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Anyone ever look at his face when he's around Candice compared to when he's around both her & Gargano?
Shit is sad as fuck.

how the fuck is he still obsessed with her?

Granny fetish

He's not. She's his friend. They held tag belts together and traveled on the road with each other for years.

We use the word “cuck” like confetti around here, but Joey Ryan was literally and fully cuckolded by Johnny Reddit.

This is the Edward - Bella - Jacob love triangle of wrestling.

thought that was Giga Chad from the thumbnail

Joey pls

Along with at least half the PWG locker room, Hero, etc...

I don't see it but I like the gimmick. he is probably making more money than her

>ran into

Lmao he's stalking her the sorry fuck

Imagine being cucked by fucking Gargano. ayyy

what a fucking simp
he probably tracked her flight like those super fans do

*fucks your waifu*
*slaps thigh*

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Was he a bridesmaid at her wedding though?

Joey stop, you're embarrassing yourself


based garganny slapping his thigh on every thrust


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You can literally see that he is in emotional pain.

what did he mean by this?

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If I ever have sex I'm gonna do this. When she asks wtf I'm doing I'll tell her she's getting fucked indie style.

>Thigh slap emoji
Kek based

“I call this the young buck”

Hire a manlet to sit in the corner of the room and give you a star grading.

Ha Ha HO-LY SHIT!!! I totally missed that the first time. Based and KEKpilled.

whats everyone's obsession with cucking here?

It's not really an obsession. It's just fun to laugh at you, Joey.

Your paranormal penis not working for ya anymore?

>the clap emoji
in tears

>Pretty standard fucking. Nothing too over the top, however maybe went a little long with too many false finishes. Money shot was a little weak...* * * 1/2. Could have been * * * * in the Tokyo Dome.

For a s󠀀oy󠀀boy, Johnny sure has a smug "I'm fucking the girl you love, what are you gonna do?" look

cucking another man is the true alpha show of dominance

joey ryan needed to be cucked by a tiny man to realise his place on earth

This is what E chads look like?

the woman on the left is actually joey's wife (laura james?) so he won.

based af

He's just doing the white person smile. He does it in every picture.

you just know he used his finisher in her mouth multiple times

Joey is literally handsome as fuck unironically how is he so god damn JUSTed?
I get he's not talented and a gimmick but even on a personal level he's a fucking state.

>D-d-don't cry, Joey. She can still be yours someday

Joey just needs to get out of his Lucha Underground contract, get a deal with AEW, help AEW put WWE out of business and then wait until Candice begs him for a job then he might have a shot.

Or he could take the more realistic route and try to will himself into being about six feet tall.

>Joey Ryan
>Shane Thorne
Any other Wrestlers who have been rejected by their waifus?

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If only you knew how bad things really are

Nope. Candice was his oneitis, doesn't matter who this other chick is, he will never really be happy.

It’s almost Freudian how hard Yea Forumsies work to make wrestlers seem like beta cucks.

By the time that happens Johnny Reddit will already be released and working in AEW so he'd still be cucked.

That's the gimmick, jack.

Reminder that he's banged numerous porn stars and Tammy Sytch.

>Tammy Sytch

Anyone with $300 to blow can do that.

>Implying it's higher then 250$

Weeeeeeeeeeeena conchetumare

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>implying being into cuckolding is bad or something
Grow up

>Implying Johnny is the winner because he signed a mark contract with a woman.

Some of you need to ya ke a shower, hit the weights, and gain life experience.

Yeehaw! We got a live one here, boys!

based and cuckpilled

i cant believe i was in the thread where johnny reddit became an alpha chad

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Candace is Johnny's beard and he's banging both of them.

Good god, she looks like she’s 50.

That's where this whole Candace vs Tommaso feud for Gargano's affection is headed. Johnny is going to sida with Ciampa, come out as a gaylord on TV and legit live the gimmick to monstrously positive publicity. His gayness will usher in a new wrestling boom amongst those light in the loafers.

>TFW cucked by Gargano


Johnny Reddit? More like Johnny 4channel

Calm down incel, this nigga just high

You have to go back.

Broken Cass

>anyone with $300 in blow can do that