For me, it's the Kamigoye.
What's your favorite finisher currently?
Other urls found in this thread:
Unironically Kenny's V-Triggers, they always look Tight.
Black Mass is up there & so is Bryan's Busaiku Knee.
Nothing will beat the druggy grace of the Swanton.
Pole Shift Emerald Flowison
Kill ya ding-dong diddly selves
Offer some alternatives then you pussy.
>Kenny's V-Triggers
never gets the pin, not a finisher
Strikes are fucking Sweet ya mark.
OWA then.
He's pinned lesser opponents with the V-Trigger in multi-tags.
the correct answer
Muscle Buster
Joe literally hasn't used that in 2 & 1/2 Years
It almost killed Tyson Kidd I think Somoa Joe feels bad about using it now
For me, it's Despy's Guitarra de Angel
Maika Ozaki uses it.
Probably my left hand.
most protected move in NJPW
That's not the OWE
>All Time
Drew's Claymore is great, Rainmaker if the right guy sells it well, Hiromu's Timebomb, Curbstomp, Buddy Murphy's finish also.
If I had to pick one - Claymore, just simple, original and looks cool.
Ain't a finish but I we m always unironically like Ronda's Piper's Pit.
I cringe every time I watch because it looks like it's only a matter of time until she botches the spin and bump and drops them on their head.
That's why I enjoy watching women's wrestling today. Sounds messed up but it's true, if I can easily see someone getting hurt working a match I'll watch. Most of them are so uncoordinated and fragile compared to the guys the botches are so much worse and dangerous to them physically. So much more deadly than men's wrasslin
OWA or Cattle Mutilation
All of them. I wish she did the glitter blizzard more often.
Jay driller
sometimes agree
Meltzer Driver :^)
and final cut
Literally who
Gotch Style piledriver
I like nearly everyone's in this thread but I also unironically like John Cenas F U
I saw some indie shitter use a crappy version amd it just made me appreciate how much John Cena made that move great.
Kenny Omega - One Winged Angel
Kinshasa is tight, the reverse Kinshasa he hit on finn in NXT was very cool.
Glorious DDT is also cool, and the sister Abigail
His finishers are so awkward and shitty. He doesn't even do the muerta version. His spears and spinebusters look way better than his signature moves. sad.
Thats a tiger driver 91.
You mean the Blade Runner
No, I mean sister Abigail. Don’t come at me with cringeblade shit, nujapanlet.
Ishii's Brainbuster
Jesus Christ, if that's the kind of bumps he took, Honma was a ticking time bomb.
sick, love Marufuji
>Quits Big Japan because it was too hard on his body
>Takes bumps like that
Who here /gtr/
It's gonna be a kick out from me
>it's only a matter of time until she botches the spin and bump and drops them on their head.
pretty sure already did and that's how Bliss got a concussion
the Tiger Driver '91 is a very high-angle kneeling Tiger Driver, and thus is not a piledriver but a very high-angle powerbomb offering the neck no protection
the double underhook piledriver/"Jay Driller" is sometimes referred to as a type of Tiger Driver but not TD '91
Like you watch Okada take the move and yeah his head bounces a little but he's clearly trying to take as much of it as possible on his back, then you watch that one and he just fucking leans his head into it. Jesus Christ.
I thought that happened on her arm drag things.
Not a single thigh slap in this thread. Cringe and hide
It's a manlet finisher, but there's no grapple finisher as satisfying as a well done lumbar check.
Love the Lucha Bros but they both have the most indie-riffic finishers
Look at this edrone, look at him and laugh.
I wish he still used it instead of the GTR
That looks real damn good.
I wish he used it as a super finisher, but it's rare to find a guy that does more than one finisher nowadays...
Brian Kendrick is so based.
It will never not be the Jackhammer.
this is pretty dumb. looks like the opponent is reversing a vertical suplex into a DDT.
Velveteen or Kairi's elbow drops are both based
Or Suzuki's Gotch piledriver
Also Shingo's Pumpkin Bomber
takes too many to win singles matches
This literally just looks like a DDT reversal
awkward use of the left arm by Obeta, but he still doesn't land head first into the mat as he drives his opponent's back down. Get better eyes.
Only like 2 people kicked out of the rainmaker. Tf you on about drone?
They said it LOOKS like a reversal DDT. Get better reading comprehension
Deathmatches fags gonna deathmatch
Joe has no choice, the move was nixed by the brass after it killed Tyson. It might show up someday down the line as a super finisher to end a big feud or something, if Joe ever gets to have one of those.
But it doesn't.
Joe was still using it on NXT for almost one year after Kidd was kill
in NXT with the jabronies. The main roster isn't taking that move from this lazy unsafe fat guy.
>implying Kidd wasn't a jabroni
>implying WWE wouldn't have problems with him using it on high-profile signings like Balor or Nakamura
>>implying Kidd wasn't a jabroni
Where the fuck did I imply that? Quite the opposite. Moron.
Based lariat God
So who's taking that move?
Only real finisher here that could legit kill someone when done once
Why? not enough flips for ya?
so fucking based
what were paul london and brian Kendricks finishers?