Team Kick

>Team Kick
>has one good leg between them

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>tegan nox is only 24
poor girl is going to end up in a wheelchair at this rate

All of the dog dick will put her there first


shell be happier if she quits and has children before she becomes a barren roastie with a pill problem

She was a good youth football player and had to retire from that sport because of her knees, and now she somehow thinks doing dives in wrestling is a good idea.

When will she learn.

Good, that means they can't outrun me.

ding-dong diddly based

They don’t have football for girls

>both knees getting worked on

holy shit she'll have bionic knees by 30

for me, it’s Dakota’s thighs

oh yeah

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How do I get a gf like this

You'd think I'd waste my time posting here if I had an answer for that?

you have to have sex, gain height, take a shower, hit the weights, and get a clue you simp

also your main hobby can't be posting regularly on a mongolian basket weaving image board. I lie and make up hobbies for when I have parties at my place so I have a DSLR that I bought and used twice sitting near my entryway that makes women think I have an actual hobby that doesn't involve watching sweaty man drama and posting here.

However it never gets far enough for them to ask to see my photos because I am an emotionally stunted wreck of a human being that can't get past his own narcissism long enough to care for another human being

i'd love to inhale the inside of those socks

He meant soccer. Plus this broad is Australian, they don't have real football there, closest is they maybe have rugby.

Literally nobody in Team Kick is Australian. Tegan is from Wales and Dakota New Zealand. False-fan.

Meh, New Zealand is close enough and Wales is still a fag country that doesn't play real sports. And whoever said I'm a fan of these sluts, let alone any wymeme "wrestler"?

Be rich

But can their bum leg get spread as easy as the good leg? If so, I see no problem. It's just a ton of missionary until they get a range of motion on their bad knees.

Tegan Nox? More like Kneegone Pop

>ywn lick the inside of those wraps after their treatment is done

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her dog is female

Are you me? I have other hobbies but I have a crippling fear of emotional attachment and having sex with women unironically just makes me think they are disgusting after I finish so I end up just having one night stands constantly I'm not sure what's wrong with me bros

This is legit embarassing

She won't learn. She signed a mark contract and will drag herself through injuries for a few years to get that money.

not be you

Look like this

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I just want to marry Tegan and raise a family with her lads

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dont be a pajeet

>that 5head acne
That's a big yikes from me, chief

homegirl needs to clean up her fucking diet, inexcusable

Eh she's your typical girl without makeup on