>Is the best Tag Team in WWE at the moment
Is the best Tag Team in WWE at the moment
They need to win the Dusty Classic and have a hoss fight with War Raiders.
Why are there three of Elias?
Aces and Eights?
It's a great gimmick and they're all competent enough in the ring but goddamn have I never given a single shit about one of their matches. They really need a good feud, and I doubt War Raiders Plus One Additional Hoss will be it.
blake is the biggest jannetty of NXT ever. only person to hold a title and not move on after losing it and instead fall way back down the card
How can they be forgotten if no one knew who they were to begin with?
>5 years too late Sons of Anarchy gimmick
Murphy has improved into legitimately being the best in ring guy wwe has and he’s still the same
I know Yea Forums tries to be contrarian for the shock value, but come on now...
I don't see it. Forgotten Sons gimmick is former militarily members.
Not even the best tag team Blake was part of
>hoss fight
their gimmick is they are bikers.
Why do smarks hate them so much. Like they aren’t offensively bad. Is it just one of those weird times where they all just universally decide that they’re shitters for no reason
This. Their matches have all been boring as hell. The only remote semblance of heat or story telling is when they have the One Additional Hoss come in and interfere. They need to lose in the Dusty Rhodes classic then heel on a higher level. Give them some real promo time and have them start kicking the shit out of other tag teams with bats and chains. Have them come into the ring and tell the cringesoy Full Sail that they are a bunch of libtard shits.
>The Forgotten Sons
That name's too accurate for their own good...
Isn't that HHH's gimmick?
What's a smarks?
They think their gimmick is a redneck power fantasy
who? is the Zach rider?
They aren't offensively bad but bad enough to be shitters
off brand briscoes? they look like every tag team in ring of honor.
Blah blah blah shut the fuck up and sit down, mark.
Absolutely based and redpilled team and if you can’t see how good Blake and Cutler are you’re a pea brained fullsail mark
Remember when “smart” marks hated the revival until their daddy Meltzer told them to like them? Gunna be the same with these guys. No one who’s actually seen their non-squash matches thinks their bad. Which means no one because no one actually watches NXT, just gifs on twitter.
Forgotten sons are the thinking mans tag team
Fuck off Manny
>Yea Forums‘s newest contrarian gimmick is pretending that they like the Forgotten Sons
Smarks seething cause they're worked by their booking. "BUT THEY DIDN'T HAVE A FINISH SPAM 20 MINUTE TAKEOVER MATCH user!"
Great, more bearded nu-metal soiboy faggots in WWE.
>another trio stable of literally who numal-
wait is that Wesley Blake? Did they actually find something for him to do? That's incredible.
Do they have a sons of anarchy gimmick? Corbin could be the mouthpiece if so
You've never seen them