If someone like Conor or Khabib came to WWE would you be ok with them squashing everyone even guys 3x their size like Braun or Drew?
If someone like Conor or Khabib came to WWE would you be ok with them squashing everyone even guys 3x their size like...
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only if they can do it for real
braun would rape conor in a real fight conor can't do shit to a man with that much size on him
Wrestling is full of geeks so it'd be nice to get a real shooter in there.
I'd give first round KO to Conor. Braun doesn't have any training besides lifting weights
Maybe someone like Harper tops.
They could in a shoot fight, so sure.
Keep these UFC fucks outta my wrestling.
How would he knock him out? I doubt he could move him an inch and his punches wouldn't reach his head
i think khabib walks around with 190 when he's not fighting. so that's around the same as almost all the midgets in wwe
lol pls be a troll
Kinda like how Brock gave him a quick receipt tap and Braun staggered and fell to his knees
I think you take the manlet memes too literal
Either that or you're a chick
On his weight division? Sure.
On larger guys? 1:2 ratio.
I know skill is a factor but being a large monster is the whole point of larger guys.
>Connor gets put in sleeper hold
Immediately Submits
brock also has 200 fucking pounds on conor lol
are you retarded manlets or just trolls? skill can't overcome pure size.
Last weekend, James Vick had 5" on Felder. I know they're the same weight in UFC, but Felder just fought smart and fucked his leg right up
Just watch him fighting against that Mountain guy from game of thrones. Brawn is about that size.
Braun is a huge pussy bitch IRL so even manlets could probably wreck his ass.
>braun would rape conor in a real fight conor
Imagine being this much of a delusional mark
Yes it can and it has been proven multiple times
t.someone thats never been in a fight
No. Because even in real life that would not happen.
Michael Bisping said himself that Conor wouldn't be able to take Undertaker (in his prime) regardless of skill due to his size.
Same story with Big Show, Braun, Lashley, Drew, and Roman (Swagger said Big Dog and Shelton are two guys who could transition to MMA)
it's true though, unless Conor got lucky,
Michael Bisping agrees
Weight classes exist for a reason
Just go for the fucking knees, retard.
lmao Conor wouldn't stand a chance bro, Conor is 5'9 not 5'11 even. He wouldn't be able to reach him lmao
He could easily backpack taker and choke him, taker wouldnt be able to do shit.
Khabib is a charisma vacuum goblin, I'd have him squashed every week
This. The real deal would be KOing Corbin
One (1) pure strike and Conor's done
go to your local bjj gym and roll with someone you have 100 lbs on lmao. you basement dwellers are delusional af if your dont think your going to get ragged by a midget, you wouldnt be able to do shit
honestly there is chicks in ufc who would whoop cm punks ass unironcally
Khabib wrestles with DC and Cain Velasquez.
Khabib could fuck up most of the roster.
Mayweather beat the Big Show, not much different
Ive seen taker throw a 100 pure strikes and the guy was still standings
reminder taker ha his orbital bone broken by a 5'2 mysterio....
Khabib could shoot kick Bruans ass. There’s a reason why BJJ was created, so short dudes could beat up lanklets
Braun isn't a lanklet, mark, and Khabib is a wrestler anyways you fucking MARK
Okay dumb fuck seeStupid bitch
>Weight classes exist for a reason
Yeah but we're talking about a SHOOT pure strike
Fedoreigns wouldn’t last a fight against competent fighters.. he gets gassed so fucking easy
Shelton has an amateur wrestling background and trained with Brock no shit he could transition to mma
Yeah, when it's trained fighter against trained fighter. Fake fighting simps that cry about being internet bullied are not good fighters.
Braun would absolutely get anaconda squeezed if he tried to slam Khabib
Conor could dice up Roman but I really think he would be fucked if they are big enough
Rollins would love a piece of Conor.
Anyone who sincerely thinks Braun or drew would win a fight against Conor McGregor is a fucking mark
if its shoot its no longer a pure strike
so what if he wrestles with them? doesn't mean he does well. plus he'd never get Braun on the ground ya jabroni!
