she is.
Dsmn, what a hideous creature.
>Thread about tits
and they're actually real
I wish I was a big dumb meathead so Dana would be interested in me. I just want her to sit on my face and laugh at me for being a skinnyfat loser. Then she promises she'll whip me into shape as long as I fuck her.
She hasn’t done any outlaw shows also not real she was flat a few years back
those are fake
Becky, Sasha, Asuka, Kairi, Io, Mella
>Dana white
Fucking laff at that
This. Bayley has an underrated rack.
Fake. Look for some older pictures of her.
>Dana white
No they aren't.
Dana is a strange case. She obviously knows the company she's working for is PG, but everything about her look screams pornstar. Many women in WWE have implants but they aren't comically big like Dana's.
Superior tits in all ways
Why does she look so fat? I thought she was always skinny?
> Dana White
>>Dana White wasn't around in the attitude era where she would be forced into bra and panties matches every week
She is
I don't care if you all call me a fag but her tits are TOO big. Like comically, cartoonishly big.
imagine a black man just chomping down on a nip while fondling the underside of the other tit before drowning both tits in his cum
Why won't they let Dana cater to heterosexual men again? Mandy Rose is pretty much all we get and she can't tease for shit.
He said wrestling
She will never put oil on me
Why live?
It’s a bra not even big
Tell us more about these bra and panties matches you'd like to see
Cody might be a shit wrestler but good on him for bagging one of the sexiest black women i have ever seen. Brandi always works my dick into a shoot.
Rhea's whole thing is having big natural T&A despite being a tall muscular square chick
gifs for ants
and they're actually real unlike Dana's
And we love her for it
basically a hot version of Charlotte
Imagine her going full bimbo
Taynara, it's the only thing she's missing. Great face, abs, ass, etc, but no tits at all.
No you simp, they are implants
it's true
to trigger all the fags who got triggered by a black man who turned her into a submissive little girl
fiction doesn't help anyone
literally no reason to believe this
Unless she was a child in this or got a late growth spurt, she's got implants.
>clearly before puberty
nice try
I'm not him, but how do you know what that girl looked like before puberty?
that pic is from her late teens at most going by the date, suddenly she grew massive round tits?
cos she's flat there
>big natural tits don't exist
Yes. That's the whole appeal.
If I wanted realistic big tits there's Mickie James.
Thing about Noelle is she does have implants but she also copiously uses pushup bras. Her tits are big but she makes them look gigantic. In a bikini you can clearly see they're fake but they're a reasonable size that suits her.
Freudian slip.
"Hard as a rock"
how has no one posted her yet?
Thank you for explaining why I find her so attractive.
They do.
But not on her.
Why do people think I'm insulting Noelle by pointing it out? Her tits are fantastic, I'm glad she got them inflated.
Look, gravity having zero affect. FaKE
why would gravity have an effect there, they're in her gear and she's curled in a ball
Proof or GTFO
Lacey's big mom tits
how do you know those are even fake?
Me on the right
I'd give her my dude love, if you know what I mean
Taeler is my wrestlefu.
>prove me wrong
Amazing tits on her
Real tits don't stick out of the chest like that
none of them need it more than Toni fucking Storm. That chick is a solid B- but if she had moderate sized like, even C cup titties, and maybe a few months of invisalign treatment, she'd be Blissberg 2.0 under Vince's watch.
This, Toni has almost everything needed, cute face, blonde hair, big butt, and then flat chest.
Taynara Conti too. Buy her some tits and Vince will megapush her.
how are her tits that big when she's built like a tank?
kek he looks cocked out
You're not wrong.
Dana is hot as fuck and should be used a lot more often just so we get to look at her.
Small tits are awesome.
My ex literally had nothing but nipple and I didn't mind at all.
Big boobs are fine though of course.
Fake titty bimbos are my fetish. So Dana's alright with me. Taynara bros got good taste too. Just preference.
arf arf
freudian slip
I just want to impregnate jojo and turn her into a baby factory
this is the actual pic vince saw to bring her to the main roster
Lmao shes fucking pete dunn in a dress you homos
Very epic original joke you have there, that you thought of yourself.
>I'm Gay: The Post
Big gay fag
Her tits are fake as hell and I love it
Genetics. Also, muscle pushes the boobs up or so my gf says.
some of you are so naive. bayley's tits are fake as fuck.
Then why does she not show off?
Checkmate dumbo
Ah, a man of integrity and class
Because her gimmick doesn't allow it
Dana's tits are delicious and sad at the same time. They look great, in fact, she's the only current WWE woman I can think of with decent looking fake tits. They're sad because her initial gimmick was having a super tight body and pretty impressive chick muscles. If she had stayed fit like that and not become a bimbo, she might have received a decent push eventually.
Worst face though
Nikki cross
Prove it
Dana White?
Mina is the japanese dana brooke
That would be Bagley.
Because no one wants to acknowledge that heterosexual men are real and a majority of the population.
gosh you're so persecuted
They're real.
Its crazy that this was born a male. A testament to modern medicine
u wot
kys ant, go back to your colony
I'm a zoomer and who is this?
Mella already has fake ones & Asuka's are already big
Candice Michelle kiddo
It's been proven time and time again
BASED Melina poster
She was so fucking hot in MNM, then she lost her butt and boobs and started wrestling. Sad.
Bayley has by far the hottest body in the E. Shame about her face though...
Based MNM poster
No Major Gunns?
Why do people feel the need to say this same thing every time, like it's some new revelation?
Yes, very.
Ya dun goofed
Her, Midajah, and April Hunter were big draws for me
You forgot she's got a penis too.
Please don't disclose your fantasies publicly.
New fags
Pamela Paulshock's tits are based
da fuck you talking about. we got to see more of her tits and ass when she wrestled
did I miss something?
If only there were a decent pair of tits in WWE that weren't fake. All the rest are flat.
hers are real
They're also tiny
they're the perfect size and shape
She's also disgusting.
What I said stands, there's no good big pair in WWE that aren't plastic
She was my qt waifu interviewer chick
Bayley, dumbass
Post em all user, god speed
They're fake, you fucking autistic moron.
Prove it
Fucking love hot sexy dana brooke, before and after her boyfriend died, but I'm pretty sure those things are bigger now. I would put her top of my list too.
personal top 5 would also include Jackie, Terri, Trish and Steph.
Jacqueline got robbed in every bikini contest she entered. so sad
>ctrl+f Emma
>0 results
>ctrl+f Tenille
>0 results
What the fuck guys, best tits ass ratio in the biz and nobody even mentions her.
Fake tits are an automatic disqualification.
So every non-flat person in wrestling out
Holy dimes that was based
Deandra for the love of God, put some clothes on! Those fake tits just make your bird body look even more disgusting!
How was his penis?
>there will never be a storyline where Dana and Titus Worldwide take on Bayley as a client
>Give her new ring gear, showing off her tits and ass and shapely thighs
>she’s winning matches, getting cheers and whistles and shit because her body is fine as hell
>gimmick runs its course, Dana promises one last thing to really get the crowd to support Bayley
>Puts a paper bag on her head in the middle of the ring “Now you’re perfect!”
The heat would be fucking nuclear
>>Dana White
Freud would be proud lil man
Satan knows the truth: tits of any size are great; it's the size of her ass that really matters.