Was this the worst WrestleMania in recent memory?

>An OK F4W tag match where Tyson Kidd & Cesaro actually surprisingly retained
>Big Shit wins Andre the Giant Battle Royal
>Ladder Match for IC Title featuring R-Meme and StarDust
>Orton vs Sef (boring AF)
>Triple H vs Sting where Sting got ultra buried and HHH jerked himself off for 30 minutes
>AJ & Paige vs Bellas
>CENAWINSLOL (against Rusev)
>Cringe Wyatt vs Taker (lame ass match)
>and the relatively ONLY good match on the card, the main event: Lesnar vs Reigns where Lesnar was stiffing Reigns and Sef cashed in - but you had to sit thru 4-5 hours of garbage to see it

Just a shit show, truly. Imagine paying $1000+ to be in attendance there.

Attached: WM31Poster.png (278x359, 173K)

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you write like a faggot and no this was the last watchable mania everything since has been worse

It would be but 32,33,34 and soon to be 35 exists. Just a shit show WWE has been this decade

nothing could be worse than 32. just a snorefest throughout, not a single good match or much star power to speak off

And pretty much most of the heels won.

The fucking sad thing is that it’s the best WM of the decade, but it’s still not a great PPV. It’s solid, but not great. If that’s the best they can do WWE will never be good again.

32 was much worse.
>Jericho vs. Styles in a traditional "AJ 'dream matches' are always a gigantic let-down in the big stage"
>League of Nations beat the New Day thanks to interference from Wade Barrett, for some reason don't win the straps, then three old farts come out to bury everyone, the next day the Lads kick out the guy who single-handedly got them the win for no reason
>Brock sleepwalks through a """hardcore""" match with Deanetty
>Carder vs. Shane which is just embarrassing bell to bell
>Andre Jobber Royal in the main card, Borin Corbin wins
>30 minutes of The Rock and John Cena schmaltzing in the ring, bury the Wyatts
>Snoozefest main event Haitch vs. Roman
The only pop for me was Ryder finally winning something, and WWE went right ahead and fucked it up the very next day.

wwe gave up on making any of them notable when they dropped the numbers.
i literally have no idea without looking it up what happened at any past 30

Wait till 35 happens. It's gonna hit a new low

Actually I paid $150 to be there and got pretty good seats.

I thought 33 was freaking terrible


>very good ladder match
>nice rko spot
>triple h vs sting was fun as hell
>seth cashing in

Much better than 32, 33 and 34.
32 was awful, 33 and 34 didn't even feel like wrestlemania

Got rousy and nwo VS dx for like a second

It was great when the NWO song started playing. Even if the finish of that match was stupid since Haitch didn't need to go over. Also I forgot about Ronda, that was great too. Much better than 32, 33 and 34 no doubt

Honestly, they're all shit but this one was the least shit.
32 was total shit
33 was a disaster
34 was fucking crap

I was watching 27 the other day. I don't understand the all time bad WM distinction it gets. Edge/Alberto, Punk/Orton and Rey/Cody were all good enough single matches and Undertaker/HHH was good too. The main event was bad, Cole/Lawler was too but with 4 good matches on the card I don't think it deserves to be all time bad.

Remember when that idiot Meltzer said this was one of the best shows ever because of the "average star rating"? Dude is a total fucking clown.

28 was the last Wrestlemania that felt like Wrestlemania.

what about 30?

Rusev had a tank. One of the most memorable things they've done this decade.
Brock vs Reigns was dope until it got ruined by a mid-carder.
Seeing Sting was cool, shoulda been bette of course.
DX vs nWo


Attached: Rusev-on-What-The-Rock-Steve-Austin-Taught-Him-His-Tank-Entrance.png (700x357, 429K)

A REAL fucking tank, not Paul's 'invasion' Jeep

30 had a nice vibe and feel good ending. As someone who followed Bryan and bought ROH dvds of him back in 2006 it was an amazing moment to see him win the big one.

And absolutely wasted on a Cena Win.

If Rusev won that match it would of put him on an whole other level. Then after a build up towards a match between and Undefeated Rusev vs Brock would of been Epic.

But Cena had to win, even though at this point he only had a few years left, and he himself was at a place where he can recover easy from any loss.

Now we have Rusev sitting outside events trying to sell fucking calendars while his wife cucks him with NXT manlets.

30 sucked man. It only had 2 thing going : the opening geriatric segment and Bryan winning. 31 as a whole is so much better than 30.

29 is my personal least favorite I've ever sat down to watch. Just a god damn snorefest.

>this was the last watchable mania everything since has been worse

the last objectively good WM was 30.
31 was a decline with a good main event
32 was actually worse
33 was maybe better than 32 but completely forgettable, saved by the Brock - Goldberg match
34 was an upswing I guess b/c of Rousey, D Bry, Brock & Reigns, the hope for AJ & Nak and Charles & Asuka

Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar was bigger than anything on 31

30 > 31 > 34 > 33 > 32

Just the GOAT WM passing by. Nothing personal kid

Attached: wrestlemania17-14534911.jpg (605x321, 35K)

33 was the first mania I saw after coming back to wrestling and it would have turned me away again if it wasn't for shit like The Hardy's returning and the Goldberg match.