Ya stupid, ya ever heard of David vs goliath?
there's a reason they have weight classes. why isn't Conor taking on middle of the road big guys? He'd be a draw fighting in the heavyweight division
not really, he plays the role of scary russian/muslim heel perfectly. russians arnt none for having much to say. he is like the iron shiek and ivan all in one
to bad there isnt an up and coming guile like star to beat his ass, sage would have been perfect
yeah it was in the book of jewish fables, right?
It was real you fucking mark
Blame the athletic commissions
he could promote his own fights in some A-rab oil country
Middle of the road big guys (assuming you mean mma fighters) are 1000x better at fighting than Braun. I think Braun would get ko'd stiff by McGregor seems like he has a glass jaw
wtf is going on in his shorts? Is that a boner?
If they're built appropriately in the story, yeah.
Even if they are legit, they have a mountain to climb, though. Wrestling is more perception than reality, and Conor's a streak of piss with abs.
buddy you can't actually believe this, you sound like my brother saying Bruce Lee would beat Brock
wtf does weight have to do with the fact that Brock rocked him with a pulled punch absolute chinlet
UFC is gay porn
>Trained fighter
>Collegiate champion wrestler
>Did a strongman event once
he wasn't expecting it retard, you expect it in a real fight. it's called Receipts in pro rasslin, you stiff me I stiff you.
yeah, dude. Just google "UFC gay" and it paints a pretty vivid picture of the entire company.
>is half giving up 12 inches and 100 pounds
bro i'd take Conor over Roman Reigns, but Braun is too big
>Bjj brown belt
>Multiple time UFC champion
>Trained kickboxer
>He's big
>rocked by pulled punch that doesn't even land in a bad spot
for sure it's because he didn't see it Braun's chin is a munster
no for gay jesus
crying about getting cyber bullied isn't gonna win you a fight against a professional fighter.
Bunch of niggers in here watching too much mandrama and jackie chan movies. The mouthy little potato would get his ass fed to him by anyone braun’s size.
In real sports, there are weight classes for a reason, fags.
Have you ever watched PRIDE?
When they had Openweight fights the manlets would always destroy the lanky shitters
>t. Never trained
You've never been in a fight in your life
PRIDE was a work bro
why doesn't he challenge him then? Bop Sapp is smaller than Braun btw
>skill can't overcome pure size.
oh for sure my man
Sorry to burst your underdog bubble but its the truth. Stay assmad, lil guy.
Why would a legitimate fighter that's making millions challenge a mandrama actor that makes a couple of hundreds thousand dollars to a fight?
get over it bro, he'd get crushed
When will manlets learn?
Many reasons
>Braun's too big of a pussy
>No athletic commission would sanction it
>No one in the main stream has any idea who Braun is
Sapp has never worked in ufc, isn't ranked and is almost 50 that would never be sanctioned
see The Mountain could have broken his neck at :13 seconds in
Nor have you. True it only takes one fucking punch but you dont know what the other guy knows either.
Butterbeans a fat fuck, but he's a trained fat fuck .
Mayweather knows how to punch and move, but he couldnt overpower brock.
Yes wrestlings 'theater', but theres a point where you have to be realistic. Theres a point why the shield and punk said the 3 on 1 where punk fucking won had to be by the skin of his teeth,
Not be like Super Cena and Orton clearing out the entire raw lockeroom, or Austin 'single' handed stunnered WCW to defeat.
Based McGregor toying with this shitter when he could have rocked his ass early on
this guy posting a screenshot from a video game lmao
what's the matter, lil guy? ya mad? ya seethin? did someone that's 6 foot hurt ya?
Brocks a trained fighter
Braun is just big
lmao, manlet marks absolutely can't respond, sad!
Conor would lose to Bobbo.
But hey I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.
Proof that size marks are nothing more than retarded shitposters who have no fucking clue how a real fight works.
guy on the bottom looks smaller lol but thats what your used to aint it, lil guy
being the bottom lol
oh 1 hunnie percent
bro the size queens are obese neckbeards what did you expect?
