Does highest rating of the year in Becky Lynch's absence.

This week’s episode of WWE SmackDown Live did 2,269,000 viewers. This is up from 2,034,000 viewers the show did last week.

Attached: based asuka miz.jpg (1200x1200, 171K)

This just keeps on happening and it's no longer just a coincidence. Becky is confirmed anti-draw.

>raw skyrockets
No Becky
>Smackdown skyrockets
No Becky
Big think.

How will the bexcels cope with this?

Not saying Becky is or isn't the reason, but NXT callups were advertised. If Becky shows up next week and the ratings drop, then sure, blame her.


both ram and smack got a post ppv ratings bump and a tiny nxt bump
however i cannot deny that with becky advertised and pushe throughout the show in multiple segments ratings dropped and when she is suspended and not on the shows the ratings go up

it was because of the nxt callups not because of becky's absence.
seek sunlight incels

Asuka confirmed for draw once again

they had even more nxt callups 6 weeks ago and that didn't do shit

lol all women wrestling negatively impact ratings no one wants to watch thst shit


Part of it is EC fallout.
Part of it is Kofi push.
Part of it is new faces.
Part of it is no women.

kill yourselves incels

>returns - Becky finally not around
>ratings Skyrocket
>gives best english promo of her career
>cheered and applauded when saying she tapped Becky out
>Ronda's name boo'd out of the building
>crowd killed by Blandy Rose's pin
>pulls double duty and taps Charlotte out to thunderous reaction and sends crowd home happy

The absolute state of Non-Asukas

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I only watched because "my name is Becky and I love to fight" was MIA (thank God), and 2, for based ASUKA


Based indy manlets drawing casual fans

Thank you Ricochet for drawing the house

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Based Kofi

Both shows benefited from the Becky beat down angle, just like the Raw after Austin got arrested

Small part of it: basketball was on all-star break and nothing else was on.

True that, too

her maina entrance should be on the back of a dekotora rickshaw with a long stem pipe going under the mask

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You can't deny facts!


sports were on break and wwe were shilling becky and they still didnt had the viewers
but keep coping

Becketty confirmed ratings cancer

Based Empress

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NXT confirmed draw, Yea Forums btfo how will you guys cope with this

Mommy does it yet again.

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Reminder that based Meltz confirmed ratings only went up this week because of Becky.
>"While some will credit the NXT guys debuting, the ratings pattern indicates something different. The 3,046,000 viewer first hour was the highest-rated hour of Raw since 8/27 (overall it was the best number since the 9/3 show did 2,873,000 viewers on average). From there, the 20.7 drop from hour one to hour three was the seventh worst of all-time.
>That more indicates something happened at the PPV that caused a ton of curiosity, but once people saw the early part of the show, they tuned out in near record numbers. My best explanation would be the angle with Becky Lynch, Ronda Rousey and Charlotte Flair, and once it was made clear Lynch wasn’t on the show, that was it. Rousey was pushed on the show, but it was also a match against the woman she beat quickly the night before. There is almost always a big bump for the first hour after a PPV show, but this was well above usual levels."

That mark is shilling rating poison so hard, you'd think she's signed with New Japan.

>no Becky segment shitting up the beginning of the show
>female champ match killed the last hour of the show

This is what actually happened and to try and argue the exact opposite of this is mental illness

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>Kofi draws the house
>racist incels make a thread saying their waifu drew it
Laugh my ass off.


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Jobs clean and gets booed when massacring another promo

Hot mommy waifus > washed up niggers


Also, NXT.

Ya seethin

Best post in here.

It's not like they advertised 'no Becky this week'. Ratings are a better representative of last weeks show


Attached: Becky tarps.jpg (1125x1249, 300K)

>advertised that Becky is suspended
>It's not like they advertised 'no Becky this week'.
Beckbeard COPE

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Come on now, since when do suspensions work like their supposed to?