Post BrapQueens and describe their braps

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How do Toni’s farts sound like?

thoughts on Dakota's brap game?

Not loud, decent potential for rapid fire.
I imagine a fruity aroma for some reason.

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Powerful Protein Blasts from the Ass. Really loud and bubbly ThunderBraps that last for several seconds. The type of braps to make a loud room completely silent from admiring the massive size of the fart released from that glorious brapper.

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We all agree that Bayley and Toni are the top brapQueens of wrestling right?

Rhea also

The brap goddess has the smelliest braps confirmed by Heath Slater

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Toni farted all over Rhea's face to take her place as the one true BrapQueen. The whole scenario made Rhea look like a braplet and Toni like a BrappAmazon.

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who are some confirmed top tier brappers? we know Sarah Logan from Ride Along and Liv from Heath’s twitter
Are there any other ones?

asians are braplets

Japanese pro-wrestler Riho wearing a bikini.


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She's probably brapped in front of Vince before since this was made.

how is the dyke's brapgame? manly like the rest of her?

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She can probably squeez out some decent ones. Mandy beats her though

Based. I wish to be present when Toni fills a room with her farts at least once before i die

How about Nikki braps?

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confirmed to be shameless about her braps. no word on the actual braps as far as i know

is that Howard Stern?

Based and Brappilled BrapCHAD. I want to smell her lactose braps after she chugs whey and milk shake. You just know she lets long loud farts rip out her brapper throughout the day.

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is she lactose intolerant?


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damn, did not know that. must suck not being able to drink milk without bloating up like a balloon

That means she isn't white, fuck her.

*lets out a silent but absolutely lethal curry brap in your path*

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accurate reaction to smelling one of her braps

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>Has never met a white lactose intolerant BrapHog
Cringe and LowTest

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Are you dumb? White people can be lactose intolerant too, it’s just more common among non-whites


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Toni has so much meat on her. She definitely rips the bubbly and loud farts for sure. She's a thicc BrapAmazon.

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The biggest difference between Europeans and other races is that Europeans don't shit their pants twenty minutes after drinking a glass of milk

Imagine the smell

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Double BrapPress

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