They can only relate to big fat fucks like them
>Butterbeans a fat fuck, but he's a trained fat fuck .
no he is not, he's only got boxing and even then he's never beaten anybody good and has been subbed by guys smaller then Conor. terrible example
lol fatfuck lardass attempts to sit on puny lil dude. i thought we were talking about FIGHTERS in here.
>i thought we were talking about FIGHTERS in here
>mandrama actors
PRIDE is a work. Glad to know your a lil guy and a mark though.
seek height, lil fella
That wasn't in pride moron
what a fucking caz
>"i was only pretending to be retarded guys, honest"
damn all the manlet lovers scattered lol
jokes on you faggot, i never pretend
Post of the year candidate
put me in the screencap
>Posting a video of Bjornsson,a gigantic son of a bitch and one of the bigest Strongmen around the globe, to prove that casual big guys can fight
Being this much of a brainlet
Even though WWE is full of fake tough guys, weight differential is a real thing and they wouldn't even leave a dent on actual heavyweights once they bumrush and close in on them past their striking. RIP to these manlets
Who is this Khabob and Konnor guy? They the new 205 live signings?
This thread is one of the biggest cringefests ive ever seen on this place and thats a huge accomplishment. Guys that rarely get out of their rooms talking about fights
There's a reason weight classes exist
Youre comparing a casual big guy with a guy trained to kill.
Of course weight makes a huge difference, if both of the individuals actually know how to fight, but this brainlets are discusing something else.
Yeah? What if it is two trained guys?
Does size matter then faggot?
to stop manlets from exposing the business
Of course it does ya dumbass, thats what i said. Knowing how to suplex people has nothing to do with knowing how to fight (or like the manlets in the pic, mastering martial arts).
There are about a million videos of BJJ guys humbling bodybuilders who outweigh them by 150 lbs
you are literally a fucking mark if you think Khabib or Conner wouldn't destroy Strowman
fucking manlet mark right here
its a good thing your little potato nigger makes more than six figures a fight, because his height is never hitting that 6
I'm a BJJ blue belt and I can safely say Conor would get smoked by Braun in a shoot fight. Khabib would win though, hes big enough and his fighting style is suited to take on guys way bigger than him. Absolute lmao at people ITT thinking Conor wouldn't get raped though. Conor would get raped by any healthy man over 6'5 200 lbs.
Or just go back and watch the 1st couple UFC's.
In any combat sport, size doesn't mean shit if the skill gap is too great.
You do realize that Conor has drawn more dimes then any pro wrestler in history right?
Conor fanboys are loud and dumb what a shocker!
>Kurt Angle never transitioned from wrestling to MMA
what a fucking waste
The Rock draws more
it was a neck crank cunt
>t. watches lots of bruce lee xd
oh for sure that slow chinlet, that's never trained and has no experience fighting could handle a non drained Conor
Does everyone forget how Royce Gracie dominated the first UFC PPV? Size doesn't matter if you don't know how to fight, Connor would put Braun in a choke hold or an arm triangle and the faggot wouldn't know what to do.
Royce Gaycie "dominated" a sumo wrestler. Hooray for putting a fatfuck belly pusher in an armbar. Get the fuck off my board.
and Shamrock, Severn etc
Yeah, back when the skill deficit was more extreme
One knee To the body would have ended that instantly when the fat fuck was on the ground
BJJ don't fucking work in real life you simp. It only exists to con you out of money thinking you're bettering yourself. Before they could even buttscoot like some faggot in a brawl they're be on the ground KO'd senseless.
wouldnt do shit through that fat rofl
Bruce Lee was a fake fighter who never proved himself in any actual fight. McGregor is an elite level mma fighter
imagine thinking a 5'9 "man" is elite anything
>BJJ don't fucking work in real life
>t. 5'10"
The abortion that was Brawl for All 98 should have clued people into this. Butterbean wrecked the tourney winner with a hook in 12 seconds.
Imagine Braunetty trying to do his fucking choo choo train spot
>more than six figures a fight
by more than 6 I hope you mean 8