So when is the sequel that deals with Paige's struggles with substance abuse and her relationship with Alberto El...

So when is the sequel that deals with Paige's struggles with substance abuse and her relationship with Alberto El Patron?

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Don't forget the traumatic blacked flashbacks when she's bouncing on the spic's dick.

When she overdoses

Can someone please fill me in on the whole Paige drama?

I couldn't keep up with the updates when they first occurred.

What is the whole Alberto shit started and ended(?). The whole drug issues.

Wtf? She overdosed?

Also, how much of this movie was factual in terms of her early life and how much of it was just creative liberties? If a lot of this was actually true then her family is kind of fucked up.

no one wants to watch tour shitty movie, not even for free, go try /sc

You forgot sidestories like Brad Maddox breaking the law on YouYube, stirring a panic over his faked death in another country to provoke as many people as possible to call the police.

How does that involve Paige though?

thanks for the duplicate advertising this garbagd

I didn't make that thread. I just wanted to make a sarcastic post about the other shit that the movie doesn't cover since clearly Paige is a wreck.

Short version:
Basically they got together, both failed drug tests and were suspended by WWE. Del Rio left WWE. Paige was injured and off the road. They both began doing drunken/drugged rants on WWE and the "haters".

Nude pics and videos of Paige leaked. This included pictures and videos of her fucking Brad Maddox and Xavier Woods. In one video, Maddox cums on the NXT women's belt.

They weredating on and off until Paige proposed to Del Rio during a wrestling show. Paige's family was unhappy and people began noticing bruises on Paige.

Paige's family begged her to get out. Then they had a massive fight at an airport and were both investigated for domestic violence.

There was another blow up and it was over. Del Rio has since made fun of her mental health and arrest record.

Dont forget about ADR dating Charlotte, but I'm sure she was doing drugs with him, sure of it. It's not like she was ever arrested for getting high and attacking a cop...

Attached: charlotte-mugshot1.jpg (300x400, 14K)

>All white slags want the Mexican chorizo in their lives
I'm not surprised

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That sounds like they have enough material to forge a sequel if they really wanted to, wtf?

It just does.

Wait a minute, ADR is the "spic" she's with in that thread right now?

Aren't you clever and funny

Because sarcasm is always an attempt at humor, right?

The second movie is going to be about this and then the third movie is going to be about a "rival promotion" rising up signing her brother to a contract and how divided this could make the family.

pretty sure there was an incident where Paige got in trouble but ADR didn't. ADR can handle his drugs, Paige would get upset because she was most likely being cheated on

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I know Paige looks different here than when she debut but I honestly don't know what it is that makes her look different. Can somebody please help me out here? This has been bothering me for some time and I honestly don't think it's the bright red lipstick.

Real paige is pale as fuck qt that dresses like an emo scene girl in mainly black and was skinny.

She put on extra weight when she was out of commission when that was filmed around WrestleMania last year.

The real Paige was actually kidnapped and murdered by a certain cartel, this is just a double they got that sort of looked like her.

What is the "certain cartel?"

If you watch the original documentary you can get a little glimer of Paige's family. But if you're familiar with the UK indie scene up north then you'd know that whole family are a bunch of scumbags and Paige may even be the product of an affair