Lads...where should I start on watching some WCW?

Lads...where should I start on watching some WCW?
I watched it as a kid but I don't wanna see that gay KISS shit but when it was kino when it had Norman Smiley, the Disco Inferno, Buff Bagwell, earnest the cat Miller, wrath, Kanyon, Raven etc

What's the least painful suicide method?

Attached: DiscoInfernoApril2008 (1).png (220x276, 99K)

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start with the nWo formation
also don't kill yourself

Attached: 19960707_nwo.jpg (1200x800, 114K)

Go get a plunger and pump the semen out of your ass, Kevin.

Stop projecting your anal rape fantasies on famous wrestlers.

It's disturbing.

just start watching from the start of nitro faggot

Why doesn't wwe upload all the episodes from 1997 to late 1999?


I would have thought they had by now

just watch the vhs' instead, the dubbed music is insufferable

Naw it's all over



>Norman Smiley
>Buff Bagwell
>Disco Inferno
>Ernest Miller


Unironically kys

Bruh get taste

Watch the first episode of nitro because pastamania and then jump to when Hall/Nash first show up, watch from there.

How does someone have such bad taste

Shotgun to the head is both the least painful and most successful method
Just set down some tarps or do it at a WWE show to save the EMTs/your family the cleanup

I might desu

I mean, you probably don't give a shit now and definitely won't afterwards but one of my coworkers' brother shot himself in his bathtub and the EMTs gathered up all the big bits of skull and brain matter but my coworker had to scrub all the small pasty bits off the wall. Just basic empathy skills.
"Would I want to clean brain matter off of a wall?" That sort of thing

Yeah no I understand.
I might shoot myself in the woods or something

>Not Kino

Acquire Height, innovate moves, and apply yourself

Every Nitro is on the network and the have Thunder up to the end of 99.