Wise word from the great Kevin Nash!

Wise word from the great Kevin Nash!

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>Women can't rape men
Unironically wrong

Always remember what happen that lonely summer night back in 1992.

ding-dong diddly cringe and hidden

Legally rape is defined as penetration, so unless the woman sodomizes the man with an object its just felony molestation

I don't know where you live, so I can't dispute your particular definition. Even still, laws can be wrong, forcing sexual intercourse is rape.

>women can't rape men
guess he'd know best since he is a victim from the summer of 92 himself

Wtf happened to him? Rock was right. Big Daddy BITCH

Completely being jonest vvith you all I agree of Kewan Nash.

Four if a man consideres this Rape, then from a vvoman , then he cannot be a man .

This mean that vvoman cannot be doing Rape to a man.

Scentific evedence is the snwer

you know alot about rape dontcha kev

Every time I see someone with a slight bit of celebrity say something like this, I immediately think they’re hiding something.


This. Foley is even more suspicious.

Can't even spell or use proper grammer, that nigra must have gave him a bad concussion in 92

Does this retard not realize that you can also have consensual sex?

When did Nashetty become such a cuck?

Attached: Summer of 2016.jpg (194x259, 10K)

this guy is a fucking dumbass

Guys. Is this a work? Nash being a lefty soft faggit is surely a work?

Idk where anyone else lives but where I live, rape is considered as unwanted/forced sex. The 'he had an erection so its not rape' is wrong. I know a guy who was a teacher who was barely coherent at a party (work party) and a woman pulled off his pants and rode him despite him being drunk and barely knowing what was going on. Unfortunately she didn't go to jail because 'muh wimmins' and knew people high up in the district. She was moved to another school and he went to another district where I hear he's doing well again.