>WM 30
>objectively good




>triple h vs sting was fun as hell

Yeah watching HHH and hia friends beat down Sting and force him to shake his hand AND raise his hand was reall fun. You drones are the worst.

Attached: 1549044887618.jpg (540x579, 28K)

I dont think it was bad at all.
I do however believe WM31 to be the most overrated wrestlemania of all time

Wow 32 was pretty terrible.

This one actually had a few good matches, and the first return of Dbry

35 SHOULD hit a new low, but lets see who Bryan gets, and what other matches make the card first.

lets see what else
>Dean def Corbin in IC match
> AJ Shane
>Owens Jericho for US
>Baily retains in 4 way with charlotte and sasha and nia - wow forgot that existed
>Cena and nikki vs Miz maryse
>Seth beat H
>Orton def Bray for WWE title
>Brock def Goldberg for U title
>Naomi wins 6 pack challenge for SD womens
>Reigns Taker
Wow, worst main events ever.

WM 34
>seth def Miz, Balor IC title
>Charlotte Aska
>Jinder wins US title against rusev, orton, Roode
>Kurt and Ronda def H and Steph
>Bludgeons win tag titles
>Taker Cena squash
>Bryan Shane v KO and Sami
>Styles v shinske
>Braun and lil jimmy win tag titles
>Brock beats Reigns
lots of disappointment here as well

34>33>32 desu

including OPs


DX vs NWO was fun bro. But yeah, Hunter didn't need to go over

Seth and Orton had that based rko spot tho

this wrestlemania was also the beginning of the '''wwe universe'''


yeah "WWE Universe" was thrown around for 3 or 4 years before the universal title.


Wm 30
The basedboy injury prone midget winning and ruining a whole year of storylines, rushing Roman to the main event

WM 30 was the last solid Mania, although 28 and 29 before it were utter shit

28 was not that bad but yeah 29 was pretty boring. Taker/Punk was good tho

1. 30
2. 31
3. 28
4. 34
5. 29
6. 33
7. 32

>Big Shit

Oh, you mean your home website? Go back there.

I wonder if 35 is gonna make us wish for all the other Manias that people are listing here

Far from the worst

The first time they used the phrase WWE Universe was during McMahons Million Dollar Mania, dirstsheets said Vince came up with it because he didn't like the word fan.

it is unironically a sign of autism if you remember Wrestlemanias enough to rank them

t. Peabrain

I like to imagine he fucked Lana in that thing.

You know Taker and HHH are there every time so you're just left thinking "who was it he wrestled, who was it, who was it...OH!" a year after each one.

The WCW mark in me hated the fact that the nwo helped Sting.

This works with Hogan for the first 9 and carder for every one after that (besides 10 and 16)

Its the fact that Cole/Lawler ate up nearly a fucking hour. Also, Haitch/Taker was a total finisher kickout wank-fest. I was almost impressed they managed to outdo themselves the following year.

Bryan/Haitch was the best normal singles match Haitch ever had in his entire career. Even better than his match with Benoit from No Mercy 2000. You also had Cesaro slamming Big Show out of the ring and Takers streak ending. Overall it was a pretty exciting Mania all around aside from the throwaway Shield match, Cena going over a red hot Wyatt and the Diva Cluster Fuck.

WrestleMania VII is the greatest WM of all time and it isnt even close.

WM Dallas tends to get a pass because Rolllins and Crna we’re injured.

But yeah it was pretty bad

I'd rather pay it instead of staying in my 5ft deep stinky basement to go have fun and probably lose my virginity that night

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29 had potential to be so good. If Cena/Punk was the main event, and Rock faced Jericho (instead of waisting him on fucking Fandango of all people) maybe it wouldn't have been so bad. Not sure who Taker would've wrestled though.

I actually didn't like the HHH Taker match. pspower made a great point about that match sucking if you could find the video.

Could've had Taker vs. Ambrose. They ended up doing that match a few weeks later on a Random SmackDown.

>the best WM of the decade

26, 28 & 30 happened this decade.

>5 years on
>still this mad


>why didn't the LON win the Tag Titles in a trios match

Based wordfilter 92ing this jabroni

>ruining a whole year of storylines

Bryan wasn't even supposed to win in the first place, dummy

Remember when Wrestlemania had roman numerals next to them and not silly symbols like a play button, star, and sun?

WM30 has to be the most overrated and most romanticized WM of all time.

It's literally the only Wrestlemania on The WWE Network that has ended with fans cheering a babyface victory.

Outside 28 it's the only one with that ending this decade

The only thing I'd add is that the shit booking of this WM started the current shit era that we've been stuck in ever since. The fucking E has been on a downward slide ever since WM31 and has shown no signs of recovering. Every decision they've made since has been a disaster and only made things worse.