Billie Kay BTFO

Billie Kay BTFO

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Other urls found in this thread:

Based Ashlea putting Billetty in her place

Why is there a male bridesmaid?

Because it’s 2019 you fucking Nazi.

Because it's 2019 you bigot

He’s gay

Do you really have to ask that?

White people

Because Hitler lost the war

Holy shit...that "bridesman" better be gay or else this is the most cringe example of getting cucked into the friend zone that I've ever witnessed.


that has to be her gay friend

What's a wedding pasty?

Anyone else planning to go?

Type in a wrestlers name and you can rsvp for them

let's go lads

Attached: 20190222_135739.jpg (1080x1430, 142K)

Did they just make it private?

>password protected
thanks for ruining it for everyone else guys

No, I also didn't type that

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Why would anything good happen here? This is shitposting central next to /pol/ and Yea Forums.

man he better be gay but it looks like he's hetero. someone put the poor bastard down.

it was me

It's really sad. I got a buddy in the same situation. Spent years being in love with a chick that calls him her best friend, even babysits her 3 kids while she goes out on dates with other guys, got knocked up by one of them and is now marrying him and making my friend be maid of honor. I'm not sure if that's supposed to be better or worse than a regular bridesman, but still sad either way.

I told ya that in ding-dong diddly confidence.


if I got a shot at getting in skye’s dress I’d be a brideschad

Poor white bois

do australians really name their kids this?

How tf do you guys even find this?

Jesus christ.

I don't get it

The power of autism

bridesm8 and not maid of honor

That bitch was BTFO by God since birth.

What's that got to do with Billie Kay?

don't know, i figured that's the reason why OP posted it?

wtf I thought they were life partners, why don't they live the gimmick?

Am I the only one that goes to a wedding for the food, cake and free bar?